Age before beauty: An exploration of body image in African-American and Caucasian adult women. |
2008 |
5221 |
Research on body image emphasizes risks for eating disorders and typically involves young, Caucasian women. Few studies examine body image beyond the college years and there appears to be a disregard for the mature woman, as if self-acceptance of one... |
Athletes’ perceptions of the sport climate for athletes with non- gender-congruent expressions and non-heterosexual sexual orientations in Taiwan. |
2012 |
2045 |
The purpose of this study was to explore athletes’ perceptions of the sport climate for athletes with non-gender-congruent gender expressions and non-heterosexual sexual orientations. Surveys on attitudes/perceived climate, prejudiced incidents, and ... |
Attitudes and sexual prejudice in sport and physical activity. |
2006 |
10651 |
This study focused on attitudes and sexual prejudice as part of a larger project on inclusive practice in sport and physical activity settings. Questionnaires were administered to a large sample of undergraduate students and to selected samples of up... |
Beyond the Qualitative–Quantitative Dichotomy: Notes from a Non-qualitative Researcher |
2011 |
3196 |
Qualitative research provides lessons for the psychology of physical activity. Specifically, qualitative research highlights the social context, multiple truths and multiple paths to those truths. All methods are limited and all knowledge is incomple... |
A case study of leadership in women's intercollegiate softball. |
1979 |
3302 |
The relationship of selected characteristics to the relative leadership status within a women’s intercollegiate softball team was investigated using a multiple regression design. At the beginning of the season all 23 members of the team were assigned... |
Cognitive orientations of ultramarathoners. |
1992 |
6015 |
The purpose of this study was to examine the sport-specific cognitions of 112 ultramarathoners competing in a 100-mile trail run. Subjects completed the Sport Orientation Questionnaire, the Trait Sport-Confidence Inventory, the Commitment to Running ... |
Collegiate athletes perceptions of the coaching profession. |
2008 |
6023 |
In this study, we examined college athletes’ interest in and perceptions of
the coaching profession. A total of 201 U.S. Division I athletes (100 males,
101 females; 119 White, 81 minority, 1 race unknown) completed measures
of a) their intention ... |
Commentary: Views on Sport Development Feature |
2011 |
1809 |
I appreciate the opportunity to review and offer commentary on the articles in this special edition on sport development. The discussion of sport development as a scholarly and programmatic movement is a new and welcome discovery for me. Thus, this c... |
A comparison of competitive orientation measures. |
1991 |
7076 |
We compared two sport-specific measures of competitive orientation, the Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ; Gill & Deeter, 1988) and the Competitive Orientation Inventory (COI; Vealey, 1986), and an alternative 4-item version of the COI. Male and f... |
Comparison of three measures of pre-competition arousal. |
1980 |
3153 |
Arousal was assessed at a practice session and immediately prior to a competitive volleyball match using three measures, the sudorimeter and Palmar Sweat Index measures of palmar sweating and a state-anxiety inventory. Multivariate analysis of varian... |
Competitive orientations among intercollegiate athletes: Is winning the only thing? |
1988 |
11952 |
In this exploratory investigation of competitive orientations, intercollegiate athletes from a highly competitive Division I program and nonathletes from the same university completed Gill's Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ) which assesses compet... |
Competitive orientations and motives of adult sport and exercise participants. |
1996 |
5095 |
Participants in four different adult sport and exercise programs (running club, exercise classes, cardiac rehabilitation program, senior games) completed measures of competitive orientation and participation motivation. Our samples were older and mor... |
Competitive trait anxiety, success-failure and sex as determinants of motor performance. |
1976 |
3898 |
Two experiments determined the effects of competitive trait anxiety, success-failure, and sex on the performance of 10- to 12-yr.-?ld children anxiety, success-failure, and sex on the performance of 10- to 12-yr.-?ld children competing on a complex m... |
Competitiveness among females and males in physical activity classes. |
1986 |
10718 |
Competitive orientations of 237 male and female undergraduates enrolled in competitive and noncompetitive physical activity classes were investigated using the Work and Family Orientation Questionnaire [WOFO: R. L. Helmreich and J. T. Spence, "The Wo... |
A content analysis of cultural diversity in the Association for Applied Sport Psychology’s conference programs. |
2010 |
4916 |
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) conference programs address cultural diversity. A content analysis was conducted by analyzing 5214 AASP conference program abstracts fr... |
A cross-cultural extension of goal perspective theory to Korean youth sport. |
1997 |
10338 |
This study examined the predictions of goal perspective theory within Korean youth sport. Middle-school-aged athletes (244 males and 90 females) completed the Korean versions of Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) and the Intrinsi... |
Development of a measure of rehabilitation adherence for athletic training. |
2010 |
2902 |
CONTEXT: Rehabilitation adherence is accepted as a critical component for attaining optimal outcomes. Poor adherence is recognized as a problem in the athletic training setting. Measurement has been inconsistent, and no measure has been developed for... |
Differentiated roles of social encouragement and social constraint on physical activity behavior. |
2005 |
2303 |
Background: Social support is, in general, positively associated with exercise behavior. However, social influence may not always be helpful and may sometimes lead to obligation or a sense of intrusion rather than encouragement or assistance. Purpose... |
Exercise: Complementary therapy for breast cancer rehabilitation. |
2002 |
3413 |
Our feminist perspective is one of empowerment for breast cancer survivors, and we believe that physical activity and exercise have the potential to shift the battle away from fear of living to living fully. In light of the psychosocial and cultural ... |
Experiences in Sport, Physical Activity, and Physical Education Among Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu Asian Adolescent Girls |
2012 |
2377 |
Multicultural scholarship in sport and exercise psychology should help us understand and apply cultural competencies for all to be physically active. In the present study, two Asian countries, Japan and Singapore, were chosen. The participation rate ... |
A feminist perspective on sport psychology practice. |
1994 |
11698 |
The feminist paradigm has been advocated as an appropriate alternative framework for sport psychology theory and research. The current paper extends the feminist perspective to sport psychology practice, particularly to educational consultation. Appl... |
Feminist Sport Psychology: A Guide for Our Journey. |
2001 |
9259 |
Feminist sport psychology encompasses many approaches and has many variations. The articles in this special issue reflect that variation but also reflect common themes outlined in this introductory article. The feminist framework
for this article be... |
Free-throw shooting during dual-task performance: Implications for attentional demand and performance |
2009 |
596 |
In this study, the dual-task paradigm was used to determine peak attentional demand during the free-throw process. Thirty participants completed 40 free-throw trials. The free throw was the primary task, but participants also verbally responded to a ... |
Gender differences in self-confidence on a feminine-typed task. |
1994 |
15018 |
The present study answered Lirgg's (1991) call for confidence studies employing a feminine-typed task by assessing self-confidence and gender appropriateness in college cheerleading. Questionnaires assessing self-confidence and the gender appropriate... |
Go with the FLOW: Implementation of a psychological skills intervention in an exercise program for post-bariatric surgery patients |
2018 |
1557 |
Bariatric surgery is an effective obesity treatment; however, most individuals regain weight following surgery. Following a Lifestyle of Wellness (FLOW) is a psychological skills intervention with strategies designed to increase self-efficacy and pro... |
Helmet fit and cervical spine motion in collegiate men’s lacrosse athletes secured to a spine board. |
2010 |
1966 |
Context: Proper management of cervical spine injuries in men's lacrosse players depends in part upon the ability of the helmet to immobilize the head.
Objective: To determine if properly and improperly fitted lacrosse helmets provide adequate stab... |
A home-based intervention to improve balance, gait and self-confidence in older women. |
2001 |
5130 |
Much of the current research focusing on the physical function of the elderly involves closely monitored interventions in group settings. Although home-based programs might be more appropriate for many older adults, little research is available. In t... |
A Hybrid Online Intervention for Reducing Sedentary Behavior in Obese Women |
2013 |
1975 |
Sedentary behavior (SB) has emerged as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. While exercise is known to reduce these risks, reducing SB through increases in non-structured PA and breaks from sitting may appeal to ... |
Immediate effects of win-loss on perceptions of cohesion in intramural and intercollegiate volleyball teams. |
1982 |
7695 |
In two separate studies, members of 16 women's intramural volleyball teams (n = 94) and six women's intercollegiate volleyball teams (n = 68) completed pre-and postmatch questionnaires to determine the immediate effects of success-failure on percepti... |
Integration: The key to sustaining kinesiology in higher education. |
2007 |
4608 |
Integration is the key to sustaining kinesiology as an academic and professional
discipline in higher education. Following the vision of Amy Morris Homans, this
paper focuses on integration in three ways. First, integration of our multidisciplinary... |
Jealousy in sport: Exploring jealousy’s relationship to cohesion. |
2005 |
6532 |
The present study continued the development and revision of the Sport Jealousy Scale (SJS) and investigated the relationships among jealousy, cohesion, and satisfaction with athletes. The original SJS (now SJS-II) was revised and given to 236 Divisio... |
Measurement, statistics and research design issues in sport and exercise psychology. |
1997 |
10583 |
The theme that continues throughout this article is the one take-home, bottom- line message for both sport and exercise psychology scholars and our measurement colleagues: Identifying our research questions, or achieving conceptual clarity, is the so... |
Mind Over Matter, The Development of The Mental Toughness Scale (MTS) |
2013 |
17933 |
Mental Toughness (MT), which refers to an inner focus and commitment to rise above challenges when facing adversity, is viewed as one of the most important psychological attributes in determining success in sport. However, there is little consensus o... |
Open-ended attributions in team competition. |
1982 |
4647 |
A total of 352 open-ended attributions were obtained in two field studies with volleyball teams and in two lab experiments, all involving team competition. All attributions were classified along the three causal dimensions of locus of causality, stab... |
Perceived barriers to physical activity across Norwegian adult age groups, gender, and stages of change. |
2008 |
3771 |
This study investigated differences in the type of and number of perceived barriers to engagement in physical activity experienced by adult women and men in the same geographical area, the relationship between the experienced barriers and stages of c... |
Perceived climate in physical activity settings. |
2010 |
2978 |
This study focused on the perceived climate for LGBT youth and other minority groups in physical activity settings. A large sample of undergraduates and a selected sample including student teachers/interns and a campus Pride group completed a school ... |
Perceived physical competence and body image as predictors of perceived peer acceptance in adolescents. |
2012 |
4430 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among perceived physical competence, body image, and peer acceptance. Body image was considered as a possible mediator of the relationships between perceived physical competence and peer ... |
Perceived physical competence, enjoyment, and effort in same-sex and coeducational physical education classes. |
2011 |
8603 |
Perceived competence is a key motivational determinant of physical activity behaviours in adolescents, and motivational determinants are influenced by the class environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate levels of perceived physical co... |
Perceived stress and blood pressure in early adolescent children. |
2000 |
3699 |
The objective of this investigation was to determine the individual contributions of perceived daily, major and total stressors to blood pressure in early adolescent children. Toward this goal, cardiovascular risk factors were assessed in 74 6th- gra... |
Physical activity and psychological well- being in older women. |
1997 |
6185 |
Physical activity clearly has benefits for the health and well-being of women and men of all ages, and activity may well be particularly beneficial for older individuals. Physical gains and health benefits of activity are well documented, and physica... |
Physical Activity and Quality of life. |
2013 |
2706 |
Physical activity (PA) professionals and participants recognize enhanced quality of life (QoL) as a benefit of and motivator for PA. However, QoL measures are often problematic and rarely consider the participants’ perspective. This paper focuses on ... |
A prospective view of the Journal of Sport (and Exercise) Psychology. |
1986 |
4941 |
This article has two major purposes, to discuss the general scope and direction of the Journal of Sport Psychology (JSP) and to describe the basic editorial review process. During its first 7 years the journal has developed into the premier scientifi... |
Psychological and physiological changes in competitive state anxiety during noncompetition and competitive success and failure. |
1990 |
10969 |
In this study we examined relationships among components of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (cognitive worry, somatic anxiety, and self- confidence) to each other, to physiological measures, and to performance prior to, during, and after a ... |
Psychological Responses of Division I Female Athletes Throughout Injury Recovery: A Case Study Approach |
2014 |
9317 |
Using the Integrated Model of Response to Sport Injury as a theoretical framework, athletes’ psychological strengths and emotional responses were explored throughout the injury process using a case study approach. Four Division I athletes completed m... |
Psychosocial factors related to eating disorders among high school and college female cheerleaders. |
1996 |
13842 |
Seventy-three college female and 84 high school female cheerleaders participated in the current study on eating disorders and pressures within cheerleading. The participants completed the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI), the Social Physique Anxiety S... |
Quality of life assessment in physical activity and health promotion. |
2011 |
6607 |
Despite the clear relationship of physical activity and quality of life (QoL), QoL measures are seldom targeted for physical activity and health promotion. The current research attempted to address that gap by developing a QoL measure based on a conc... |
Quest for kinesiology in higher education. |
2010 |
1834 |
As I begin my term as Editor of Quest, I submit this editorial to outline my vision
for Quest. First, I must thank the Board of Directors of the National Association for
Kinesiology and Physical Education (NAKPEHE) for entrusting me with the editor... |
The Relationship between Athletic Identity and Physical Activity among Former College Athletes |
2013 |
8504 |
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between athletic identity and physical activity among former college athletes. The relationship was first examined with former Division I athletes (N=56) and then in a second sample of former ... |
The relationship between competitive orientation and religious orientation. |
1990 |
4517 |
Previous research suggests that religious orientation relates to people's choice of activities and behaviors. Religious orientation has not been examined in relation to sport and competitive orientation. This study examined the relationship of religi... |
The relationship of competitiveness and achievement orientation to participation in sport and nonsport activities. |
1988 |
24967 |
The validity of the recently developed Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ), a multidimensional measure of sport achievement orientation, was investigated with both high school and university students. Specifically, we examined the correlations of S... |
The relationships among competitive orientation, sport-confidence, self- efficacy, anxiety and performance. |
1991 |
20139 |
We examined the relationships among trait and state psychological variables and performance in male high school distance runners using the Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ; Gill & Deeter, 1988), the Competitive Orientation Inventory (COI; Vealey,... |
The relationships among self-efficacy, stress responses and a cognitive feedback manipulation. |
1984 |
12168 |
The influence of self-efficacy on physiological arousal and self-reported anxiety was examined in the first phase of this study. All 32 undergraduate females in the study performed five trials of both an easy task and a difficult task, with half of t... |
Reliability and validity of the Physical Self-Efficacy Scale in a competitive sport setting. |
1983 |
26263 |
Interest in the role of self-confidence in sport performance has been high in sport psychology research. A measure to assess general physical self-efficacy has recently been developed, but without application to competitive sport performance. The pre... |
The role of perceived competence in the motivation of physical activity. |
1995 |
24067 |
Understanding the role of perceived competence in the motivation of sport and physical activity is an importan1 endeavor. This study attempted to examine the role of perceived competence by (a) investigating its relationship with goal orientations as... |
The roles of want to commitment and have to commitment in explaining physical activity behavior. |
2011 |
1741 |
Background: Several theories and models have been proposed to explain decisions in changing and adopting
behavior but few address the intricacies of behavioral maintenance. The current study assesses the utility of
the Investment Model, which ident... |
Self-talk and Softball Performance: The Role of Self-talk Nature, Motor Task Characteristics, and Self-efficacy in Novice Softball Players |
2014 |
11061 |
Objectives: To determine the effect of self-talk on softball throwing performance. Additionally, two moderators, nature of self-talk and type of motor task, as well as a potential mediator of self-efficacy were examined.
Design: An experimental, wit... |
Sexual harassment perceptions among Puerto Rican female former athletes. |
2011 |
3865 |
Sexual harassment is a prominent social issue across cultures and in all segments of society, including sport. However, there is little research on sexual harassment in different cultures. Specifically, the lack of sport research within the Hispanic-... |
Slim enough to swim? Weight pressures for competitive swimmers and coaching implications. |
2001 |
5314 |
Swimmers found themselves in the spotlight at the 2000 Sydney Olympics and in the scrutiny of spectators and sport researchers alike. An attempt is often made to determine what the athlete is feeling behind the scenes and this article will focus on b... |
Sport and exercise psychology around the world. |
2000 |
13586 |
The recent Olympic games not only highlighted international sport, but also showcased psychology at work (or at play). Olympic competitors from around the world discussed mental training and cited experiences with sport psychologists. Less visibly, b... |
A sport and exercise psychology perspective on stress. |
1994 |
23103 |
My purpose is to introduce the psychological perspective (or perspectives) on stress. In doing so, I will focus on conceptual models or frameworks that guide sport and exercise psychology work on stress, leaving the details of the research findings a... |
Sport Gender Ideology, Past Contact Experiences and Attitudes toward Sexual Minority Athletes in Taiwan |
2012 |
3990 |
The purpose of this study was to examine sport gender ideology (belief that men in sport have to show their masculinity and women their femininity) and past contact experiences as predictors of coaches’ and athletes’ attitudes toward sexual minority ... |
Status of the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 1985-1990. |
1992 |
3562 |
Information on submitted manuscripts and editorial decisions suggested that the journal has maintained its status as a respected sport and exercise psychology research publication from 1985 to 1990. Most submitted manuscripts described research on sp... |
Success-failure attributions in competitive groups: An exception to egocentrism. |
1980 |
4188 |
Two laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate success/failure attributions within competing groups. In both studies, attributions to the own team or to opponents were egocentric in that members of winning teams assigned responsibility for ... |
Tai chi chuan, health- related quality of life, and self-esteem: A randomized trial for breast cancer survivors. |
2004 |
5152 |
Goals Health-related quality of life (HRQL) and self-esteem are often diminished among women diagnosed and treated for breast cancer. Tai Chi is a moderate form of exercise that may be an effective therapy for improving HRQL and self-esteem among the... |
Temporal changes in psychological and physiological components of state anxiety. |
1987 |
5578 |
This study examined the relationships of cognitive worry, somatic anxiety, and self-confidence—all components of the CSAI-2 (Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2)—to each other, to physiological measures, and to motor performance prior to, during, a... |
Women's place in the history of sport psychology. |
1995 |
24895 |
Women and women's issues have a place in sport psychology today, but women have no place in most histories of the field. Some women sport psychologists, particularly Dorothy Harris, were instrumental in the development of sport psychology as a subdis... |