Asberg, Kia


There are 24 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The effects of perceived social support and coping self-efficacy on trauma symptoms after a traumatic event 2011 12006 Individuals who have had a traumatic experience are more likely to report psychological maladjustment, such as posttraumatic stress (Marx & Sloan, 2003). However, not everyone who experiences a traumatic event will develop symptoms of posttraumatic s...
The media's influence on college females' body satisfaction 2011 7258 College females have been shown to be at risk for problems such as eating disturbances (Schwitzer et al., 2008), body dissatisfaction (Altabe & Thompson, 1993), and depression (Abramson et. al., 1998). Further, some aspects of the media have been sho...
Predicting child abuse potential from the MMPI-2-RF higher order scales and the ASEBA within a sample of care givers referred for evaluation 2012 3923 The purpose of the current study is to examine the association between the higher-order scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Second Edition, Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) and the DSM-oriented scales of the Achenbach System of ...
Effectiveness of child protective services interventions as indicated by rates of recidivism 2012 12624 Child maltreatment is a pervasive problem with a number of negative consequences, both in terms of human suffering and economic costs. This issue is compounded by the alarming rates of abuse recidivism (i.e., having a second case of abuse following t...
Clinical risk factors for substance abuse : the potential effects on treatment outcomes 2016 4512 Alcohol and illicit drug abuse continues to be a significant problem in the United States. Although access to treatment remains a hurdle for many who struggle with addiction, the extent to which treatment (once available) is effective in promoting re...
The effects of trait anxiety, potentially traumatic events, and psychological adjustment on attentional threat bias in college students 2016 1890 Attentional biases towards threatening information are considered a highly adaptive process(e.g., Boyer & Bergstrom, 2011). However, differential processing of threat as a result ofindividual differences can result in attentional mechanisms that are ...
Associations among the triarchic psychopathic constructs, five-factor model of personality, narcissism, disinhibition, and substance use in college students 2016 1507 The term “psychopathy” has had a controversial past with varying conceptualizations and definitions. Presently, psychopathy is “considered to entail persistent behavioral deviancy in the company of emotional-interpersonal detachment” (Patrick, 2010, ...
Parental substance abuse and child maltreatment : a study of child protective services 2015 2850 Child maltreatment continues to be a serious and prevalent issue that affects a significant portionof the population each year, and has been shown to predict negative short and long term effectson victims, and the family as a unit. Much of the litera...
Suicidal ideation among veterans through a lens of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide 2015 1448 Suicide among veterans has reached an all-time high. Joiner’s Interpersonal-PsychologicalTheory of Suicide (IPTS) (Joiner, 2005; Van Orden et al., 2010) stipulates that the desire forsuicide is the highest when both perceived burdensomeness and thwar...
Parenting skills and family stressors : implications for child removal and maltreatment recidivism among CPS involved families 2015 1029 Child maltreatment continues to be a significant problem in the United States. Although afamily’s involvement with Child Protective Services (CPS) may increase the welfare of children,the risk of maltreatment reoccurrence (i.e., recidivism) is common...
Child and non-offending care giver ratings of post-traumatic stress symptoms before and after trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy: a preliminary study 2018 652 The adverse impact of child maltreatment (CM) is undisputed. In fact, the experience of CM can have lasting negative effects across multiple psychosocial domains. For children who have experienced CM, intervention, in particular the availability of e...
Personality, rejection sensitivity and perceptions of social support adequacy as predictors of college students' depressive symptoms 2013 7810 Depression is a common and potentially detrimental occurrence among emerging adults (18 to 25-year-olds), especially those enrolled in college. Underlying personality traits may predispose an individual to experience symptoms of depression, especiall...
Cannabis use, schizotypy and personality : associations with cannabis-related problems and emotion recognition 2013 5796 Individuals with schizotypy often report more cannabis-related problems, which include cognitive, interpersonal, and social responsibility difficulties. Past studies have observed correlations between the factors of schizotypy (i.e., positive, diso...
The maternal influence: child-caregiver interactions as a mechanism for the intergenerational transmission of trauma 2019 659 Child maltreatment (CM) is a substantial public health concern and its occurrence often brings a host of negative outcomes for the individuals involved and the larger community as a whole. Adults who experienced CM in their youth often endure a wide ...
Shame, self-esteem, and identity in the aftermath of adverse childhood experiences: implications for depression and posttraumatic growth in emerging adults 2019 3013 Emerging adulthood (i.e., age 18 to 25-years; Arnett, 2000) is an important developmental period with unique demands (i.e., gaining independence from parents, finding one’s true identity, navigating new and increasing responsibilities). Adverse child...
Predictors of well-being and growth following exposure to interpersonal violence among emerging adults 2017 1033 Interpersonal violence is considered a serious health problem given the potential for contributing to negative outcomes among victims. In recent decades, however, findings from studies have suggested that although the experience of interpersonal viol...
Perceived ethnic discrimination, rumination, and hope: implications for sleep quality in minority and non-minority college students 2018 598 There is a vast amount of literature supporting the notion that sleep is vital for the physical and mental health of human beings. Mentally, poor sleep can interfere with cognitive processes and is a risk factor in the development of health problems....
Components influencing craving in substance use disorders 2014 2143 Previous research has established craving as a significant element in models of Substance Use Disorders (SUD). Craving is a new criterion for SUD in the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illness (DSM-5) and is also considered a ...
Demographic risk factors predicting substance use treatment outcomes 2016 8908 Substance use disorders and misuse of alcohol and drugs are significant problems in the UnitedStates. Demographic variables such as age, marital status, education, and race or ethno-culturalbackground may play a role in the prediction of substance us...
Parenting influences on adolescent risky behaviors : how much do parents matter? 2016 2695 This study utilized retrospective reports from a sample of college students and their primary care giver during childhood to examine the interplay among parent and adolescent personality, parent psychopathology, parenting behaviors, and adolescent ou...
Experiental avoidance and disgust in the context of moral injury: implications for psychological adjustment among veterans 2019 657 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression are pervasive mental health concerns among veteran populations. One factor that has been implicated in the development and maintenance of PTSD and depression is experiential avoidance (EA). Similarl...
Sexual violence, coping self-efficacy, and attachment as predictors of posttraumatic stress in emerging adults 2022 81 Interpersonal trauma (e.g., intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and childhood abuse) can play a significant role on one’s mental representations of the self and others (Fowler et al., 2013; Sandberg et al., 2009). A substantial number of indiv...
Adverse childhood experiences, attachment insecurity, and emotion regulation: implications for substance use in emerging adulthood 2022 83 The new responsibilities and circumstances of individuals entering the first phases of adulthood allow for many outlets of coping that may be potentially harmful to one’s health and/or wellbeing, with one such outlet being substance use. In this stud...
Substance use and post-traumatic stress in victims of trauma: the role of interoceptive body awareness 2021 315 The experience of trauma (e.g., interpersonal violence, sexual assault) is associated with a range of adverse outcomes, including an increased risk for misusing substances (Ullman et al., 2013), often in an attempt to cope (Asberg & Renk, 2012; Hogar...