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There are 59 record/s using the keyword/s: intervention.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
HIV prevention interventions with adolescents: Innovations and challenges in partnerships ac...2014Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
The impact of acculturative and contextual factors and session attendance on Latino caregive...2019Prandoni, Juan I.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The impact of the Circle of Security-Parenting© program on mothers in residential substance ...2013Horton, Gretta EvetteStudentCounseling, UNCG
Implementing a Delirium Assessment Tool to Increase Routine Assessment for Hospice Patients2023Kaplan, Karen BrownStudentNursing, UNCG
Improvements in self-reported and parent-proxy perceptions of adolescents’ health-related qu...2017McNeil, Jessica FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Increasing cervical cancer screening among US Hispanics/Latinas: A qualitative systematic re...2014Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Intervention assistance: is it substance or symbolism?2001Rock, Marcia L.FacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Interventions for Suicidal Youth: A Review of the Literature and Developmental Consideration...2009Daniel, Stephanie FacultyCenter for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG
Life span development: Intervention implications for concepts of aging1982Eddy, James M.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Midlife Care Givers: Effectiveness of a Psychoeducationallntervention for Midlife Adults Wit...1994Myers, Jane E.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Obese adolescents who gained/maintained or lost weight have similar results in body composit...2014McNeil, Jessica FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Preliminary impact of the weCare social media intervention to support health for young men w...2018Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Promote Student Success During Independent Seatwork2009Rock, Marcia L.FacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
A quantitative examination of the ways parents and families interact with their students’ co...2019Chapman, Elizabeth A. (Betsy)StudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
A randomized controlled trial examining CBT for college students with ADHD2021Silvia, Paul FacultyPsychology, UNCG
A randomized controlled trial examining CBT for college students with ADHD2021Anastopoulos, Arthur D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
A randomized controlled trial examining CBT for college students with ADHD2021Labban, Jeffrey FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Recreation Programs for Caregivers of Older Adults: A Review and Analysis of Literature from...1999Bedini, Leandra A.FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
A recreation therapy twist to sign language: an intervention for primary progressive aphasia...2010Sardina, Angela StudentCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Reducing HIV risk among Hispanic/Latino men who have sex with men: qualitative analysis of b...2016Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Rehabilitation of older persons disabled by cancer, stroke, and heart disease1986Myers, Jane E.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Review of Exemplar Programs for Adults with Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease2008Buettner, Linda L.FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Secondary effects of myPlaybook on college athletes’ avoidance of drinking games or pregamin...2019Wyrick, David L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Secondary effects of myPlaybook on college athletes’ avoidance of drinking games or pregamin...2019Milroy, Jeffrey JohnFacultyInstitute to Promote Athlete Health and Wellness, UNCG
Sexual Health Interventions for Black Women in the United States: A Systematic Review of Lit...2019Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG