Jacqueline K. Debrew

**Education: PhD - UNCG, Curriculum & Instruction in Higher Education - 2008--Post-master's certificate in college teaching and adult learning - UNCG, CUI - 2005--MSN - UNCG, Nursing - 1996--BSN - UNCG, Nursing - 1991 **Areas of Expertise: Gerontology--Community Health--Nursing Education

There are 21 included publications by Jacqueline K. Debrew :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Assessing food insecurity: What nurses should know 2021 132 A female patient with diabetes was treated in the ED after repeated episodes of hypoglycemiawithout an obvious cause. A nursing assessment revealed that she knows how she should eat tomanage her blood glucose levels, but by the middle of the month, s...
Assessing medication knowledge and practices of older adults 1998 5833 An assessment instrument for home health nurses to use in assessing medication knowledge and practices of older adults was developed and tested on a convenience sample of 20 adults 65 and older admit to a local home health agency. The tool was found ...
Can being ageist harm your older adult patients? 2015 1520 MR. C, 81, was admitted to an acute care facility for a scheduled total hip arthroplasty. Before the surgery, Mr. C worked part-time in the accounting office he'd started over 45 years ago, now managed by his son. He was completely independent in his...
Changing Practice Through Meaningful Assignments: Ideas for Supporting RN-BSN Students 2020 82 Although nurses entering RN-BSN programs often perceive that earning the BSN will be of little benefit, upon completion, they do believe they have made professional gains, demonstrating that they have experienced a change in perspective. Mezirow’s th...
Filling the gap: intergenerational activities and their importance to nursing. 2003 1454 My 4-year-old daughter's preschool class recently formed a relationship with the participants of a local adult daycare center. Once a month, the preschoolers walk to the nearby center for some type of activity with the older adults: sharing stories, ...
Helping Older Adults Find Meaning and Purpose Through Storytelling 2009 27592 The purpose of this article is to describe a storytelling project that was designed to help community-dwelling older adults find meaning and purpose in their lives through reminiscing about the past. The storytelling project was successful not o...
How to be successful in nursing school: what every student should know. 2012 1446 What Does “Successful” Look Like? In a qualitative study examining clinical evaluation, researchers asked experienced nurse educators to identify characteristics of successful student nurses in the clinical setting (Lewallen & DeBrew, in press). ...
Integrating gerontology and community concepts through simulation 2017 1259 This article describes an innovative simulation experience for nursing students. Faculty from a community health nursing course and a course in gerontology worked together to provide a comprehensive simulation experience that combined low-fidelity an...
A Liberal Education: Making the Essentials Practical 2008 1695 The newly revised Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice states that “a solid base in liberal education provides the cornerstone for the practice and education of nurses.”1(p3) Liberal education is thought to provide ...
"Looking for a unicorn": The challenges of studying African American men enrolled in pre- licensure nursing programs 2022 110 The purpose of this article is to relay the results of research study about the perceived challenges and successes of African American men in pre-licensure nursing programs, while describing the lessons learned when trying to research an underreprese...
Looking Through a Community Lens: Innovative Ways to Integrate Community Health Nursing Competencies into All Settings of Care 2010 2605 Community nursing is not a new. In fact, nursing practice in the home and community is the oldest form of nursing care. Yet, nursing education's move to the university from hospital-based programs coupled with advances in health care technology locat...
“Looks Can be Deceiving”: An Innovative Way to Teach Nursing Students about Substance Use Disorder 2023 149 Information about substance use disorders (SUDs) is commonly taught in pre-licensure nursingprograms. Nurses, regardless of their work settings, undoubtedly will encounter clients who deal with SUDs, and therefore it is imperative that nurse educator...
Outsiders in Nursing Education: Cultural Sensitivity in Clinical Education 2014 5931 Cultural competence is a stated value of nursing and nursing education. However, some institutional and traditional practices in nursing education can unintentionally impede nurses from achieving cultural competence. Both the literature and interview...
Partners in learning: a collaborative model to increase the number of baccalaureate-prepared nurses 2018 1063 One bachelor of science in nursing (BSN)-granting institution sought to break down the barriers that many registered nurses encounter by forming partnerships with community colleges in the state to improve access and create as seamless a transition a...
Perceptions and Meanings of Liberal Education: A Qualitative Comparison of Two Types of Nursing Graduates 2008 5802 The purpose of this study was to understand (a) how BSN graduates perceive the relationship between their liberal education experiences in college and nursing practice; (b) how RN-BSN graduates and pre-licensure BSN graduates differ in these percepti...
Perceptions of Liberal Education of Two Types of Nursing Graduates: The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice 2010 7885 Th e American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN, 1998), which defines the expectations of a new baccalaureate-prepared nurse, includes a liberal education as a desired outcome for bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) graduates. A liberal ed...
Successful and Unsuccessful Clinical Nursing Students 2012 13401 This study describes the characteristics of successful and unsuccessful clinical performance in prelicensure nursing students. Clinical evaluation is an important role of nurse educators; however, many feel uncomfortable with its subjective nature, a...
To Pass or to Fail? Understanding the Factors Considered by Faculty in the Clinical Evaluation of Nursing Students 2014 20525 Making the decision to pass or to fail a nursing student is difficult for nurse educators, yet one that all educators face at some point in time. To make this decision, nurse educators draw from their past experiences and personal reflections on the ...
Transformative Learning: Changing Nurses’ Perceptions about People in Poverty 2024 93 Background: Meaningful learning experiences with clients in poverty may help nursing students change their perceptions towards those experiencing poverty and, thus, provide unbiased, nonjudgmental care when they become nurses.Purpose: The purpose of ...
An unlikely advocate: the role of the school nurse with children who have dyslexia 2014 1042 School nurses are often the first line of advocacy for children when problems arise. One common learning disability, dyslexia, requires advocacy from the school nurse. However, due to lack of knowledge, misunderstandings, and misconceptions about the...
What It's like to be Poor: Teaching RN-to-BSN Students about Poverty 2020 101 Because simulation in nursing school is used to allow nursing students a safe place to practiceskills, it may not be widely used with RN-to-BSN students who are already registered nurses butare returning to school to earn their Bachelor of Science in...