Christian Moraru

Dr. Moraru’s interests include American literature, especially post-1945, literary and cultural theory, narrative, comparative literature, postmodernism, globalism, cosmopolitanism, postcolonialism and East- European developments and Cold War/post-Cold War studies in transnational perspective.

There are 4 included publications by Christian Moraru :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The Forster Connection or, Cosmopolitanism Redux: Zadie Smith's On Beauty, Howards End, and the Schlegels 2011 6231 To be sure, On Beauty can be read as a tribute to Forster, on several levels. An exquisite response to Howards End, the novel repays Smith's debt with cultural interest, so to speak, by retelling Forster's story for the new millennium's globalizing w...
Reading, Writing, Being: Persians, Parisians, and the Scandal of Identity 2009 938 Moraru discusses the impact of Matei Calinescu's writings to all his readers. Calinescu's work is merely a kind of optical instrument which he offers to the reader to enable him to discern what, without the book, he would perhaps have never perceived...
“To Eat Is a Compromise”: Theory, Identity, and Dietary Politics after Kafka 2011 1645 "La faim, c'est moi"- hunger is me- confesses Amélie Nothomb's heroine in Biographie de la faim (The Biography of Hunger) (22). A strange statement, of course, but no stranger than the Flaubertian dictum it evokes. So what exactly does Nothomb acknow...
Zombie Pedagogy: Rigor Mortis and the U. S. Body Politic 2012 4687 This article explores the popularity of Zombies in recent American popular culture and media.