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There are 42 record/s using the keyword/s: anthropology.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
¡Cómo produce la tierra! A Documentary on Life, Land, Family and Food Among Mexican-American...2015Logsdon, Kenneth StudentAnthropology - Student, ASU
An anachronistic Clarkforkian mammal fauna from the Paleocene Fort Union Formation (Great Di...2009Anemone, Robert FacultyBiological Anthropology and Paleoanthropology, UNCG
Anthropology Resources For Librarians2019Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Anthropology: The Incurable Disease1990Locklear, Hayes AlanStudentChancellor's Scholars - American Indian Studies, UNCP
Architecture and Power: Relations on the Wari--Tiwanaku Frontier.2004Nash, Donna FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
Are there two distinct types of hypocone in Eocene primates? The “pseudohypocone” of notharc...2012Anemone, Robert FacultyBiological Anthropology and Paleoanthropology, UNCG
Before the Dawn: Monks and the Night in Late Antiquity and Early Medieval Europe2004Helms, Mary W.FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
Black Carib Domestic Organization in Historical Perspective: Traditional Origins of Contempo...1981Helms, Mary W.FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
Burial Practices during the Late Formative/Early Classic in the Banderas Valley Area of Coas...2006Mountjoy, Joseph B.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Capacha: Una Cultura Enigmática del Occidente de México1994Mountjoy, Joseph B.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Color and Creativity: Interpretation of Themes and Design Styles on a Panamanian Conte Bowl1996Helms, Mary W.FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
A Companion to Biological Anthropology [book review]2011Anemone, Robert FacultyBiological Anthropology and Paleoanthropology, UNCG
Comparisons of Ecological Knowledge About Fish Stocks Among Fishermen Fishery Managers and...2012Hamilton, Melanie StudentAnthropology, ECU
Cross-cultural exchange experiences in China: Medical anthropology and community health nurs...2010Andreatta, Susan L.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Cross-cultural exchange experiences in China: Medical anthropology and community health nurs...2010Hu, Jie FacultyNursing, UNCG
A Dated Cruciform Artifact?1971Mountjoy, Joseph B.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Data Quality in Multi-sited Cross-Sectional and Panel Studies.2010Murphy, Arthur D.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Data Quality in Multi-sited Cross-Sectional and Panel Studies.2010Jones, Eric C.FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
El Establecimiento de Relaciones de Poder a través del Uso del Espacio Residencial en la Pro...2012Nash, Donna FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
Gesture at Dura-Europos; A New Interpretation of the So-called 'scène énigmatique'2016Heyn, Maura K.FacultyClassical Studies, UNCG
GIS and Paleoanthropology: Incorporating New Approaches from the Geospatial Sciences in the ...2011Anemone, Robert FacultyBiological Anthropology and Paleoanthropology, UNCG
The Indians of the Circum-Caribbean at the End of the Fifteenth Century.1984Helms, Mary W.FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
Joseph the Smith and the Salvational Transformation of Matter in Early Medieval Europe2006Helms, Mary W.FacultyAnthropology , UNCG
Laguna de Terminos/Rio Candelaria Delta Core: Conditions of Sustainable Urban Occupation in ...2012Gunn, Joel D.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG