Anderson, Kenneth


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Critical Friends Group: the effects in an elementary school setting 2009 2583 The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of a Critical Friends Group on classroom practices and collaboration when implemented within an elementary school setting. Nine certified elementary school teachers in a southeastern North Caroli...
The examination of the effects of peer coaching on the practices of pre-service teachers 2009 8523 The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of peer coaching on the classroom practices of pre-service teachers. Participants were four teacher interns from the University of North Carolina Wilmington assigned to a high school in southeaster...
The effects of high stakes testing on the teaching practices of National Board Certified Teachers 2009 6367 This study was conducted to determine if the state mandated multiple-choice end-ofcourse assessments for North Carolina affect the teaching practices of National Board certified teachers. In addition, discrepancies between the teaching methods util...