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There are 87 record/s using the keyword/s: older adults.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Medication compliance and the aged: An educational challenge1984Eddy, James M.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Metacognitive predictions and strategic adaptation to distraction2017Siri, Jacob M.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Moderation of older adults’ retrieval reluctance through task instructions and monetary ince...2007Touron, Dayna R.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Motivating mature adults to be physically active2017Wideman, Laurie FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Motivating mature adults to be physically active2017Etnier, Jennifer L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Motivating mature adults to be physically active2017Karper, William B.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Music-Assisted Bathing: Making Shower Time Easier for People with Dementia2014Fitzsimmons, Suzanne FacultyNursing, UNCG
Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Walking Limitations in Ethnically Diverse Older Latinos in ...2019Echeverría, Sandra E. FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Non-Pharmacological Interventions in Long-term care: Feasibility and Recent Trends2014Barba, Beth E.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Non-Pharmacological Interventions in Long-term care: Feasibility and Recent Trends2014Fitzsimmons, Suzanne FacultyNursing, UNCG
Normal changes in the speech of older adults. You’ve still got what it takes, it just takes...2009Hooper, Celia RFacultyHealth and Human Sciences, UNCG
Normal changes in the speech of older adults. You’ve still got what it takes, it just takes...2009Cralidis, Ann LouiseFacultyCommunication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG
Oh, Honey, I Already Forgot That : Strategic Control of Directed Forgetting in Older and You...2008Delaney, Peter F.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Oh, Honey, I Already Forgot That : Strategic Control of Directed Forgetting in Older and You...2008Sahakyan, Lili FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Older Adults with Bipolar Disorder: Guidelines for Primary Care Providers2010Kennedy-Malone, Laurie M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Older Adults with Bipolar Disorder: Guidelines for Primary Care Providers2010Shattell, Mona M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Older Adults: What Every Paediatric Nurse Should Know2010Tesh, Anita S.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Older Adults: What Every Paediatric Nurse Should Know2010Barba, Beth E.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Physical activity and cognition: A narrative review of the evidence for older adults2019Etnier, Jennifer L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Physical activity and cognition: A narrative review of the evidence for older adults2019Slutsky, Alexis B.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Physical activity and cognition: A narrative review of the evidence for older adults2019Drollette, Eric S. FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Physical Activity and Function in Older Adults: Theory of Planned Behavior2007Blue, Carolyn L.FacultyNursing, UNCG
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Evaluation of the ARTmail Senior Art Project Among Seni...2013Sudha, S. FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Postural control entropy is increased when adopting an external focus of attention2019Rhea, Christopher K.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Postural control entropy is increased when adopting an external focus of attention2019Raisbeck, Louisa D. FacultyKinesiology, UNCG