Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Physiological response of female sport divers to exercise during treadmill and underwater workbouts |
1983 |
487 |
The purpose of this study was to evaluate certified female sport divers on selected physiological variables obtained during underwater and treadmill workbouts. The primary research question sought to determine the oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate m... |
Construction of an instrument for assessing cognitive learning based upon "Ready? Set... Go!" : a television course for elementary physical education/level one |
1976 |
525 |
The major purposes of this study were to construct a group-administered paper-and-pencil test for first and second graders to assess knowledges and understandings based on "Ready? Set... Go!" a television course for elementary school physical educati... |
Measurement of attitudes toward the conduct of intercollegiate basketball for women |
1976 |
619 |
It was the purpose of this study to explore the feasibility of constructing an instrument which can be utilized to identify the attitudes of coaches of women's intercollegiate basketball teams and female intercollegiate basketball players toward the ... |
Time-series analysis of individual performances of older women on a serial gross motor task |
1982 |
362 |
The individual performance characteristics of older women on a novel serial gross motor task were described in this study. The task was specifically designed to study memory for movement sequences as well as the relative importance of visual and kine... |
A child's movement performance using Labanotation and referenced to the Laban framework : a case study |
1980 |
374 |
The purpose of this study was to examine, in detail, the observable movement behavior in the performance of a child attempting to perform a complex movement task from a visual model. A secondary focus concerned the usefulness of Labanotation as a met... |
A behaviorally based appraisal of coaching performance in women's athletics at Michigan State University |
1978 |
306 |
The purpose of this study was to construct a multitrait multirater model for the appraisal of the 10 head coaches in the women's athletic program at Michigan State University in 1977-78. The resulting instrument was a behaviorally anchored rating sca... |
A conceptual approach for determining patterns of professional preparation for women in health and physical education |
1969 |
1694 |
This study reflects the development of a theoretical model of a conceptual approach to the undergraduate professional preparation for women in health and physical education. The basic reason for developing the design model was to point out a possible... |
Skill and knowledge proficiencies for selected activities in the required program at Memphis State University |
1970 |
5511 |
The purpose of this study was to construct objective measures suitable for use as proficiency tests in the following courses of the required activity program in Physical Education at Memphis State University: Archery and Bowling, Badminton, Bowling, ... |
The effect of lateral foot placement relative to hip width on the sprint start for women |
1972 |
1293 |
It was the purpose of this study to investigate the effect of lateral foot placement relative to hip width on the sprint start for women. The three lateral foot placements, narrow, medium and wide, were determined relative to each subject's trochante... |
A technique for identifying educational beliefs of preservice physical educators relative to student decision-making |
1978 |
459 |
The purpose of the study was to explore the feasibility / of developing a technique for identifying educational beliefs about the degree of responsibility a prospective physical educator would be willing to allocate future students for their own deci... |
A factorial approach in the development of a basketball rating scale to evaluate players in a game situation |
1977 |
692 |
The primary purpose of this research was to develop a valid and reliable rating scale for use in evaluating the physical performance of female basketball players in a game situation. The secondary problems deriving from the formulation of the scale w... |
Physical fitness test items for boys and girls in the first, second, and third grades |
1962 |
406 |
The history of nineteen of the twenty-one great civilizations is "the story of people trudging up a hill in wooden shoes and coming down in silk stockings. "(76) These civilizations existed in the same pattern of birth, growth, breakdowns, and declin... |
Play orientations in picture books : a content analysis |
1977 |
477 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate play theory orientations presented by the outcomes of play and game stories in children's picture books. Secondly, play theory orientations were investigated to discover their relationships to sex of the m... |
Measurement of attitudes of women coaches toward the conduct of intercollegiate athletics for women |
1973 |
403 |
The purpose of this study was to construct a scale to measure the attitudes of women coaches toward the conduct of intercollegiate athletics for women. The situation-response technique was selected as the method for measuring attitudes. The procedure... |
An analysis of the duties performed by public high school head athletic coaches |
1977 |
362 |
The purpose of the study was to identify and to analyze the duties actually performed by head athletic coaches through job analysis. Duties were assigned to categories. Additional information was provided on the evaluative criteria of frequency, dif... |
Comparisons and relationships of selected measures of self-concept in primary age children |
1975 |
413 |
The purpose of this investigation was to study comparisons and relationships among measures of body image, movement satisfaction, and physical self-concept of first and second grade children. An informal aspect of this study was a description of chi... |
The use of microteaching to aid preservice physical educators in the acquisition of a variety of teaching strategies as identified by the amount and kind of student decisions |
1977 |
408 |
It was the purpose of this study to investigate the use of microteaching in the preservice preparation of physical educators. More specifically, the study dealt with the use of microteaching in the acquisition of knowledge and skills relative to the ... |
Coincidence-anticipation tasks utilizing selected speeds, directions, and fielding sides in field hockey |
1977 |
336 |
This study investigated the effects of selected stimulus speeds, angles-of- approach, and fielding sides on the accuracy of field hockey coincidence-anticipation performance for collegiate women field hockey team members and physical education major ... |
Consideration of selected social theories of aging as evidenced by patterns of adjustment to retirement among professional football players |
1981 |
522 |
The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the characteristic patterns of adjustment to retirement among professional football players supported one or more of three current social theories of aging. Data for the study were derived pri... |
Values, risk taking and selection of leisure time activities among delinquent and non-delinquent boys |
1975 |
1026 |
The study was exploratory in nature, seeking to describe (1) personal factors, (2) professed values, (3) risk taking propensities, and (4) leisure time activity pursuits among delinquent and non-delinquent boys. A total of 50 males, 25 delinquents an... |
A study of Martin Buber's I-Thou and I-It relationships in sport |
1980 |
531 |
The purpose of this study was to explore the potential for Martin Buber's I-Thou relationship during professional sport competition. The interview technique was chosen as the data collection procedure and a semi-structured interview was constructed i... |
Teacher perceptions of the organizational management systems in their schools and departments of health, physical education, and recreation |
1979 |
315 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher perceptions of selected organizational characteristics that described the management systems of their Schools and Departments of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. The study compared actua... |
The effect of two specific practice environments on the forehand and backhand ball placement ability of beginning tennis players |
1975 |
493 |
It was the purpose of this study to determine the effects of two practice environments on the forehand and backhand ball placement ability of beginning tennis players. The subjects were 32 female students enrolled at Stonewall Jackson High School. Th... |
Flow and the perceived balance between challenges and skills in physical education and other classes in a secondary school curriculum |
1987 |
250 |
A 21-item response sheet was employed to collect data on the occurence of flow, as well as the thoughts, actions, and certain feelings of students. Three hundred and ten secondary school students were alerted once in each class on two non-consecutive... |
The development of a program of survival swimming and lifesaving to be taught as a part of beginning and intermediate courses in swimming |
1960 |
607 |
Every year more people participate in some form of water activity than any other sport. (7:35-36) The millions of people who swim, dive, boat, fish, water ski, and skin dive give ample evidence to the popularity of water sports. This popularity, howe... |
An investigation of the effects of two training programs on selected cardio-respiratory variables of college women |
1962 |
353 |
The total fitness of an individual should be the aim of every physical educator. Physical fitness, in particular, has been emphasized as an accepted objective of physical education throughout its history(2). Only through exercise and training can one... |
A relationship between general motor ability and objective measures of achievement in swimming at the immediate level for college women |
1962 |
293 |
Swimming often seems to be placed in a category separate from other sports. yet it has many common elements which affect skill or proficiency: coordination, balance, kinesthetic sense, rhythm, flexibility, power, and strength. The one basic differenc... |
The use of labanotation for synchronized swimming |
1963 |
1103 |
Evidence of mankind's heritage would have been meager were it not for the signs and symbols used in recording events. Through the years these systems of notation have contributed strength and energy to science and the arts. It was through the notatio... |
A comparison of physical education in Germany and America from the years 1860-1930 |
1963 |
609 |
A comparison was made of the development of the physical education movement in Germany and America from i860 to 1930. This writer believes that American physical education and German Leibeserziehung are reflections of the political and social attitud... |
Comparison of the efficiency of four styles of breast stroke |
1965 |
329 |
This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the relative efficiency of four styles of breast stroke for use by recreational swimmers. Four intermediate swimming classes, composed of fifty-three freshman and sophomore women at the Universi... |
The development of a progression of synchronized swimming skills to accompany the American Red Cross beginner swimming progression |
1965 |
570 |
It was the purpose of this study to develop a program of synchronized swimming skills appropriate for girls of approximately eight to ten years of age who were beginning swimmers. This program was designed to accompany the American Red Cross Beginner... |
The development of an objective measure of achievement in swimming at the advanced level for college women |
1964 |
434 |
The study was conducted for the purpose of developing an objective measure of achievement in swimming at the advanced level for college women. A secondary purpose was to establish tentative norms. The subjects were volunteers from the undergraduate c... |
Ethel Loroline Martus Lawther : her contributions to physical education |
1980 |
532 |
The purpose of this study was to present a professional biography of Ethel Loroline Martus Lawther. The writer attempted to trace and identify the professional contributions of Ethel Loroline Martus Lawther and to show the resulting influences on phy... |
Comparisons of decision-making styles of Florida community and junior college department chairpersons and division directors |
1985 |
307 |
The purpose of this study, involving community and junior college department chairpersons and division directors, was to determine and then compare the decision-making styles of administrators by participative and nonparticipative categories, by sex,... |
Court decisions in school athletic, physical education, and intramural programs in which the condition of equipment and facilities has been alleged as the proximate cause of injury to participants and spectators |
1986 |
451 |
The purpose of the study was to determine what the courts have said regarding the condition of equipment and facilities in school-sponsored sport programs, to determine specific trends emerging from the cases, and to develop practical guidelines to a... |
A study of state winners of Secondary School Athletic Directors of the Year Award and the perceptions of their own administrative behavior |
1986 |
205 |
The purpose of this study was to examine a group of athletic directors who had been recognized as outstanding in their profession by examining their perceptions of their own administrative behavior. Ninety state Secondary School Athletic Director of ... |
War and physical education an historical study of German physical education |
1958 |
637 |
The history of Germany has been one of extremes; it has dominated ether countries and has been dominated, its forms of government have ranged from monarchies and dictatorships to attempted democracy. The political and social forces that have contribu... |
The relationship between the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test and the twelve-minute test |
1970 |
2553 |
Relationships were studied between the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, primarily a measure of motor fitness, and Cooper's Twelve- Minute Test, a field test for cardiorespiratory fitness. The two tests were administered to forty-seven women physical educat... |
The cardiac training effect of selected college men as measured by three heart rate intensity levels based on resting and maximum heart rates |
1972 |
530 |
The purpose of this investigation was to study the cardiac training effect of three heart rate intensities based on the percentages within the range of resting and maximum heart rates. It was designed to focus additional light on the amount of cardia... |
A physical fitness knowledge test for first graders |
1984 |
460 |
The major purposes of this study were to construct a pictorial paper-and-pencil physical fitness knowledge test for first graders based on the content contained in the AAHPERD (1981a) Basic Stuff with a focus on the Exercise Physiology component of t... |
A comparative study of perceived leadership behavior of selected North Carolina high school athletic directors |
1988 |
299 |
The general problem was to compare secondary school athletic directors' descriptions of self-perceived leadership behavior with descriptions of that same behavior as perceived by the head boys' basketball coaches within and among the four school size... |
Development and validation of a questionnaire for assessing habitual physical activity of sixth-grade students |
1988 |
325 |
The purpose of this investigation was to develop and validate a questionnaire designed to assess habitual physical activity of sixth-grade children. Two preliminary surveys involving 104 sixth-graders were used to determine the content and format of ... |
An investigation of outdoor adventure leadership and programming preparation in physical education baccalaureate degree programs |
1988 |
313 |
The nature and scope of outdoor adventure leadership and programming preparation for physical education majors was investigated. A nationwide survey (Phase I) found that 184 (44.2%) institutions offered outdoor adventure leadership and programming co... |
An investigation of skill test items as measures of golf playing ability |
1973 |
241 |
The purpose of this investigation was to devise golf skill tests that indicate golf playing ability in group testing situations. The skill tests were analyzed according to basic criteria for test selection. The subjects were sixty students enrolled a... |
The equivalency of Cooper's 12-minute test and a 1 1/4-mile run for junior high school girls |
1970 |
381 |
It was the purpose of this study to determine the equivalency of Cooper's 12-Minute Test and a 1ΒΌ -Mile Run Test. The two tests were administered to 502 girls enrolled in Jefferson Davis Junior High School, Jacksonville, Florida. Although a significa... |
The effectiveness of movement education through a rhythmic structured program offered to trainable mentally retarded children : a case study approach |
1970 |
295 |
This study evaluated the effectiveness of movement education through a rhythmic structured program offered to twelve trainable mentally retarded children enrolled at the Blue Grass School for Retarded in Lexington, Kentucky. It did so by making an ob... |
The development of an indoor putting test |
1970 |
372 |
The purposes of this study were to establish an Indoor putting test for beginning golf students; to develop an indoor putting green which could be used in measuring putting accuracy; to study the reliability and validity of the Indoor putting test; a... |
The effects of competitive swimming on selected physiological measures and performance levels of seven to ten year old girls |
1970 |
297 |
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of competitive swimming on selected physiological measures and performance levels of seven to ten-year-old girls. Seven swimmers from the Green Valley Swim Team of Greensboro, North Carolina volu... |
Exploration of the development of an instrument to evaluate the volleyball forearm bounce pass utilizing serve reception |
1976 |
277 |
The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility of developing a valid and reliable testing instrument to evaluate the volleyball forearm bounce pass as it is used in a game-like situation of serve reception. The study was based upon data col... |
The construction of a film loop and audio cassette series in beginning synchronized swimming skills |
1977 |
360 |
It was the purpose of this study to construct a set of film loops and audio cassette recordings that could be used as a teaching aid in a situation where the instructor has little or no knowledge of synchronized swimming skills. To determine the scop... |
Badminton skill tests for the smash and overhead drop shot |
1972 |
14111 |
The purpose of this study was to establish the validity, reliability, and objectivity of badminton skills tests for the smash and overhead drop shot. These tests attempted to distinguish between players better able to execute the smash and drop strok... |
A comparison of selected personality traits of college women who participate in varsity team sports, varsity individual sports, and a college dance company |
1971 |
336 |
The purpose of this research was to compare selected personality factors for each group of college women who participated in a college dance company, varsity team sports of field hockey, basketball, and volleyball, and varsity individual sports of te... |
An analysis of the feminine image and various sport images of competitive college women swimmers |
1974 |
207 |
The purpose of this descriptive study was to assess the images of a sample of competitive college women swimmers. Images of the feminine girl and the competitive female swimmer, tennis player, and basketball player were identified and analyzed as to ... |
A classification test for junior high school girls in physical education |
1965 |
2055 |
There is a need in physical education for a performance test which classifies according to ability at the junior high school age and which is efficient in time and equipment. The development of such a test was the objective of this study. A test was ... |
A study of the relationship between depth perception of moving objects and sports skill |
1966 |
496 |
The purposes of this study were (1) to develop a standardized measure of depth perception of moving objects, (2) to determine the relationship between depth perception of moving objects and sports skill, (3) to re-explore the relationship between dep... |
Attitudes toward physical activity and self-perceived body image of selected black high school women |
1975 |
408 |
It was the purpose of this study to investigate the relationship between attitudes toward physical activity and self-perceived body image of selected black high school women. The study attempted to determine what values the subjects held toward physi... |
A comparison of attitudes toward physical education among ninth grade students in four schools in Central Virginia, with emphasis on racial significance |
1975 |
276 |
From the mid-1950's to the present, school systems throughout America have dealt with the racial issue in numerous manners. Students were exposed to a period of transition from one type of school system to another, depending on the manner in which th... |
The comparison of attitudes of black and white high school students toward physical education |
1977 |
376 |
The purpose of this study was to compare the attitudes of Black and White ninth and tenth grade students in four high schools in Rockingham County, North Carolina, toward physical education. In order to measure and then compare these attitudes, the E... |