Daniel B. Caton PhD

Education: BA-University of South Florida; MS-University of South Florida; PhD-University of Florida. Teaching: I mainly teach courses in astronomy, including Introductory Astronomy (AST 1001/1002), Observational Techniques (AST 2001), Techniques in Astronomical Photometry (AST 3001), and Binary and Variable Stars (AST 2400). I also teach a course in Public and School Outreach in Astronomy (AST 2300), which gives credit for helping with outreach events. Website: http://dsoftp.appstate.edu/web/

There are 1 included publications by Daniel B. Caton PhD:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
White Dwarf Variability With gPhoton: Pulsators 2018 372 We present results from a search for short time-scale white dwarf variability using gPhoton, a time-tagged data base of GALEX photon events and associated software package. We conducted a survey of 320 white dwarf stars in the McCook–Sion catalogue, ...