Addressing Inequity: Expanding Access to College-Level Courses for High School Students |
2022 |
408 |
The opportunity to take college courses in high school (dual enrollment) is becoming increasingly prevalent, but access is not equitably distributed. Certain populations, such as economically disadvantaged students and students who are members of rac... |
Defining Rigor |
2005 |
428 |
Slides from a presentation on what "Rigor" is in education and if it is right for everyone. |
Early college puts youth on a college track |
2016 |
1459 |
Early colleges are a rapidly spreading effort to increase students’ access to postsecondary education. Think of them as a proven college transition program for traditionally underrepresented students. |
Early Colleges: Redesigning high school for college readiness |
2012 |
1289 |
This chapter provides an overview of recent literature on college readiness and the emergence of the early college model. Using quantitative and qualitative data from an experimental study of early colleges in North Carolina, researchers describe the... |
Expanding the start of the college pipeline: Ninth grade findings from an experimental study of the impact of the early college high school model |
2012 |
3140 |
Early college high schools are a new and rapidly spreading model that merges the high school and college experiences and that is designed to increase the number of students who graduate from high school and enroll and succeed in postsecondary educati... |
High tech, high touch: The impact of an online course intervention on academic performance and persistence in higher education |
2021 |
790 |
Online courses are a growing part of the community college experience, but many students, particularly minority students or students who are more at-risk, face challenges in passing those courses. This paper presents results from an experimental stud... |
How to assess student performance in history: going beyond multiple-choice tests |
2006 |
1683 |
The purpose of this document is to help teachers implement effective assessment strategies when teaching history. The primary audience for this publication is third through twelfth grade teachers who cover the topic of history in their instruction. S... |
Learning from failure: a discussion guide on high school reform |
2005 |
939 |
This discussion guide is designed to provide information about what hasn’t worked in the past and the lessons we have learned. It can be used by teams of practitioners, policymakers, and members of the community who are in the midst of school reform ... |
Missing Academic Targets in Ninth Grade: Do Early College High Schools Give Students Second Chances for College? |
2022 |
176 |
Advancing in key courses in ninth grade is an early, crucial step in preparing for college. Students who miss academic targets early in high school may not be ready to go to college 4 years later. In the United States, when students fail key courses ... |
Preparing students for college: the implementation and impact of the Early College High School model |
2010 |
2664 |
As implemented in North Carolina, Early College High Schools are small, autonomous schools designed to increase the number of students who graduate from high school and are prepared for postsecondary education. Targeted at students who are underrepre... |
Retention and satisfaction of novice teachers: Lessons from a school reform model |
2016 |
1905 |
In many countries, novice teachers, or those with fewer than four years of experience, have a higher turnover rate than do more experienced teachers. Using teacher employment data, we examine whether schools in an American whole-school reform model a... |
Success in the college preparatory mathematics pipeline: Impact of policies and practices employed by three high school reform models |
2013 |
830 |
This paper examines the relationship of the policies and practices employed by 3 high school reform models – Early College High Schools, Redesigned High Schools, and High Schools That Work – with student success in college preparatory mathematics cou... |
Technology as a catalyst for change: the role of professional development |
2007 |
749 |
This paper presents an analysis of results from an evaluation of The Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning, a professional development program placing technology in the context of student-centered instructional practices. This analysis focuses on... |
Turning around a low-performing high school: Learning from the story of Jones Senior High School |
2013 |
1220 |
Turning around a low-performing school is complex and challenging work. This monograph tells the story of Jones Senior High School, a rural school that increased its achievement from less than 65% passing to approximately 90% passing. Included in thi... |
Using Mixed Methods to Explore Variations in Impact Within RCTs: The Case of Project COMPASS |
2021 |
750 |
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in education are common as the design allows for an unbiased estimate of the overall impact of a program. As more RCTs are completed, researchers are also noting that an overall average impact may mask substantial ... |