David Gifondorwa

Ph.D., Wake Forest University

There are 2 included publications by David Gifondorwa :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Induction of metamorphosis in the marine gastropod, Ilyanassa obsoleta: 5HT, NO and Programmed Cell Death. 2004 2622 The central nervous system (CNS) of a metamorphically competent larva of the caenogastropod Ilyanassa obsoleta contains a medial, unpaired apical ganglion (AG) of approximately 25 neurons that lies above the commissure connecting the paired ce...
Programmed Cell Death in the Apical Ganglion During Larval Metamorphosis of the Marine Mollusc Ilyanassa obsoleta 2006 2901 The apical ganglion (AG) of larval caenogastropods, such as Ilyanassa obsoleta, houses a sensory organ, contains five serotonergic neurons, innervates the muscular and ciliary components of the velum, and sends neurites into a neuropil that li...