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There are 43 record/s using the keyword/s: disability.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Adolescent Girls' Involvement in Disability Sport: A Comparison of Social Support Mechanisms...2008Bedini, Leandra A.FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Adult Informal Caregivers Reporting Financial Burden In Hawaii, Kansas, And Washington: Resu...2011Bouldin, Erin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Age Group Differences In Healthcare Access For People With Disabilities: Are Young Adults At...2011Bouldin, Erin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
The Americans with Disabilities Act: Implications for Camp Programming1992Bedini, Leandra A.FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Archival artistry: exploring disability aesthetics in late Twentieth Century higher educatio...2018Beard, Lauren StudentEnglish, UNCG
An Assessment of the Leisure Skill Needs of Developmentally Disabled Individuals1979Schleien, Stuart J.FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Beautiful, broken2015Minick, James D.StudentEnglish, UNCG
The Beliefs of K-12 Public School Principals About Disabilities and How Those Beliefs Infor...2012Fisher, Stephen RayStudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Caregivers Of Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment2009Bouldin, Erin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
The challenge of advocacy: The different voices of Helen Keller and Burton Blatt.1997Smith, J. DavidFacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Claiming Disability In Appalachia2020Long, Rebecca EliStudentAppalachian Studies - Student, ASU
Community for all: The therapeutic recreation practitioner’s role in inclusive volunteering...2005Schleien, Stuart J.FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Community for all: The therapeutic recreation practitioner’s role in inclusive volunteering...2005Miller, Kimberly FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Cost As A Barrier To Dental Care Among People With Disabilities: A Report From The Florida B...2010Bouldin, Erin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Crip / Early / Modern: The Sexual Politics Of Disability In English Renaissance Literature2017Gainey, Evyan D.StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
A cross-cultural comparison of services for young children with disabilities using the ACEI ...2011Hardin, Belinda JFacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
A cross-cultural comparison of services for young children with disabilities using the ACEI ...2011Hung, HsuanFang FacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
The Cross-Sectional Association Between Severity Of Non-Cognitive Disability And Self-Report...2016Bouldin, Erin FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Disability is Beautiful, Disability is my Culture2008Purcell, William H.StudentLiberal Studies, UNCG
The effect of media and beauty standards on the body image of women with a visual disability...2019Robertson, Taneka StudentWomen's and Gender Studies, UNCG
Elder-proxy agreement concerning the elder’s functional status and medical history: The impa...1998Sudha, S. FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
A futureless compulsory body : how representations in The Whale perpetuate an idealized body...2024Byrd, Robert StudentWomen's and Gender Studies, UNCG
Harm, Liberty, and Disability2009Rosenberg, Melinda FacultyDepartment of Philosophy and Religion , UNCP
The Healing Power of Art2013Dunn, Mariah StudentMedia Studies, UNCG
Holding tight to the tail of a shooting star: an autoethnography of unschooling as just educ...2019Purcell, William H.StudentLiberal Studies, UNCG