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There are 13 record/s using the keyword/s: psychological capital.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Advancing research on creativity in family firms2020Welsh, Dianne H.B.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Authentic leadership and follower development: Psychological capital, positive work climate,...2010Caza, Arran FacultyManagement, UNCG
Counselors as leaders: the mediating role of stress in the relationship between psychologica...2019Williams, Breton R.StudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Going Beyond Research on Goal Setting: A Proposed Role for Organizational Psychological Capi...2013Welsh, Dianne H.B.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Going Beyond Research on Goal Setting: A Proposed Role for Organizational Psychological Capi...2013Memili, Esra FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
Innovativeness and corporate social responsibility in hospitality and tourism family firms: ...2022Memili, Esra FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
An investigation of authentic leadership’s individual and group influences on follower respo...2018Caza, Arran FacultyManagement, UNCG
Organizational Psychological Capital in Family-owned Franchise Firms and Corporate Social Re...2014Welsh, Dianne H.B.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Organizational Psychological Capital in Family-owned Franchise Firms and Corporate Social Re...2014Memili, Esra FacultyMarketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG
Reality check: changes in business students' psychological resources as they move towards gr...2021Tullar, William L.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Reality check: changes in business students' psychological resources as they move towards gr...2021Welsh, Dianne H.B.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
A selective review of developments in positive studies of work and organizations2021Caza, Arran FacultyManagement, UNCG
Workplace ostracism and its negative outcomes: Psychological capital as a moderator2016Yang, Jun "Michelle" FacultyManagement, UNCG