Haimeng Zhang

Dr. Haimeng Zhang received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics with concentration on statistics from the University of Southern California in 1998. He joined UNCG in 2013. He has directed research over a number of undergraduate students through various grants including NSF - REU (2009 - 2012). He was awarded an NSF grant in 2012 to support his research on the statistical analysis of global-scale processes and phenomena.

There are 12 included publications by Haimeng Zhang :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Asymptotic efficiency of estimation in the partial Koziol–Green model 2004 1518 In this paper, the convolution theorem and the minimax theorem for estimating the survival function in the partial Koziol–Green model (PKG) are presented. The result indicates that the partial Abdushukurov–Cheng–Lin (ACL) estimator in the PKG model i...
Efficiency of the maximum partial likelihood estimator for nested case control sampling 2009 1514 In making inference on the relation between failure and exposure histories in the Cox semiparametric model, the maximum partial likelihood estimator (MPLE) of the finite dimensional odds parameter, and the Breslow estimator of the baseline survival f...
Information and asymptotic efficiency of the case-cohort sampling design in Cox’s regression model 2003 1961 Efficiencies of the maximum pseudolikelihood estimator and a number of related estimators for the case-cohort sampling design in the proportional hazards regression model are studied. The asymptotic information and lower bound for estimating the para...
Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Linear Models with Equi-Correlated Random Errors 2006 1894 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of maximum likelihood estimators of unknown parameters in linear models with equi-correlated random errors are presented. The basic technique we use is that these models are, first, orthogonally t...
A note on the generalized maximum likelihood estimator in partial Koziol–Green model 2006 1769 The proportional hazards model with partially informative censoring has been studied by Gather and Pawlitschko [1998. Metrika 48, 189–207] and their partial Abdushukurov–Cheng–Lin (PACL) estimator is a nonparametric estimator of the underlying surviv...
A note on processes with random stationary increments 2014 3800 When the correlation theory is considered for the processes with random stationary increments, Yaglom (1955) has developed the spectral representation theory. In this note, we complete this development by obtaining the inversion formula of the spectr...
A null model of community disassembly effects on vector-borne disease risk 2010 1685 Community structure is heterogeneous at a variety of spatial and temporal scales, and this variation has been shown to influence the risk of zoonotic diseases such as West Nile Virus and Lyme disease. Theoretical models and most empirical evidence su...
On the generalized maximum likelihood estimator of survival function under Koziol–Green model 2006 2275 In this paper, we derive the generalized maximum likelihood estimator (GMLE) of the survival function of a random variable for censored data under the Koziol–Green model. Its small sample properties are compared with those of Abdushukurov–Cheng–Lin (...
On Nelson–Aalen type estimation in the partial Koziol–Green model 2010 1657 In this paper, a Nelson–Aalen (NA) type estimator is derived and its sample properties are compared with the partial Abdushukurov–Cheng–Lin (PACL), generalized maximum likelihood (GMLE), and Kaplan–Meier (KM) estimators under the partial Koziol–Green...
On the Validity of Commonly Used Covariance and Variogram Functions on the Sphere 2011 3256 Covariance and variogram functions have been extensively studied in Euclidean space. In this article, we investigate the validity of commonly used covariance and variogram functions on the sphere. In particular, we show that the spherical and exponen...
On weak consistency in linear models with equi-correlated random errors 2003 1682 A new estimator in linear models with equi-correlated random errors is postulated. Consistency properties of the proposed estimator and the ordinary least squares estimator are studied. It is shown that the new estimator has smaller variance than the...
A simplified representation of the covariance structure of axially symmetric processes on the sphere 2012 1063 Spatial processes having covariance functions that depend solely on the distance between locations are known as homogeneous. Many random processes on the sphere are not homogeneous, especially in the latitudinal dimension. As a result, we study a cla...