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There are 231 record/s using the keyword/s: adolescents.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
167. The Importance of “Youth Friendly” Clinical Environments for Linking Newly Diagnosed HI...2012Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
30. Transitioning Adolescents With HIV to Adult Care: Examining Processes at Twelve Adolesce...2015Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Adolescent Free time Activity and Its Relationships with Perceptions of Parenting and Intrin...2019Lubben, Isaiah ChristopherStudentECU
Adolescent Perceptions of Health and Social Concerns for the Development of a Risk Reductio...2019Larson, Kim L.StudentECU
Adolescent Perceptions of Health and Social Concerns for the Development of a Risk Reductio...2019Ballard, Sharon StudentECU
Adolescent Perceptions of Health and Social Concerns for the Development of a Risk Reductio...2019Ellis, Danny StudentECU
Adolescent Perceptions of Health and Social Concerns for the Development of a Risk Reductio...2019Sias, Shari StudentECU
Adolescent Perceptions of Health and Social Concerns for the Development of a Risk Reductio...2019Peery, Joshua StudentECU
Adolescent Perceptions of Health and Social Concerns for the Development of a Risk Reductio...2019Cary, Julie StudentECU
Adolescent Perceptions of Health and Social Concerns for the Development of a Risk Reductio...2019Levy, Rebecca StudentECU
Adolescent Perceptions of Health and Social Concerns for the Development of a Risk Reductio...2019Nelson, Taylor StudentECU
Adolescent Stress Induced by Family Structures and its Effect on Adult Health : A Longitudin...2012McDonald, Maria TrullStudentSociology, ECU
Adolescent to adult HIV health care transition from the perspective of adult providers in th...2017Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Adolescents' health behaviors and obesity: Does race affect this epidemic?2010Shelley, Mack C.StudentECU
Adolescents' health behaviors and obesity: Does race affect this epidemic?2010Dodor, Bernice A.StudentECU
Adolescents' health behaviors and obesity: Does race affect this epidemic?2010Hausafus, Cheryl O.StudentECU
Adolescents' Triangulation in Marital Conflict and Peer Relations2009Buehler, Cheryl A.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Mother-adolescent interactions, f...1992Anastopoulos, Arthur D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Patterns of behavioral adjustment...1991Anastopoulos, Arthur D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Patterns of behavioral adjustment...1991Ackerman, Terry A.FacultyEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
Adolescents’ Perceptions of Parental Behaviors as Predictors of Adolescent Self-Esteem in Ma...2002Supple, Andrew "Andy"FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
African American adolescents with sickle cell disease: Support groups and psychological well...1999Telfair, Joseph FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Alcohol and Cigarette Free: Examining Social Influences on Substance Use Abstinence among Bl...2011Nichols, Tracy R.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Ambivalence as a potential mediator of associations between the acculturation gap and Mexica...2016Sayers, Janet L.StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
An Analysis of Environmental and Social Factors Affecting Adolescent Problem Drinking2001Borders, L. DiAnneFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG