Hematian, Shabnam


There are 2 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Protonation state of the bridging Ligand in the resting state of cytochrome c oxidase: investigations of synthetic Heme/Copper models 2021 87 Inspiration for our research stems from biological redox processes performed by metalloenzymes. Heme-containing enzymes are able to perform oxidation and reduction reactions, such as in cytochrome P450 and cytochrome c oxidase (CcO). The focus of the...
Dioxygen Reactivity of Bioinspired Copper(I) and Copper(I)/Manganese(II)-Porphyrin Systems 2022 117 Transition metal-dioxygen (O2) interactions are of great importance in biological and chemical transformations involving dioxygen binding, activation, or reduction. In this work, the independent O2 reactivity of a series of bioinspired copper(I) comp...