Tate, Stephen


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
PK-hybrid protocols: a new framework for hybrid encryption 2011 1596 This thesis considers cryptographic systems that use public key encryption (PKE) as a building block in a larger system. We call these cryptosystems "PK-hybrid protocols," and develop a framework for describing such protocols that provides a clear wa...
Universally composable zero-knowledge protocol using trusted platform modules 2011 2185 Cryptographic protocols that are established as secure in the Universally Composable (UC) model of security provide strong security assurances even when run in complex environments. Unfortunately, in order to achieve such strong security properties, ...
Construction and evaluation of a gold standard syntax for formal logic formulas and systems 2022 385 Classical logic plays a significant role in computer science where formal proofs eventually make their way into a student’s curriculum via discrete mathematics, philosophy logic, or some other medium. We traditionally see propositional logic in Boole...