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There are 57 record/s using the keyword/s: knowledge.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Ars Totum Requirit Hominem: A Study and Thinking in Phantasy Fiction1981Kober, Heiderose FacultyPsychology, UNCP
Beliefs Perceptions and Knowledge Regarding the Benefits of Nut Intake2012London, Hilary StudentNutrition, ECU
Benefits barriers self-efficacy and knowledge regarding healthy foods; perception of Afric...2011Colby, Sarah StudentECU
Benefits barriers self-efficacy and knowledge regarding healthy foods; perception of Afric...2011Pawlak, Roman StudentECU
Beyond Knowledge: Exploring Why Some Teachers Are More Thoughtfully Adaptive Than Others2010Faircloth, Beverly S.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Beyond Knowledge: Exploring Why Some Teachers Are More Thoughtfully Adaptive Than Others2010Duffy, Gerald G.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Beyond Knowledge: Exploring Why Some Teachers Are More Thoughtfully Adaptive Than Others2010Fairbanks, Colleen M.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Beyond Knowledge: Exploring Why Some Teachers Are More Thoughtfully Adaptive Than Others2010He, Ye FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Beyond Knowledge: Exploring Why Some Teachers Are More Thoughtfully Adaptive Than Others2010Levin, Barbara B.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Case studies of two teachers: the knowledge teachers draw upon to adapt2009Davis, Stephanie GraysonStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Connecting Talent Management to LIS Course Descriptions [Poster]2022Bird, Nora J.FacultyLibrary and Information Studies, UNCG
Connecting Talent Management to LIS Course Descriptions [Poster]2022Crumpton, Michael FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Consumer drivers of muscadine wine purchase decisions2018Canziani, Bonnie M.FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
Consumer drivers of muscadine wine purchase decisions2018Byrd, Erick T.FacultyRecreation, Tourism, and Hospitality Management, UNCG
Consumer drivers of muscadine wine purchase decisions2018Boles, James S. FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
Content knowledge transformation: An Examination of the relationship between content knowled...1995Ennis, Catherine D.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Content knowledge transformation: An Examination of the relationship between content knowled...1995Chen, Ang FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Cross-cultural training: History, developments, future directions2020Taras, Vasyl FacultyManagement, UNCG
Cross-cultural training: History, developments, future directions2020Liu, Yonghong (Tracy) FacultyManagement, UNCG
Cross-cultural training: History, developments, future directions2020Stackhouse, Madelynn FacultyManagement, UNCG
An educational intervention to improve nursing care of geriatric care in the emergency depar...2016Rhew, Denise C.StudentNursing, UNCG
Effecticeness of Malignant Hyperthermia Simulation Training and Educational Powerpoint on Co...2024Chilton, Amanda StudentNursing, UNCG
Expectations for implementing Common Core State Standards and new programs for reading in a ...2016Watkins, Kellee DillardStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Exploration of Knowledge and Competitiveness in the Fashion Industry Agglomeration2017Karpova, Elena FacultyConsumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG
An exploration of nurses’ knowledge of right hemisphere stroke associated communication impa...2017Brooks, Susan KiserStudentNursing, UNCG