Wilson Freshwater

  • Research Specialist
  • Center for Marine Science, UNCW
  • freshwaterw@uncw.edu
  • 910-962-2375
  • CMS Myrtle Grove 2325
  • Wilmington NC 28409-5928

Dr. Freshwater joined the Center for Marine Science (CMS) as a research specialist in 1994 and has led the center’s DNA Analysis Core Facility since 2000. His areas of specialty are molecular systematics and evolution of marine organisms, especially marine plants and algae; marine floristic studies including the marine algal floras of North Carolina and Panama. (Note: This photo was originally published in a CMS document which is available at http://www.uncw.edu/cmsr/documents/p.o.MARCH08.final.pdf)

There are 17 included publications by Wilson Freshwater :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Army Corps of Engineers--Environmental Protection Agency Mitigation Policy Memorandum of Agreement. A review 1991 1010 With the passing of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 a tenuous relationship was established between the Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency over administration of the section 404 dredges and fill ...
Bringing molecular tools into environmental resource management: Untangling the molecules to policy pathway 2009 1134 Increasingly, scientists are drawn to public debates on environmental policy, yet find themselves ill-equipped to influence the outcome. While many scientists have collected data (for example, on species being considered for listing under the Endange...
Characteristics and utility of plastid-encoded 16S rRNA gene sequence data in phylogenetic studies of red algae 2004 1538 A set of oligonucleotide primers was designed for amplifying and sequencing the plastid-encoded 16S rRNA gene from red algae. Gene sequences (16S rRNA) were generated from 28 species representing 11 red algal orders. Alignment of sequences from a w...
Diversity of Hypnea (Rhodophyta) in South Florida, with description of H. spiniformis sp. nov. 2024 55 The genus Hypnea is well known to be rich in cryptic species, with many new species being recognized recently based on molecular data. Therefore, we used mitochondrial (COI-5P) and plastid (rbcL) molecular markers, in addition to aspects of morpholog...
Estimates of nuclear DNA content in red algal lineages 2012 1500 The red algae are an evolutionarily ancient group of predominantly marine organisms with an estimated 6000 species. Consensus higher-level molecular phylogenies support a basal split between the unicellular Cyanidiophytina and morphologically diverse...
Evolutionary trends in the seagrass genus Halophila (Thouars): Insights from molecular phylogeny 2002 1951 Relationships among members of the seagrass genus Halophila (Hydrocharitaceae) were investigated using phylogenetic analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The final aligned ITS sequence data set of 70...
First Report of Halopeltis (Rhodophyta, rohodymeniaceae) from the non-tropical Northern Hemisphere: H. adnata (Okamura) comb. nov. from Korea, and H. pellucida sp. nov. and H. willisii sp. nov. from the North Atlantic 2012 461 Using genetic sequencing (COI-5P, LSU, rbcL) to elucidate their phylogenetic positions and then morphological characters to distinguish each from existing species, three procumbent species, including two novel species, from warm temperate Northern He...
A gene phylogeny of the red algae (Rhodophyta) based on plastid-encoded rbcL 1994 1167 A phylogeny for the Rhodophyta has been inferred by parsimony analysis of plastid rbcL sequences representing 81 species, 68 genera, 38 families, and 17 orders of red algae; rbcL encodes the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxyg...
Molecular assisted identification reveals hidden red algae diversity from the Burica Peninsula, Pacific Panama 2017 1597 The marine flora of Panama harbors a rich diversity of green, red and brown algae,and despite chronic understudy, it is reported as the second most diverse marine flora along the Pacific Central American coast, with 174 macroalgal species. Extensive ...
Molecular evidence that the lionfishes Pterois miles and Pterois volitans are distinct species 2009 3674 The lionfish species Pterois miles and P. volitans are popular aquarium fishes that have gained recent notoriety as invasive species along the east coast of the United States and the Bahamas. The two species can usually be identified using dorsal a...
Morphological, ecological and genetic variation among populations of the endemic seagrass Halophila hawaiiana (Hydrocharitaceae) in the Hawaiian Archipelago 2013 1746 The endemic seagrass Halophila hawaiiana Doty & Stone is found in discrete populations throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago. Morphological characteristics of plants from Midway Atoll, Pearl and Hermes Reef, Kaua‘i, O‘ahu, Moloka‘i, and Maui were me...
The occurrence of the Brazilian sub-species of the spiny lobster (Panulirus argus westonii) in Florida waters 2000 791 The Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, is distributed from Brazil throughout the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to approximately North Carolina and Bermuda (Holthius, 1991). It supports major commercial fi sheries in Florida, the Carib...
Phylogenetic analyses of North Carolina Rhodymeniales. I. The genus Asteromenia. 2005 914 There are 16 species of the red algal order Rhodymeniales reported from North Carolina waters. One, Asteromenia peltata, is the only described species in its genus and is reported from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Sequences of the 18S r...
Seasonality of the invasive seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla along the southeastern coast of North Carolina. 2006 1886 Gracilaria vermiculophylla is a red alga that has recently invaded the coastal waters of North Carolina. It has become abundant in the sounds and estuaries of southeastern North Carolina and is a nuisance for commercial fishing operations and indust...
Systematics of Hypnea (Cystocloniaceae, Rhodophyta) from coastal North Carolina, with a first report of Calliblepharis saidana from the United States Atlantic Coast 2021 32 Complete and/or partial DNA sequences for the plastid-encoded rbcL gene and the 5' end of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI-5P) gene were used to re-examine the systematics of Hypnea species (Cystocloniaceae, Rhodophyta) from North Carolina...
Taxagloss: A glossary and translation tool for biodiversity studies 2016 356 Correctly identifying organisms is key to most biological research, and is especially critical in areas of biodiversity and conservation. Yet it remains one of the greatest challenges when studying all but the few well-established model systems. The ...
Utility of FTA cards for the preservation of marine green and red algal DNA 2009 1855 Fast Technology for Analysis of nucleic acids (FTA) cards are a paper-based matrix impregnated with chelators, denaturants and free-radical traps that inhibit enzymes, chemicals and microbes that might degrade DNA or RNA. Originally developed for...