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There are 14 record/s using the keyword/s: art history.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Art of the United States, 1750-2000: Primary Sources [book review]2020Murphy, Maggie FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Art, Allegory and Geographic Education: Cultural and Meteorological Lessons from the Sky Dei...2019Edgell, Dennis J. FacultyGeology & Geography, UNCP
Authority Changes: Using the Framework to Teach Evaluation in an Art History Class [Slides]2018Murphy, Maggie FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Black Bodies, White Gold: Art, Cotton, and Commerce in the Atlantic World, by A. Arabindan-K...2021Sawyer, Suzanne FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Editing Wikipedia, Discovering Inquiry: Collaboration in a Modern and Contemporary African A...2021Murphy, Maggie FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Editing Wikipedia, Discovering Inquiry: Collaboration in a Modern and Contemporary African A...2021Perrill, Elizabeth A. FacultySchool of Art, UNCG
Framework-based Instruction in Art History: From the First-Year Survey to the Senior Seminar...2018Murphy, Maggie FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Goddess of the Garden: Evidence of Everyday Life and Worship in the Gardens of Pompeii2014Carver, Kimberly StudentArt History, UNCA
The History of Art Education: 1980 to 20062008Stewart, Cheryl StudentArt Education, UNCP
Howard Murry: Paintings Of Valle Crucis, 1930-19681993Cheek, Mary MargaretStudentHistory - Student, ASU
Surreal Worlds : Sculptural Forms and the Architecture of the Unconscious2011Stein, Jason M.StudentArt, ECU
Surreal Worlds: Sculptural Forms and the Architecture of the Unconscious2010Stein, Jason StudentECU
Unearthing: Indigenous Art as Environmental Activism in Contemporary Canada2021Walls, David StudentArts Administration, UNCG
"Your Message Here": An Analysis of the U.S. Navy in Photo Postcards2013Croatt, Stephanie StudentMaritime Studies, ECU