Berlin, Pearl


There are 40 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Selected variables related to movement task performance measures of 7-year-old girls 1977 407 The present investigation examined the relationship of three developmental variables—skeletal maturity, visual-motor functioning, and mental ability—with the early- and late-trial performance scores on three motor control tasks. In addition, the degr...
Assertion in women's intercollegiate tennis singles 1979 261 The broad purpose of this investigation was to study the assertive behaviors of women intercollegiate tennis players. The inquiry further sought to develop a systematic observation technique for use in analyzing intercollegiate tennis play. Singles p...
The nature and significance of the response latency associated with the amendment of movements of varying complexity 1975 331 This investigation examined variation in the reaction time (RT2) to the second of two closely paired stimuli when responses were ordered according to relative degree of movement complexity. The sequences included: (a) executing a simple response foll...
The play day/sport day movement in selected colleges of the south 1984 299 The purpose of the research was to study the presence of a Play Day/Sport Day approach to women's sport in four colleges in the South and to delineate the character of such play. Five questions framed the study. These were concerned with (1) prevaili...
Use of statistics in recently-published physical education research 1985 286 The types and frequencies of statistical techniques reported in recently-published physical education research were studied. Also investigated were: (a) complexity of the data that were analyzed, (b) frequency and levels of significance testing, assu...
Doctoral dissertations in physical education : a twenty-year portrait 1986 336 This research project was designed to describe selected characteristics of doctoral dissertations written by students in departments of physical education in the United States from 1964 through 1983. It was conceptualized and carried out in light of ...
A descriptive analysis of teacher augmented feedback given to university students in beginning golf classes 1979 267 Individualized teacher augmented feedback (TAF) given to students during the learning/performance of golf was described from three perspectives: (a) an expert observer/ (b) the teacher, and (c) the students. Whiting's information -processing model pr...
The development and validation of a sport assertion scale 1978 408 The broad purpose of this study was to develop and validate a self-administered situation—specific assertion scale for collegiate male and female competitive athletes. More specifically, the investigation sought to identify the relationships among an...
Time-series analysis of intraindividual performances of a complex serial gross motor task 1982 277 Four case studies of time-series motor performances were designed to examine relationships among serial recall, visual and kinesthetic perceptual attributes, and spatial complexity. The task included four nine-element serial sequences and two tossing...
Distinctive physical education teachers : personal qualities, perceptions of teacher education and the realities of teaching 1980 388 This investigation described the: (a) personal qualities, (b) teaching realities, and (c) perceptions of teacher education of distinctive physical education teachers. A distinctive teacher was defined as one who stands out from the majority of collea...
A theoretical model of professional/staff development from a liberation perspective 1983 365 This investigation described the: (a) personal qualities, (b) teaching realities, and (c) perceptions of teacher education of distinctive physical education teachers. A distinctive teacher was defined as one who stands out from the majority of collea...
The student teaching experience : perceptions of student teachers, cooperating teachers, and university supervisors 1979 304 This investigation examined perceptions about the objectives of the student teaching experience in the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Subjects for the study were Spring 1978 stud...
Leadership development and sport participation : perceptions of selected business managers 1986 1469 The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of selected business managers of their competitive sport experience and whether or not ten events previously identified by researchers of The Center for Creative Leadership were associated wi...
Multivariate relationships among visual perceptual attributes and gross motor tasks with different environmental demands 1978 435 This descriptive study investigates the underlying factors and interrelationships among five visual perceptual attributes and two performance stages of two gross motor tasks with different spatial/ temporal environmental demands. The Spatial Motor Ta...
Sport motivation among three levels of high calibre soccer players 1980 538 Although motivation theorists have sought to improve the predictability of human behavior by testing notions of achievement motivation, nAch, variability in the notion remains. With the relationship and appropriateness of nAch to sport being obvious,...
Reentry women : the relationship of Q-ACH, extraversion-introversion, and locus of control to physical persistence on two psychomotor tasks 1981 370 Although adult women returning to college represent one of the fastest growing groups in higher education, little information exists regarding their specific characteristics. Reference to physical activity and the reentry woman is notably missing. Th...
An exploration of the flow experience among selected collegiate athletes 1981 388 The purpose of this study is to explore Csikszentmihalyi's flow theory in sport as perceived by collegiate athletes. The Sport Flow Q Sort developed by Progen and revised to more comprehensively represent flow theory constructs generates the data. Th...
Promoting physical activity in the United States : challenge to physical education 1985 859 The status of adult physical activity participation was examined to determine the status quo of involvement and to suggest strategies for encouraging adults to increase their physical activity. Data from seven selected surveys, 1961- 1982, provided t...
Perceptions of "the woman athlete" and "the woman coach" 1973 245 The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived concepts, "woman athlete" and "woman coach," and the comparisons of these concepts, as held by a selected sample of women athletes and women coaches. Subjects participating in the study were ...
Relationships between children's space utilization, field dependence, and body image boundary 1973 290 The study employed 13 kindergarten age boys and girls in examining the relationships between field dependence, body image boundary, and space utilization during locomotor play activity. In addition, scores on all variables were analyzed for sex diffe...
Performance of a novel task under two conditions of anxiety 1973 334 This study examines the performance of women on a novel fine-motor task, specifically, mirror-tracing, under non-anxious and anxious-induced conditions. Threat of electric shock is used to induce anxiety. Also, this investigation seeks to determine w...
Achievement motivation of general students and selected women in sport 1974 283 This research was concerned with the establishment of normative data utilizing the Lynn Questionnaire for the assessment of achievement motivation. The problem was to determine the mean need to achieve score of general students and of women in sport....
The background experiences and current status of women intercollegiate basketball coaches in the state of North Carolina 1974 435 The purpose of this study was to investigate the background experiences and current status of women intercollegiate basketball coaches in the state of North Carolina. Subjects were thirty coaches of women's basketball teams from institutions of highe...
Attitudes toward physical activity held by selected students and secondary school teachers of the Greensboro public school system 1974 255 The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes toward physical activity held by physical education specialists. A further purpose was to compare the attitudes of physical educators to those perceived by students and general secondary teac...
Expectations of women collegiate athletes regarding coaching style 1974 242 The purpose of this study was to explore women intercollegiate athletes' expectations for the leadership to which they are exposed in competitive sports. A further purpose of the study was to determine the relative value athletes place on four aspect...
The relationships of selected psycho-social variables associated with achievement to the performance of male and female intercollegiate basketball players 1982 274 A total of 54 male and 53 female athletes completed the Work and Family Orientation Questionnaire and Gordon's Survey of Interpersonal Values. Scales measured were WORK, MASTERY, COMPETITIVENESS, PERSONAL UNCONCERN, SUPPORT, CONFORMITY, RECOGNITION, ...
Relationships among interpretations of modern dance and cultural background 1983 258 The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of three different dance stimuli by three cultural groups. The semantic differential served as the technique for interpreting the perceptions of filmed presentations of three modern dances by a...
A comprehensive review of sport psychology doctoral dissertations completed between 1966 and 1985 1988 217 The purpose of this secondary research review was to examine specific characteristics of sport psychology doctoral dissertations produced in graduate programs in the United States between 1966 and 1985. Content analysis research was employed to inves...
A factor analysis of the motivation of women collegiate athletes 1975 405 The purpose of this study was to test a tentative theory of the motivation of women collegiate athletes as formulated by Berlin. The responses of 224 women athletes to a forced-choice, structured Q-sort were collected. Twelve colleges/universities an...
The development of Guttman scales measuring attitudes toward athletic scholarships and attitudes toward women in sport 1975 403 The purpose of this study was to develop two Guttman scales: one which measured attitudes toward athletic scholarships and a second which assessed attitudes toward women in sport. Subjects participating in the scale development numbered approximately...
A critical examination of published sport motivation research, 1975-1986 1987 308 The present secondary research review was undertaken with four primary purposes: (a) to determine the “state of the art” of sport motivation research; (b) to consolidate and synthesize the available information regarding sport motivation; (c) to iden...
Women's basketball rule infringements in seasonal and national tournament play 1972 335 The purpose of the study was to investigate the types and frequency of basketball rule infringements that occurred at the college level during the 1971-72 competitive season and the First DGWS National Intercollegiate Basketball Championship. A check...
Psychological anxiety of members of selected intercollegiate athletic teams 1973 650 The purpose of this study was to assess the psychological anxiety levels of college students who participated in intercollegiate athletics in the spring of 1972. The problem was concerned with anxiousness as measured by the State Trait Anxiety Invent...
The use of music or percussion instruments in the teaching of ninth grade modern jazz dance 1976 238 The study was concerned with the nature and effectiveness of the rhythmic accompaniment in teaching Beginning Modern Jazz Dance. The experiment sought to identify and describe differences between pre and post instructional performance of selected cla...
Attitudes toward women among selected undergraduate students representing various fields of study 1976 223 The purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes toward women held by male and female undergraduate students of selected academic fields of study. The research was also concerned with attitudes toward women who participate in physical activity....
The formulation of a Q-sort to assess body-image of high school girls 1976 208 The purpose of this study was to design a 60-item, forced-choice Q-sort to assess the body-image of high school girls. Two classes of high school girls enrolled at Ben L. Smith High School in Greensboro, North Carolina were interviewed concerning the...
Perceptions of CUNY women athletes and coaches about selected coaching practices 1977 227 This research described the beliefs and practices associated with women college coaches 1n the City University of New York. The Inquiry attempted to characterize coaches' behavior as it related to three broad considerations: (a) leadership style, (b)...
The motivations of high school male athletes 1977 290 The purpose of this study was to determine the reasons for atheletic participation by high school male athletes. A pilot inquiry using high school students was undertaken to first identify some of the motivational incluences for sport involvement....
Source of reinforcement as a potential factor in Women's sport involvement 1975 292 Two questionnaires were administered to 94 intercollegiate women athletes to determine whether or not source of reinforcement could be considered to be a factor in women's sport involvement. Athletes were investigated as a total group and also in thr...
Superstitions of athletes 1974 709 Fifty-five collegiate athletes (31 males and 24 females), basketball and tennis players from teams at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, participated in this study which soug...