Dr James Doyle

  • Assistant Professor
  • Management, Marketing and International Business , UNCP
  • james.doyle@uncp.edu
  • (910) 521-6781
  • 1 University Drive
  • Pembroke NC 28372

There are 5 included publications by Dr James Doyle :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Implications of Erroneous Product Reviews by Product-Enthusiast Communicators 2013 559 It is revealed through a between-subjects experiment that “blogger error” produces blameworthiness cognitions as well as specific affective states that together facilitate intentions in offended blog readers to engage in revenge-seeking behaviors dir...
An Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling with an Application to the Blogosphere 2014 781 Structural Equation Modeling or SEM is a family of statistical models that seek to explain relationships amongst constructs and between constructs and indicator variables as represented in a measurement model and in a structural model.
Market Orientation, Strategy and Revenue Growth in the Turkish Hotel Industry 2015 916 This empirical analysis of hotel properties in south-western Turkey draws on the market orientation, strategy, and capabilities literature to highlight the bene?ts of a differentiation strategy and customer-value focus for competitors in this industr...
Modification and Investment Intention in the Consumer-Possession Relationship: A Love Story 2015 539 The present-day automobile is at once a source of physical transportation, of course,but also an extension of self, a potential platform for self-expression and imageenhancement, a source of social approval as well as psychological and physiologicals...
Value-creating mechanisms within the market orientation-performance relationship A meta-analysis 2014 1487 The authors use meta-analysis to identify organizational mechanisms within the market orientation-performance relationship and to assess the implications of correlations between market orientation and complementary organizational orientations for tha...