Childhood Trauma and Adulthood Physical Health in Mexico. |
2009 |
4112 |
The present study examined the effect of childhood trauma on adulthood physical health among a randomly selected sample of adults (N = 2,177) in urban Mexico.
Adults were interviewed about their experiences of trauma, post-traum... |
Chronic Hazard: Weighing Risk against the Effects of Emergency Evacuation from Popocatépetl, México. |
2007 |
3317 |
The global disasters of recent years have drawn worldwide attention to the number of people living in high-risk hazard zones that expose them to landslides, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. More than half the world's population, 3.4 billi... |
Class-Based Social Networks in Regional Economic Systems. |
2003 |
2677 |
Does a village's location in a regional economic system predict the extent to which close interpersonal relationships are based on socioeconomic similarity? A comparison of sample social networks of four frontier villages in northwest Ecuador showed ... |
Cross-Cultural and Site-Based Influences on Demographic, Well-being, and Social Network Predictors of Risk Perception in Hazard and Disaster Settings in Ecuador and Mexico |
2013 |
2941 |
Although virtually all comparative research about risk perception focuses on which hazards are of concern to people in different culture groups, much can be gained by focusing on predictors of levels of risk perception in various countries and places... |
Data Quality in Multi-sited Cross-Sectional and Panel Studies. |
2010 |
1395 |
The authors address the issues faced while collecting survey data as part of a large multisite, multidisciplinary long-term project using interviewers rather than self-administered questionnaires in a country in which the researchers are not native. ... |
Livestock Raiding and Rainfall Variability in Northwestern Kenya. |
2012 |
3979 |
In 2009, Witsenburg and Adano summarized their research on rainfall variability and livestock raiding in Marsabit District, Kenya. They found that livestock-related violence was higher in wetter months and wetter years, contrary to the common assumpt... |
Postdisaster reciprocity and the development of inequality in personal networks |
2015 |
1711 |
Within the context of major changes in economics, population distribution, and lifestyles around the world, people continue to rely on personal relationships for support. People also often create or find themselves in relationships that are alternati... |
Remarkable properties of human ecosystems. |
2003 |
3151 |
This paper explores some of the remarkable properties that set human ecosystems apart from nonhuman ecosystems. The identification of these properties provides a framework for bridging the theoretical and methodological divide between biological ecol... |
The role of individual well-being in risk perception and evacuation for chronic vs. acute natural hazards in Mexico. |
2011 |
2284 |
This paper examines how situational and cognitive measures of well-being associated with chronic and acute hazardous conditions affect perception of risk. The research was conducted in two disaster sites in the state of Puebla, Mexico; risk perceptio... |
Social Capital and the Experience of Prejudice, Aggression and Discrimination among Immigrants, US-Born Minorities, and Whites in Greensboro, NC. |
2011 |
2402 |
Immigrants experience a myriad of pressures in accessing resources and negotiating culture that other city populations typically do not experience. At the same time, immigrants report use of unique protective factors, or behaviors and conditions that... |
Social Scientists Suggest a Disaster Research Agenda: Understanding Socio- Ecological Sustainability and Disaster Resilience Prioritized. |
2006 |
1845 |
In response to a perception that hazard and disaster research funding is sporadic in scope and focus, Duane A Gill organized and presided over a Katrina Summit held November 18-19 at Mississippi State University's Social Science Research Center, wher... |
A Survey of Databases Covering Specific Water-borne Diseases and Water Contaminants in the US-Mexico Border Region. |
2005 |
1512 |
The contractor was asked to investigate databases that cover diarrhea/diarrhea-causing pathogens, hepatitis A, amebiasis/amebas, shigellosis/shigella, typhoid/typhoid fever, lead/lead compounds, arsenic, chromium, and all types of pesticides as eithe... |
Underutilization of Mental Health Services Among Bereaved Caregivers with Prolonged Grief Disorder. |
2011 |
1642 |
This study examined grief and mental health service use among 86 bereaved caregivers of advanced cancer patients.
Caregivers were assessed before (median=3.1 months) and after (median=6.6 months) patients' deaths for prolonged ... |
Wealth-Based Trust and the Development of Collective Action. |
2004 |
3419 |
Interpersonal trust is one possible mechanism by which wealth inequality affects the success of efforts in cooperation. Specifically, the presence of perceived economic differences between members of small agricultural cooperatives in northwest Ecuad... |