Byars, Janita


There are 10 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Design and Implementation of a Unit on Improvisation for First-year Instrumental Students 2007 354 The action researcher is a band director in the public schools of Robeson County and has been, for the past six years, teaching first-year band. This has been her first teaching position. In this time, she has based her lesson plans on the music port...
The Application of Portfolios as a Method of Assessment at the Undergraduate and Graduate Levels in the Music Content Area 2005 172 This study examines the development of a pilot portfolio program for the University of North Carolina (UNCP)Music Department for students who are currently enrolled in their undergraduate and graduate degree programs. To begin the process, the writer...
Designing and Implementing a Program to Enhance Music Theory Skills Through Integrated Learning Exercises 2005 205 This study examines the effectiveness of integrating a music theory workbook and theory concepts directly into the performance repertoire of 5 middle schools. Over a 3-week to 3-month treatment period, the activities include identifying and integrati...
Portfolio Project 2006 139 Music is a language common to all people, in all cultures, at all times throughout history. It is a medium with the ability to unite and inspire; a form of expression that undergoes changes that reflect culture, history, and belief; and an instrument...
A Performance/Lecture Contrasting the German Baroque and French Romantic Organs/ Registrations through Select Repertoire 2007 1330 The final lecture project for the Masters of Arts in Music Education Degree is a combination of an organ recital and thesis paper. The music for the recital is German Baroque and French Romantic. The paper explains differences and similarities betwee...
An Analysis and Percussive Arts Demonstration of Developmental Stages in Improvisation with Related Applications for a Middle School Jazz Band 2005 268 The purpose of this research was to analyze models of teaching and learning improvisation and the related applications to middle school and junior high students. A developmental model for improvisation created by John Kratus was the basis of this res...
The Development of an Intonation Skills Unit in a Middle School Instrumental Program 2006 249 This study addresses the question of how intonation can be taught effectively in middle school bands. Introducing intonation to middle school band students has often posed a problem for middle school band directors. Many directors wait until high sch...
Identification of Comparative Song Recital Formats, with a Lecture-Recital Demonstrating a Literary Approach 2006 318 This thesis examines principles of art song recital programming. It acknowledges predictions for the demise of the recital and identifies persons and organizations working to prevent that demise and rejuvenate the art form. It gives an overview of re...
A Lecture/Recital Demonstrating Model Products and Processes for Action Research in a Middle School General Music Unit on Composition 2006 143 According to the National Music Standards (MENC, 1994), students should be composing in their general music classrooms within specific guidelines. The task of composing is not as easily taught or approached in sequential manners that teachers or stud...
Action Research Utilizing Peer Tutoring in a Musicological Unit of Study with a Related Assessment of Student Values and Achievement 2006 314 This study examines the values and beliefs of undergraduate students enrolled in a course in the music history sequence at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke regarding the teaching method, peer tutoring. To begin the process, the writer dev...