Dr Sivanadane Mandjiny

Area: Bioprocessing, Bioseparations, Protein Chemistry and Crystallization, and Extraction of toxic metals from water and waste water

There are 2 included publications by Dr Sivanadane Mandjiny :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Physiological Constants of the Entomopathogenic Bacterium Xenorhabdus Nematophila Determined by Microbial Growth Kinetics 2014 1075 Xenorhabdus nematophila, an entomopathogenic bacterium that symbiotically associates with the entomoparasitic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae, was studied to determine its physiological parameters of glucose utilization. X. nematophila was cultured ...
Synthesis of Biodiesel Using Liquid Morpholine as a Homogeneous Basic Catalyst 2011 257 The described technique can be used to produce biodiesel from pure canola oil, waste vegetable oil, or animal fat. The method described in the project uses excess of methanol and liquid morpholine as a catalyst. With this method the biodiesel is prod...