William J. Meggs

There are 3 included publications by William J. Meggs :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Hypothesis for induction and propagation of chemical sensitivity based on biopsy studies. 1997 755691 The reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS), the reactive upper airways dysfunction syndrome (RUDS), the sick building syndrome (SBS), and the multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCS) are overlapping disorders in which there is an intoleranc...
Neurogenic inflammation and sensitivity to environmental chemicals. 1993 755691 Neurogenic inflammation as a pathway distinct from antigen-driven, immune-mediated inflammation may play a pivotal role in understanding a broad class of environmental health problems resulting from chemical exposures. Recent progress in understandin...
Neurogenic switching: a hypothesis for a mechanism for shifting the site of inflammation in allergy and chemical sensitivity. 1995 755691 Neurogenic switching is proposed as a hypothesis for a mechanism by which a stimulus at one site can lead to inflammation at a distant site. Neurogenic inflammation occurs when substance P and other neuropeptides released from sensory neurons produce...