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There are 10 record/s using the keyword/s: alcohol consumption.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Adequacy of Maternal Iron Status Protects against Behavioral, Neuroanatomical, and Growth De...2012Rufer, Echoleah S.StudentECU
Adequacy of Maternal Iron Status Protects against Behavioral, Neuroanatomical, and Growth De...2012Andrzejewski, Matthew E.StudentECU
Adequacy of Maternal Iron Status Protects against Behavioral, Neuroanatomical, and Growth De...2012Flentke, George R.StudentECU
Adequacy of Maternal Iron Status Protects against Behavioral, Neuroanatomical, and Growth De...2012Smith, Susan M.StudentECU
Adequacy of Maternal Iron Status Protects against Behavioral, Neuroanatomical, and Growth De...2012Tran, Tuan D.StudentECU
Adequacy of Maternal Iron Status Protects against Behavioral, Neuroanatomical, and Growth De...2012Attridge, Megan M.StudentECU
Chronic Alcohol Exposure Disturbs Lipid Homeostasis at the Adipose Tissue-Liver Axis in Mice...2013Zhong, Wei FacultyCenter for Translational Biomedical Research, UNCG
The effects of pricing policies and excise taxes on alcohol consumption2024Liu, (Thea) Yutong StudentEconomics, UNCG
Health and Alcohol Consumption Prevalence During the COVID-19 Pandemic2022LaButte, Collin StudentEconomics, UNCG
A study of the individual factors that contribute to alcohol related risk in college student...2019Hicks-Becton, Latasha YvonneStudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG