Baker, Marsha


There are 6 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
(In) between word and image : reading comics 2011 8469 In this thesis, I explore what it means to read a comic. Because comics combine words and images, reading a comic involves discovering the various relationships between two forms of language that create meaning. Fundamentally, comics are what Mikha...
The mindful tutor : rhetorical listening in writing center work 2016 3394 This work explores the role rhetorical listening plays in writing center praxis. Currentscholarship on listening in writing center pedagogy has yet to examine this essentialtutoring practice. The author argues that Krista Ratcliffe’s rhetorical liste...
Camaraderie of writers : a quality enhancement plan (QEP) for cultivating excellence in student writing 2010 2437 This thesis presents the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) for the development of a writing fellows program at Montreat College, a small, Christian, liberal arts college in Western North Carolina. This expression of a Writing Across the Curriculum (WA...
Rethinking our composing, recomposing our thinking : composition studies and cognitive psychology consider writing 2011 3220 This thesis strives for an interdisciplinary conversation between composition studies and cognitive psychology. Under particular consideration is the role of automatic thinking in reading and writing and how certain pedagogies of writing might move s...
Meaningful assessment for improving writing center consultations 2011 11606 This thesis presents the spring 2011 assessment for the University Writing Center at UNC Asheville, a small liberal arts college in Western North Carolina. It includes the results of a study that seeks to shift the focus of assessment in the Univer...
Rhetorical relationships in performance poetry 2009 6880 This work examines the rhetorical relationships of performance poetry (slam and spoken word) and how they create a truth-sharing environment for all who are involved through a case study of poets from Atlanta and Charlotte. Using rhetorical strateg...