Amanda "Amy" Harris Houk

  • Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning
  • University Libraries, UNCG
  • (336) 256-0275
  • 152-A Jackson Library

Amy Harris Houk is the Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning at UNC Greensboro. In this role, she provides leadership for the departments that primarily support the teaching and student success missions of the university. She has worked at UNCG since 2006 in a variety of roles including First-Year Instruction Librarian and Education Librarian. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and American Studies from UNC-Chapel Hill and a Master’s in Library and Information Science from UNCG.

There are 41 included publications by Amanda "Amy" Harris Houk :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Active Learning Strategies for Librarians Working with Online Courses [Slides] 2018 401 Slides from a presentation about tools and strategies for librarians to use for online education courses. Presented in October 2018 at the NCLA Biannual Conference, Winston Salem, NC. October 2018.
Bridges and Barriers: Factors Influencing a Culture of Assessment in Academic Libraries 2015 2166 In an environment in which libraries need to demonstrate value, illustrating how the library contributes to student learning is critical. Gathering and analyzing data to tell the library’s story as well as identify areas for improvement require commi...
Capstone courses and projects 2020 1125 Capstone experiences are required of many students in their final year of undergraduate study in colleges and universities across the United States and the world. A senior capstone is meant to be a culminating project representing the synthesis of a ...
Community outreach initiatives at UNCG Libraries [slides] 2018 280 Slides from a presentation given in October 2018 at the Entrepreneurial Librarian Conference in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
Community outreach initiatives at UNCG Libraries: The ROI of ROI outreach 2019 350 The notion of “community outreach” can be complicated for academic libraries, because both “community” and “outreach” can have multiple meanings. While many academic libraries have a mission or administrative mandate to engage with local and regional...
Curriculum Mapping in Academic Libraries 2015 9809 Librarians at four different academic institutions concurrently completed curriculum mapping projects using varying methods to analyze their information literacy instruction. Curriculum mapping is a process for systematically evaluating components of...
Dealing with data [slides] 2012 224 Slides from a workshop presented in May 2012 as part of the North Carolina Bibliographic Instruction Group Teacher Librarian Academy workshop series.
Drive it home: Increasing interactivity in instruction with Google Drive [slides] 2015 175 Slides from a presentation given in October 2015 at the North Carolina Library Association 61st Biennial Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Drive it home: Increasing interactivity in instruction with Google Drive [slides] 2017 134 Slides from a presentation given in August 2017 at the TALA Instruction Symposium in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Final Report of the Liaison Collections Responsibilities Task Force 2012 2037 This is a report from UNCG University Libraries’ Liaison Collection Responsibilities Task Force on the liaison organizational model and collection development.
First-Year Instruction Generations: Library Instruction for CST 105 [Slides] 2020 298 Presented as part of the UNCG University Libraries Virtual Learning Community. Provides background & context as well as information about future directions for library instruction collaborations with CST 105, the basic course in Communication at UNCG...
From Sous-Chef to Chef de Cuisine: Establishing a Scholarly Identity 2021 188 You have perfected your knife skills, experimented and created dishes, built skills at culinary school, now how can you distinguish yourself among the other chefs? Just as you wouldn’t use a meat cleaver to slice tomatoes, using the proper tools to s...
Getting Started with Google 2012 1410 PowerPoint slides from an online workshop offered to UNCG students and faculty on Google services such as Google Docs, Forms, Labs, Mail Goggles, and Calendar.
Google for Research 2012 837 Slides from an online workshop presented to UNCG faculty and students covering the basics of how Google ranks pages and returns search results, advanced search settings and Google Scholar.
Great Expectations: New Organizational Models for Overworked Liaisons Based on the UNCG Libraries Liaison Collections Responsibilities Task Force 2012 2539 Liaisons (subject specialists) keep getting busier. Research instruction, embedding in classes, outreach, collection development, weeding, assessing teaching and collections, promoting scholarly communication issues, and creating online learning ob...
Information literacy stipends: Innovation through collaboration [slides] 2016 183 Slides from a presentation given September 2016 at the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy in Savannah, Georgia.
Instructional Technology: It’s a Team Thing. 2010 1159 PowerPoint slides from a panel presentation on instructional technologies at the Computers in Libraries 2010 Conference in Arlington, VA
Introducing scholarly communications: A cross-departmental approach for reaching students and faculty [slides] 2020 1057 Slides from a presentation discussing cross-departmental efforts to provide scholarly communications training to graduate students and faculty members at UNC Greensboro. This presentation was delivered on May 27, 2020 at the Azalea Coast Library Asso...
Lead, follow, or get out of the way: The librarian's role on the QEP committee [slides] 2012 198 Slides from a presentation given in October 2012 at the Assessment Beyond Statistics: A Mini-Conference Devoted to Issues in Academic Library Assessment, Thomasville, NC.
Leading from the Side: getting things done when you aren’t in charge 2012 1608 PowerPoint slides from a presentation at the 3rd Annual Share Academy in August 2012. Discusses the difference between leadership and management, and ways to provide leadership without a traditional authority role.
The Lending Cupboard at UNCG University Libraries: A Pilot Project [poster] 2023 137 Description: Poster presented at the North Carolina Library Association's 2023 biennial conference in Winston-Salem, NC about the library's lending cupboard initiative.
License to drive: Using Google Drive in the classroom [slides] 2014 218 Slides from a presentation given in May 2014 to The Innovative Library Classroom in Radford, Virginia.
Lighting the Path for Asynchronous Tutorials. 2011 1408 PowerPoint slides from a presentation at Lilly South Conference on College and University Teaching in Greensboro NC. Presentation covered the pros and cons of asynchronous learning as well as asynchronous learning tutorials offered at UNCG.
Meet in the middle: Crisis communication and the middle manager [slides] 2020 186 Slides from a presentation given July 17, 2020 at Uncancelled: The NCLA 2020 Virtual Conference.
No train, no gain: Instituting an information literacy professional development program [slides] 2012 223 Slides from a presentation given in June 2012 at the 7th Annual Metrolina Library Association Information Literacy Conference, Charlotte, NC.
Organizing Your Pantry: Teaching Zotero to Graduate Students 2021 243 Graduate students collect a lot of food in their pantries throughout their studies but organizing it can be a challenge. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) Libraries support Zotero to help students organize their pantries so they c...
Practical UDL for the one-shot library instruction session [slides] 2015 217 Slides from a presentation given in October 2015 at the North Carolina Library Association 61st Biennial Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Practical UDL for the one-shot workshop [slides] 2014 228 Slides from a presentation given in June 2014 to the Metrolina Library Association in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Quiet!!!: Supporting ADHD staff in Libraries [slides] 2023 368 [Slide deck and transcript from a presentation given at the 65th (virtual) North Carolina Library Association on October 16, 2023.]
Reflections from a faculty learning community at UNCG [slides] 2013 193 Slides from a presentation given in May 2013 at the College STAR Shared Learning Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Standing on the shoulders of giants: Using information literacy for faculty outreach [slides] 2012 197 Slides from a presentation given June 14, 2012 at the 7th Annual Metrolina Library Association Information Literacy Conference in Charlotte, NC.
Starting the write way: Comparing two library scholarly development programs 2010 344 How many faculty librarians have uttered the plaint, “I don’t know how to start getting published!” or similar laments about the publish-or-perish obligation? Because scholarship among academic librarians is a serious and often daunting issue, much t...
Take a CHANCE: Academic Library Outreach to Hispanic and Latinx High School Students [slides] 2019 485 Slides from a presentation given at the NCLA Biennial Conference in Winston-Salem, NC in October 2019.
Time flies when you're having fun: Intensive LIS internships [poster] 2019 215 Poster presented October 2019 at 63rd North Carolina Biennial Conference in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
Training Future Librarians: Creating Online, Flexible, and Effective Internships and Practicum Experiences for LIS Graduate Students 2022 241 What roles should academic libraries play in developing future professionals? As more graduate programs, including library and information science (LIS) programs, are moving online to accommodate nontraditional students and busy schedules, this quest...
UNCG University Libraries' Support of High Impact Practices. 2013 2255 This report addresses the University Libraries’ significant role in participating in the high impact initiatives identified by the AAC&U’s LEAP Report and adopted by UNCG in its Strategic Plan 2009-14. These practices are proven to positively impact ...
Undergraduate Research Success with a Three-Mentor Model: A Case Study of a McNair Scholars Program 2023 258 The McNair Scholars Program is one of eight TRIO Programs funded by the US Department ofEducation.1 TRIO Programs were established in 1965 as a part of President Lyndon Johnson’sWar on Poverty. President Johnson argued throughout his presidency that ...
Using Statistics to Define the Problem : Data and Service Learning 2022 131 According to the National Youth Leadership Council, “Service-learning is an approach to teaching and learning in which students use academic and civic knowledge and skills to address genuine community needs.”1 Service learning is considered a high-im...
Well begun is half done: Developing outcome statements [slides] 2015 144 Slides from a presentation given February 9, 2015 at the Empirical Librarian in Greensboro, North Carolina.
With friends like these... The role of critical friends in professional development [slides] 2019 269 Slides from a presentation given October 18, 2019 at the 63rd North Carolina Library Association Biennial Conference in Winston Salem, NC, United States.
You live, you learn: Leadership and professional development for the instruction librarian [slides] 2013 209 Slides from a presentation given June 13, 2013 at the 8th Annual Metrolina Information Literacy Conference in Charlotte, NC.