James Denniston Ph.D.

Dr. Denniston's interests include: Elementary Information Processing in Animals

There are 13 included publications by James Denniston Ph.D.:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Biological Significance as a Determinant of Cue Competition 1996 2430 Many researchers have noted the similarities between causal judgment in humans and Pavlovian conditioning in animals. One recently noted discrepancy between these two forms of learning is the absence of backward blocking in animals, in contrast w...
Contrasting Predictive and Causal Values of Predictors and of Causes 2005 1424 Three experiments examined human processing of stimuli as predictors and causes. In Experiments 1A and 1B, two serial events that both preceded a third were assessed as predictors and as causes of the third event. Instructions successfully provided s...
Counterconditioning of an Overshadowed Cue Attenuates Overshadowing 2000 1239 In 3 Pavlovian conditioned lick-suppression experiments, rats received overshadowing treatment with a footshock unconditioned stimulus such that Conditioned Stimulus (CS) A overshadowed CS X. Subjects that subsequently received CS X paired with an es...
Cue Competition as a Retrieval Deficit 2003 2264 Four experiments using rats as subjects investigated the claim of Williams (1996) that cue competition results from an associative acquisition deficit, rather than a performance deficit. In Experiment 1, extinction of an overshadowing stimulus follow...
Massive Extinction Treatment Attenuates the Renewal Effect 2003 3136 Two experiments with rats as subjects investigated whether massive extinction can attenuate the renewal effect. Experiment 1 investigated whether moderate or massive extinction could prevent the return of conditioned responding following Pavlovian co...
Posttraining Shifts in the Overshadowing Stimulus–Unconditioned Stimulus Interval Alleviates the Overshadowing Deficit 1999 1090 Two conditioned lick suppression experiments explored the effects on overshadowing of a posttraining change in the temporal relationship between the overshadowing conditioned stimulus (CS) and the unconditioned stimulus (US). Rats received either tra...
Renewal of Comparator Stimuli 1998 1007 Prior research has found a) recovery from overshadowing as a result of posttraining extinction of comparator stimuli (i.e., the overshadowing stimulus), and b) context modulation of conditioned responding to Pavlovian stimuli (i.e., renewal). The ...
The Role of Temporal Relationships in the Transfer of Conditioned Inhibition 1998 2369 Two experiments with rats investigated the temporal relationships under which conditioned inhibition will transfer to an independently conditioned excitor (CS) in a summation test. Experiment 1 trained 2 simultaneous inhibitors with either a trace or...
The Role of Temporal Variables in Inhibition Produced through Extinction 2003 1942 In two experiments with rats as subjects, the temporal characteristics of inhibition produced through extinction were investigated. Each experiment established two independent signals for unconditioned stimulus presentation, one trace and one delay. ...
Temporal Coding in Conditioned Inhibition: Analysis of Associative Structure of Inhibition 2004 2062 Two experiments with rats as subjects were conducted to investigate the associative structure of temporal control of conditioned inhibition through posttraining manipulation of the training excitor-unconditioned stimulus (US) temporal relationship. E...
Temporal Encoding as a Determinant of Overshadowing 1998 1205 Three conditioned lick suppression experiments explored the effects on overshadowing of the temporal relationships of two conditioned stimuli (CSs) with an unconditioned stimulus (US). Assuming overshadowing is maximal when the potential information ...
Timing of omitted events: An analysis of temporal control of inhibitory behavior 2007 1658 This paper reviews research designed to investigate the temporal control of inhibitory responding using rats as subjects. One area of investigation has focused on the role of temporal variables in conditioned inhibition produced using Pavlov's [Pavlo...
Unblocking with Qualitative Change of Unconditioned Stimulus 1997 1449 Conditioned barpress suppression was used to examine the effects of qualitative changes in the unconditioned stimulus (US) between Phases 1 and 2 of a blocking paradigm. In Phase 1, rats received pairings of a conditioned stimulus (CS) with footsh...