Leonard, Lynn


There are 9 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Sediment deposition and availability in the riparian wetlands of the Cape Fear River 2009 2817 Tidal riparian wetlands serve as buffers between upland areas and the adjacent river channel. The ability of these swamps and marshes to keep up with changes in sea level depends on a combination on several factors including: sediment availability,...
Event driven sediment mobility on the inner continental shelf of Onslow Bay, NC 2009 2324 This study seeks to further constrain near-bottom hydrodynamic current conditions required to mobilize native sediments on a high-energy sediment starved shelf environment and link these data to changes in sidescan sonar imagery of the inner-shelf en...
Landscape aspects of oyster reefs : fragmentation and habitat utilization 2009 3993 The functional value of oyster reefs is recognized in many estuarine systems, with increasing interest in oyster reef restoration for ecological function rather than for fishery production. Reefs provide structure and refuge for juvenile fish and cru...
Hydrography and bottom boundary layer dynamics : influence on inner shelf sediment mobility, Long Bay, NC 2009 1961 Storm-driven processes produced by atmospheric and meteorological forcing dictate sediment transport events in the bottom boundary layer on the inner continental shelf. This study examined the hydrography and bottom boundary layer dynamics of two t...
The influence of the Cape Fear River on characteristics of shelf sediments in Long Bay, North Carolina 2009 2805 The Cape Fear River (CFR) is a low discharge river, which drains the largest area of any rivers fully contained within North Carolina. The river is formed in the Piedmont by the convergence of the Haw and Deep Rivers and then flows southeast throug...
Variability in beach topography and forcing along Oak Island, North Carolina 2009 4466 This study analyzed variability in beach topography along Oak Island, North Carolina as well as local wave, water level, and wind conditions over a two year period to identify patterns of variability in shoreline change and potential processes forc...
The effects of thin layer dredge material disposal on tidal marsh processes, Masonboro Island, NC 2009 1622 Coastal marshes are critical natural resources that provide economic and social benefits. Continued existence of marsh habitat depends on its ability to maintain elevation relative to sea level. Currently, several anthropogenic practices are disrup...
Assessment of tidally influenced riparian wetlands as sinks for fecal coliform bacteria 2009 1426 Suspended particulate and fecal coliform bacteria concentrations measured in the riparian swamps of two differing tidal river systems, one brownwater and one blackwater, in southeast North Carolina indicate that both swamp surfaces export fecal col...
Rainfall impacts on suspended sediment concentrations in an urbanized tidal creek, southeastern North Carolina 2009 2527 Elevated suspended sediment concentrations in fluvial systems are deleterious to fluvial ecosystems. In these systems, increases in total suspended solids (TSS) following rain events have been well documented. The impacts of rainfall on marsh surface...