Adherence to Worksite Exercise Programs: An Integrative Review of Recent Research |
1995 |
2864 |
Exercise has received considerable attention at the worksite in recent years because of its association with reduced risk for cardiovascular arid musculoskeletal diseases, obesity, and mental health problems, and its potential for minimizing the nega... |
Beliefs of Blue-collar Workers: Stage of Readiness for Exercise |
2003 |
3382 |
To address a theoretical
debate regarding contributions
of self-efficacy and the
theory of planned behavior (TPB)
in explaining the amount of variance
in stage of readiness to exercise
among blue-collar workers.
Method: A validated questionnai... |
Body Mass Index and Percentage Body Fat as Health Indicators for Young Adults |
2007 |
5667 |
Objectives: To investigate the validity
of an axiom that body mass
index (BMI) and percentage body fat
(%BF), above an ideal, are health risk
factors. Methods: Participants were
2615 volunteers who participated in
a health-screening program con... |
Cardiorespiratory fitness and mortality in diabetic men with and without cardiovascular disease |
2009 |
1624 |
We assessed joint associations of cardiorespiratory fitness and diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), or both with all-cause mortality. High-fitness eliminated mortality risk in diabetes (P < 0.001) and halved risk of death in diabetes/CVD (P < 0.0... |
A Case Management Tool for Occupational Health Nurses |
1994 |
2069 |
Today; occupational case management is
implemented by a variety of occupational health professionals, including occupational health nurses. For example, occupational health nurses are exploring employee satisfaction with occupational case management... |
Change in Diet, Physical Activity, and Body Weight in Female College Freshman |
2004 |
7370 |
Objective: To examine diet,
physical activity, and body-weight
changes associated with relocation
from home to university.
Methods: Diet, fitness/physical
activity, body-weight parameters
and self-efficacy were assessed
among 54 freshman women... |
Commentary on “The Brief Serenity Scale: A Psychometric Analysis of a Measure of Spirituality and Well-Being” |
2009 |
3594 |
The purpose of the study by Mary Jo Kreitzer and her colleagues (2009) was to conduct a psychometric analysis of the Serenity Scale, which is purported to measure important dimensions of spirituality and well-being that are sensitive to nursing inter... |
Corporate Social Marketing: Message Design to Recruit Program Participants |
2002 |
1759 |
Objective: To identify variables
for a corporate social marketing
(SM) health message based on the
4 P’s of SM in order to recruit
future participants to an existing
national, commercial, self-administered
weight-loss program.
Method: A system... |
A Cost-Effective Method of Skills Practice |
1992 |
1857 |
Practice equipment costs for students have soared in the last ten to fifteen years. The dilemma is how to achieve the required level of skill proficiency in a cost-efficient manner.
Due to the high cost of disposable equipment and supplie... |
Critical Thinking and Computer-Assisted Instruction |
1990 |
2072 |
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is a popular learning tool in schools of nursing. Studies show CAI is effective in learning complex information; there are mixed results about student attitude toward the use of this learning method.
CAI... |
A curriculum model for an integrated senior year clinical experience |
2000 |
1132 |
Transformations in the delivery of health care from hospital to community have brought about many changes in nursing practice. These, in turn, have necessitated alterations in the education of nursing students, the curricula, and clinical experiences... |
Does the Theory of Planned Behavior Identify Diabetes-Related Cognitions for Intention to Be Physically Active and Eat a Healthy Diet? |
2007 |
14169 |
Diabetes, a major public health problem, can be prevented or delayed with physical activity and diet modifications, but this requires changing behavior. Understanding the beliefs of persons at risk for diabetes may result in more effective and effici... |
Ergonomics: The Development of an Ergonomics Training Program to Identify, Evaluate, and Control Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Nursing Assistants at a State-Run Veterans’ Home |
2004 |
3639 |
Nursing assistants (NAs) who work in nursing and personal care facilities are twice and five times more likely, respectively, to suffer a musculoskeletal disorder compared to service industries and other health care facilities, respectively. The purp... |
Evaluating a Fear Appeal Message to Reduce Alcohol Use among “Greeks” |
2001 |
5094 |
Objective: To evaluate the impact
of a fear appeal message on
college students’ drinking behavior
using the extended parallel
process model. Method: A survey
was administered to a random
sample of undergraduates (n=224)
in 38 national fraterna... |
Exercise Among Blue-Collar Workers: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior By: Carolyn |
2001 |
6604 |
The purpose of this study was to identify cognitive predictors of blue-collar workers' (N=468) intention to exercise and their self-reported exercise behavior. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) provided the framework for the study. A cross-section... |
Exercise-Induced Asthma: The “Silent Asthma” |
1988 |
4446 |
Exercise-induced asthma produces discomfort and anxiety and frequently limits normal activity in children. New knowledge about exercise-induced asthma can be used by nurses to identify undiagnosed children and to control the undesirable effects produ... |
Home Care of the Epidural Analgesia Patient: The Nurse's Role |
1989 |
4745 |
Spinal analgesia offers a viable alternative for many patients with cancer whose pain cannot be controlled by systemic narcotics. The success of this therapy depends largely on the effectiveness of the home health nurse in instructing patient and car... |
Mary Breckinridge Meets Healthy People 2010: A Teaching Strategy for Visioning and Building Healthy Communities |
2004 |
6093 |
In both midwifery and nursing education, it is essential to include innovative teaching strategies that address the health of communities. This article presents a creative learning activity for midwifery and/or nursing education that integrates Mary ... |
Physical Activity and Function in Older Adults: Theory of Planned Behavior |
2007 |
7081 |
Objective: To assess the theory
of planned behavior (TPB) and TPB
with functional ability to explain
intention and self-reported physical
activity (PA) behavior of older
adults. Methods: A survey was
mailed to 2056 retirees from a
large Midwes... |
Physical Activity Belief Scales for Diabetes Risk: Development and Psychometric Testing |
2008 |
3497 |
This article describes the development and psychometric evaluation of behavioral belief, normative belief, and control belief scales, derived from the theory of planned behavior to predict physical activity intentions of persons at risk for diabetes.... |
Physical Fitness and Employee Absenteeism |
1995 |
2600 |
The purpose of this article is to discuss the measurement issues that need to be considered by the
occupational health nurse when designing and
evaluating worksite physical fitness programs that have as an intended program outcome the reduction of
... |
The Predictive Capacity of the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior in Exercise Research: An Integrated Literature Review |
1995 |
33861 |
Although the association between habitual exercise and health benefits has been well documented, physical activity levels in the United States are lower than is necessary to reach the nation's health potential. Beliefs that people hold can be a motiv... |
Predictors of Influenza Vaccine Acceptance Among Healthy Adult Workers |
2002 |
3617 |
A self administered questionnaire with items
derived from the Health Belief Model was mailed
to a random sample of workers prior to a worksite
influenza vaccine program in this descriptive
study of 207 service and clerical workers. The
researche... |
Psychometric Properties of the Healthful Eating Belief Scales for Persons at Risk of Diabetes |
2006 |
3370 |
Objective: To examine the validity and reliability of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) scales for healthful eating for persons at risk for diabetes.
Design: Cross-sectional, using a self-administered questionnaire.
Setting: Community in the Midwest... |
Social Marketing: Developing a Tailored Message for a Physical Activity Program |
2000 |
2190 |
Objective: To apply social marketing principles to identify message components for development of a campaign, to recruit participants, and/or to tailor a physical activity program to blue-collar employees.
Method: An author-developed, 74-item questi... |
Strategy for reinforcing drug knowledge and accountability in drug administration. |
1989 |
1988 |
A variety of drugs is being rapidly
developed in the pharmacy laboratory by
systemic research. Scientific discovery has
led to polypharmacy. The resulting numbers
of different drugs have made it nearly
impossible for nurses to retain knowledge
... |
Synthesis of Intervention Research to Modify Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviors |
2005 |
6645 |
A descriptive literature review was conducted to examine conceptual and methodological issues of interventions aimed at improving both physical activity and diet behaviors according to critical elements established by Sidani and Braden (1998). The me... |
Using clinical data as a surveillance tool in the workplace. |
1995 |
2107 |
Occupational health nurses routinely
collect clinical information and
enter it in the worker's clinical chart
record. While a single chart provides
information for making clinical decisions
for an individual, the information
from many charts is... |
Using Social Marketing to Develop and Test Tailored Health Messages |
2001 |
3489 |
Objective: To advance and promote
procedures to evaluate tailored
health messages based on
the 4 Ps of social marketing (SM).
Method: Three studies are presented
for heuristic purposes to
show the evolution and application
of a “research plan”... |
Women in nontraditional jobs: Is there a risk for musculoskeletal injury? |
1993 |
3464 |
Musculoskeletal disorders are a leading
cause of disability among workers in
the United States, affecting nearly one
half of the nation's work force (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, 1986). In 1988, work
related injuries, including ... |