Assessing Child Welfare Agency Practices and Attitudes that Affect Father Engagement |
2018 |
1492 |
The importance of fathers' involvement in their children's lives is irrefutable. Supportive, warm, and positive involvement of fathers leads to children being well-adjusted. Indeed, involved fathers positively influence their children's cognitive abi... |
Assessment of neighborhood satisfaction by residents of three housing types. |
1987 |
3009 |
A highly influential but often underemphasized determinant of residential satisfaction is how residents perceive and feel about their neighborhoods. In this study, factors representing different aspects of residents' neighborhoods were identified and... |
Baccalaureate student perceptions of challenging family problems: Building bridges to acceptance. |
2011 |
2273 |
This study explored the attitudes of 147 undergraduate social work majors to working with difficult families. Students indicated which problems (from a list of 42, including hot topics such as homosexuality, transgender issues, abortion, and substanc... |
A comparative assessment of early adult life status of graduates of the North Carolina Adolescent Parenting Program. |
2012 |
2642 |
PROBLEM: What is the comparative impact of a second pregnancy prevention program for teen mothers on those who graduate from the program compared with a sample of young mothers of similar age and social circumstances who did not participate in the p... |
Context and closure in children’s friendships: Prevalence and demographic variation |
2006 |
2444 |
Third-grade children (N = 404) and their mothers completed questionnaires and participated in interviews designed to identify children’s friendships across the multiple contexts of their lives and to determine the strength of parent-to-parent ... |
Cultural adaptation resources for nutrition and health in new immigrants in Central North Carolina. |
2007 |
3812 |
This paper presents results of a study that was conducted for the purposes of describing available human services resources relating to nutrition, physical health, and behavioral health for new and recent immigrants (predominantly Mexican immigrants,... |
Cultural Receptivity among Foster Parents: Implications for Quality Transcultural Parenting |
2015 |
3684 |
Foster parents' ability to support a minority youth's cultural needs is critically important to the appropriate development of the youth's cultural identity and avoidance of negative reactions to real or perceived rejection or dismissal of their cult... |
Determinants of food security and diet among rural and urban Latino/Hispanic. |
2007 |
1859 |
Rural migration and food insecurity of Latino immigrants is high. The goal of this study was to examine food insecurity among Latino immigrants in a rural region (N?=?119) in comparison to urban Latinos (N?=?166). The objectives were to examine, iden... |
Development and psychometric testing of the relocation of self-efficacy scale. |
2007 |
2731 |
Background: With greater numbers of older adults relocating to independent living communities (ILCs), there is an increasing need to determine whether factors such as self-efficacy can facilitate relocation adjustment. However, no relocation self-eff... |
Diabetes knowledge among older adults with diabetes in Beijing, China. |
2013 |
4985 |
Aims and objectives. To explore the relationships of demographic and clinical variables and attendance at diabetes educational programmes with diabetes knowledge among a community sample of older Chinese adults with type 2 diabetes residing in Beiji... |
Early human milk feeding is associated with a lower risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in very low birth weight infants. |
2007 |
2207 |
Background: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a frequent cause of mortality and morbidity in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. Human milk (HM) feeding has been associated with lower risk of NEC. However, mothers of VLBW infants often experience ... |
A family perspective for substance abuse: Implications from the literature. |
2006 |
35898 |
This paper calls for researchers and treatment providers to increase their recognition of the role that family and family functioning has for understanding the incidence and impact of substance abuse. Substance abuse is identified as a family problem... |
Gender differences in leisure-need activity patterns. |
1985 |
3981 |
A gender-by-leisure choice model predicting four different leisure-choice-by-need patterns, based on gender restricted or unrestricted choice by same or different needs, is described and tested. Assessment of leisure-choice-by-need patterns was made ... |
Gender differences in the perceptions of self's and others' use of power strategies. |
1986 |
3104 |
The utility of P. B. Johnson's [“Women and Interpersonal Power,” in D. N. Ruble & G. L. Zellman (Eds.), Women and Sex Roles, New York: W. W. Norton, 1978] framework for the sex typing of power strategies was examined. Female and male subjects rated t... |
Impact of doulas on healthy birth outcomes |
2013 |
5640 |
Birth outcomes of two groups of socially disadvantaged mothers at risk for adverse birth outcomes, one
receiving prebirtb assistance from a certified doula and tbe other representing a sample of birthing mothers
who elected to not work with a doula... |
Implementation of a WIC clinic farmers’ market improves accessibility and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables among WIC farmers’ market nutrition program participants |
2018 |
1774 |
Few data are available concerning the socio-demographic characteristics and fruit and vegetable (F&V) purchasing behaviors of visitors attending the farmers’ markets sponsored by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Chil... |
In-home continuing care services for substance affected families: The Bridges Program. |
2001 |
2936 |
Addressing substance abuse in families is an important concern for the social work field. This article presents a preliminary view of a continuing care substance abuse recovery services program designed to assist the substance-affected family. The in... |
In-Home Continuing Care Services for Substance Use Affected Families |
2004 |
1623 |
The role of in-home work with substance use affected family members has great potential for addressing family and personal issues that are often not well addressed by continuing care interventions that involve limited contact with the family and the ... |
Instigative aggression as a function of past experience. |
1982 |
1167 |
Third-party-instigated aggression was examined by manipulating the provocativeness of the same or a new target in Part 2 of a task. Effects of previous experience with aggression (i.e., interacting with partners supportive of or disapproving of aggre... |
A Leadership Training Group for at Risk Fifth & Seventh Graders: Results from A Brief Strength-Based Group Program |
2017 |
549 |
An increasing number of youth are exhibiting social, emotional, and behavioral problems that hinder their ability to function at grade level. Subsequently, school mental health services have not been able to address the need for services particularly... |
Maternal and infant characteristics associated with human milk feeding in very low birth weight infants. |
2009 |
1597 |
This study identified maternal and infant characteristics predicting human milk (HM) feeding in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants whose mothers (n = 184) participated in a study of lactation counseling and initiated milk expression. Data were coll... |
Positive and Negative Affect and Health Functioning Indicators among Older Adults with Chronic Illnesses |
2008 |
7257 |
Emotional states have been linked with physical and mental health outcomes. In this study the role of positive and negative affect was investigated as determinants of health functioning for a community-dwelling sample of 153 older adults (age 60 or o... |
Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the SF-36 in older adults with diabetes in Beijing, China |
2010 |
4198 |
This study investigated the psychometric properties of the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) (China version) in older Chinese with diabetes living in Beijing, China.
The SF-36 was administered to community-based sample of ... |
Reactions of adolescents to being interviewed about their sexual assault experiences. |
1983 |
1415 |
Following extensive interviews about their sexual activities and possible sexual assault experiences, 66 moderately delinquent adolescents were asked a series of post interview questions to determine their levels of comfort/discomfort with various el... |
The relationships among health functioning indicators and depression in older adults with diabetes. |
2007 |
2853 |
A common health problem among the elderly with diabetes is the onset of depressive symptoms that can adversely affect self-care and control of diabetes. The study examined the relationships of gender, race, comorbid conditions, symptom distress, and ... |
Removing asthma triggers and improving children's health: The Asthma Partnership Demonstration project |
2016 |
651 |
Background: Studies have revealed the efficacy of home-based environmental interventions on reduction of asthma symptoms as a strategy for managing asthma in children. A focus on education and behavior change alone is generally too limited to reduce ... |
Research literature review on social work education instructional methods: 1998-2008. |
2010 |
4453 |
This article presents a review of research studies examining instructional methods reported in the social work education literature published between 1998 and 2008. From a sample of 91 studies, 31 were identified as having used either a single group ... |
Sex differences in listening comprehension. |
1979 |
6638 |
In order to examine the effect of sex of the speaker on listening comprehension in a public speaking situation, 60 male and 60 female subjects viewed either a male or female speaker presenting a talk on either a masculine (chess), feminine (interior ... |
The Urban Studio Project recipe: A multidisciplinary approach to feminist practice through community engagement |
2010 |
1790 |
The Urban Studio was initially planned to enhance the pedagogy and curriculum of students in the Department of Interior Architecture through the design and construction of a home for a needy family. This project grew to include faculty and students f... |
Use of bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia) as a feed ingredient for poultry: A review. |
2009 |
4514 |
The increasing costs of conventional feedstuffs like corn, soybean meal and fish meal
for poultry diets is pushing the need to find less expensive alternatives. Bitter vetch
(Vicia ervilia) is an ancient grain legume crop that originated in the Med... |
Using the Family to Combat Childhood and Adult Obesity |
2009 |
1881 |
The purpose of this article is to emphasize the value of the family as a source of behavior change, particularly with respect to attaining achievable goals of weight loss and regular physical activity for youth and their families. We present a review... |