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There are 12 record/s using the keyword/s: saxophone.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
An analysis of "Divertimento for alto saxophone and piano" by Charles Wuorinen2014Crouch, Benjamin L.StudentMusic, UNCG
An analysis of overtone production techniques in saxophone teaching methods2018Loboda, Emily J.StudentSchool of Music, UNCG
An annotated bibliography of pedagogical resources for the pre-college saxophonist2015Wallace, Jason N.StudentMusic, UNCG
The application of ancient Chinese drama in the field of saxophone—taking Yuan Zaju as an ex...2024Ma, Xin FacultySchool of Music, UNCG
The improvisational style of Steve Lacy: analyses of selected transcriptions (1957-1962)2018Ostercamp, Neil LewisStudentSchool of Music, UNCG
The integration of sound, resonance, and color in Lacrimosa for alto saxophone and piano by ...2016Thompson, Bobbi AmandaStudentMusic Performance, UNCG
Joe Henderson: An Analysis of Harmony in Selected Compositions and Improvisations2008White, Arthur LynnStudentMusic, UNCG
Johnny Hodges: an analysis and study of his improvisational style through selected transcrip...2021Hill, Aaron D.StudentMusic, UNCG
A performer's guide to the saxophone music of Sherwood Shaffer2007Hays, Andrew PaulStudentMusic, UNCG
Project China: a resource of contemporary saxophone music written by Chinese-born composers2016Gao, Xin StudentMusic Performance, UNCG
A study of Chinese composer Huang Anlun and his Chinese Rhapsody No. 32022Lu, Yue StudentSchool of Music, UNCG
Using post-tonal analytical techniques for a better performance of Ida Gotkovsky's Quatour d...2011Heim, Amanda M.StudentMusic, UNCG