Community based divorce education programmes: Short-term and longer-term impacts |
2009 |
930 |
Surveys of mandatory parent education in the USA
(M J Geasler and K R Blaisure, ‘A review of divorce education programme materials’ (1998) 47 Family Relations 167–175; M J Geasler and K R Blaisure, ‘1998 Nationwide survey of court-connected divorce ... |
Examining the Dispute Resolution Section Pro Bono Mediation Project Lessons learned and a plan for the future |
2008 |
1269 |
From its inception in the autumn of 2008, of the Dispute Resolution Section’s Pro-Bono Mediation Project represented the best type of collaboration between members of the Dispute Resolution Section and community organizations, one designed to improve... |
Impact of Social Issues on Public Sector Employees: Research Summary and Implications for Workplace Conflict Professionals |
2009 |
1579 |
Employees in the Public Sector face a range of workplace conflicts from the “macro” to the “micro.” State and federal budget cutbacks can jeopardize programs, which can create conflicts with clients who no longer meet eligibility criteria and/or with... |
Integrating Conflict Resolution into EAPs |
2008 |
1613 |
Conflict resolution (CR) has been known by several different names, including conflict management, dispute resolution, and alternative dispute resolution. Regardless of the name, the core skills and interventions are the same, and some of them will b... |
Parenting Coordination: Resolving high conflict parenting disputes in the USA |
2007 |
1410 |
Research has demonstrated the significant negative
impact of ongoing inter-parental conflict on children (PR Amato, ‘The Consequences of Divorce for Adults and Children’ (2000) 62(4) Journal of
Marriage and the Family 1269; B Rodgers and J Pryor, D... |
Parenting coordinators: An examination of an intervention for high conflict custody cases |
2009 |
1128 |
Parenting coordination is a client-pay, hybrid alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process designed for parents and guardians involved in on-going, high conflict custody disputes. Although this practice has been known by different names in different... |
Teoria, Metodo e Analise: as interconexões necessárias no estudo das crianças e das famílias |
2001 |
1262 |
In this article, we argue that there must be a clear and consistent connection in research between the theory that we use, the methods that we employ, and the way in which we analyze our data. This is true no matter what aspects of children and famil... |
Understanding Conflict Resolution from the Inside Out OR Why 800 Pound Gorillas Aren’t Great Mediators |
2011 |
2906 |
When I was a child and later as a nursery school teacher, I had a favorite book featuring Grover from Sesame Street called The Monster at the End of this Book (Stone & Smollin, 1971). Apart from being a wonderful metaphor for how humans attempt to us... |
What do family mediators do? A look at practices and models. |
2002 |
1426 |
The principles and frameworks of family mediation were clearly articulated in a previous issue of Context (Butlin & Elliot, 2001). What I do , as a mediation researcher-practitioner, is try and understand what mediators are doing to practice these p... |