All---hazards preparedness in an era of bioterrorism funding. |
2007 |
1911 |
Objectives: All-hazards preparedness was evaluated in North Carolina's 85 local health departments (LHDs).
Methods: In regional meetings, data were collected from LHD teams from North Carolina's LHDs using an instrument constructed from Centers for ... |
Assessment of Public Health Education Practice: Health Educator Responsibilities |
2005 |
2003 |
This study presents a method for better understanding how practicing health educators in local health departments spend their time. The purpose of this study was to document the daily practice of health educators in the 10 areas of responsibility as ... |
Association Between the Characteristics of Organizations and Their Profile of Performance Against Quality Benchmarks for Workplace Health Promotion |
2020 |
1185 |
Objective: This study explored subgroups of performance profiles measured by organizations’ Well Workplace Checklist (WWC) benchmark scores and examined company characteristics associated with performance subgroups. Methods: The sample included 3728 ... |
College Alcohol Education and Prevention: a Case for Distance Education |
2005 |
1285 |
College educators and program developers have responded to this need using a variety of different multimedia technologies. Alcohol-related web sites are among the most popular. Many of these sites are designed to improve -knowledge, attitudes, and be... |
Coping strategies used in residential hospice settings: Findings from a national study |
2001 |
6971 |
The purpose of this study was to explore professional caregivers’ coping strategies for dealing with the deaths of patients in residential hospices in the United States. Using the Guide to the Nation’s Hospices, 1996- 97, purely residential hospices ... |
Coverage of Adolescent Substance Use Prevention in State Frameworks for Health Education |
2001 |
2455 |
Ten secondary health education state curriculum frameworks were reviewed for their inclusion of 12 mediators commonly used to prevent adolescent substance use. Specific aims of the investigation were: a) to identify the extent to which the 12 mediato... |
Does providing nutrition information at vending machines reduce calories per item sold? |
2015 |
2655 |
In 2010, the United States (US) enacted a restaurant menu labeling law. The law also applied to vending machine companies selling food. Research suggested that providing nutrition information on menus in restaurants might reduce the number of calorie... |
The effect of death education course on dying and death knowledge, attitudes, anxiety and fears |
1985 |
5893 |
It is believed that socio-historical changes in the way Americans view dying and death have increased the need for formal and informal instruction in this area (Kubler-Ross 1969, Farmer 1970, Pine 1977, Simpson 1979). These and other authors postulat... |
Ethnic and Racial Differences of Baseline Stroke Knowledge in a “Stroke Belt” Community |
2012 |
1205 |
Acute stroke is often a treatable condition; however, intervention is time dependent and typically should ensue within 3 hr from onset of symptoms. The ability of individuals to understand stroke risk factors to reduce individual risk and to recogniz... |
Factors Associated with Misperception of Weight in the Stroke Belt |
2008 |
2944 |
BACKGROUND: Understanding the reasons for over-weight and obesity is critical to addressing the obesity epidemic. Often the decision to lose weight is based as much on one’s self-perception of being overweight as on inherent health benefits.
Factors Related to the Number of Fast Food Meals Obtained by College Meal Plan Students |
2014 |
10013 |
Objectives: This study tested whether days on campus, financial access through a meal plan, and health consciousness were associated with number of meals that college students obtained from fast food restaurants. Participants and Methods:
Health Promotion in the Public Sector: A Case Study from Policy to Practice |
2009 |
2500 |
Employee wellness programs are popular among employers because they have the potential to lead to positive outcomes for the employees and the organization. Moving from a public policy to local implementation, or the process of "operationalizing," pre... |
The Influence of Neighborhood Poverty on Blood Glucose Levels: Findings from the Community Initiative to Eliminate Stroke (CITIES) program |
2015 |
811 |
Objectives: To examine the relationship between both individual and neighborhood level characteristics and non-fasting blood glucose levels. Study design: This study used a cross sectional design using data from the Community Initiative to E... |
A model to plan, implement and evaluate corporate health enhancement programs |
1985 |
2481 |
Much of the health education literature in recent years has extolled the virtue of developing comprehensive corporate health enhancement programs. Various authors1-5 have identified the benefits of such programs to in-clude improved productivity, red... |
Moral education: Review and implications for health educators |
1986 |
5115 |
The development of morally appropriate attitudes and behaviors related to health is often considered as one of the many responsibilities of health educators. Unfortunately, the health educator is often asked to perform this important function without... |
Neighborhood Disadvantage and Variations in Blood Pressure |
2015 |
932 |
Purpose: To examine the extent to which neighborhood disadvantage accounts for variation in blood pressure. Methods: Demographic, biometric, and self-reported data from 19 261 health screenings were used. Addresses of participants were ... |
Performance Against WELCOA’s Worksite Health Promotion Benchmarks Across Years Among Selected US Organizations |
2018 |
1333 |
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to quantify the performance of organizations’ worksite health promotion (WHP) activities against the benchmarking criteria included in the Well Workplace Checklist (WWC). Design: The Wellness Council of America ... |
Predictors of Congruency between Self-reported Hypertension Status and Measured Blood Pressure in the Stroke Belt |
2013 |
1453 |
Few studies have comprehensively investigated the validity of self-reported hypertension (HTN) and assessed predictors of HTN status in the stroke belt. This study evaluates validity self-reporting as a tool to screen large study populat... |
Predictors of Uncontrolled Hypertension in the Stroke Belt |
2013 |
1478 |
Inadequate control of high systolic blood pressure in older adults has been largely attributable to poor control of overall hypertension (HTN). The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of ... |
Privatization of local health department services: Effects on the practice of health education. |
2001 |
3354 |
Local health departments (LHDs) are changing service delivery mechanisms to accommodate changes in health care financing and decreased public support for governmental services. This study examined the extent to which North Carolina LHDs privatized an... |
A Profile of Public Health Educators in North Carolina's Local Health Departments. |
2005 |
2695 |
The purpose of this study was to provide a profile of the public health education workforce in North Carolina. A survey was administered to all practicing health educators at local health departments (LHDs) in North Carolina. The study specifically a... |
Public Health Educators' Participation in Teams: Implications for Preparation and Practice. |
2009 |
2175 |
Collaboration among public health organizations is essential to ensuring the health of the public. Much of the day-to-day work of public health educators is done in groups or teams or in consultation with others. This study examined the extent of hea... |
Return on investment of workplace wellness: Evidence from a long-term care company |
2021 |
207 |
Background: Workplace wellness programs (WWPs) are increasingly promoted by businesses and governments as an important strategy to improve workers’ overall health and well-being and to reduce health care and other organizational costs. Few studies ha... |
A scoping review of economic evaluations of workplace wellness programs |
2021 |
1153 |
Objective: Debates about the effectiveness of workplace wellness programs (WWPs) call for a review of the evidence for return on investment (ROI) of WWPs. We examined literature on the heterogeneity in methods used in the ROI of WWPs to show how this... |
Tracking changes in U.S. organizations’ workplace health promotion initiatives: A longitudinal analysis of performance against quality benchmarks |
2019 |
1289 |
Purpose: To examine changes in organizations’ workplace health promotion (WHP) initiatives over time associated with repeated self-assessment using the Well Workplace Checklist (WWC). Design: Well Workplace Checklist data include a convenience sample... |
A University System-Wide Qualitative Investigation into Student Physical Activity Promotion Conducted on College Campuses |
2012 |
1992 |
Purpose. This study aimed to examine college student physical activity promotion.
Design. A cross-sectional approach to qualitative research was used. Setting. Southeastern state university system. Participants. Fourteen of 15 (... |
Wellness perspectives part 1: history, philosophy, and emerging trends |
1989 |
5905 |
The health promotion/wellness movement is a relatively recent phenomenon. Health professionals continue to struggle with definitions of these constructs, implementation protocol, and evaluative strategies. As a means to address these issues, Wellness... |