Watchravesringkan, Kittichai


There are 10 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
An empirical examination of consumers' innovation adoption: the role of innovativeness, fashion orientation, and utilitarian and hedonic consumers' attitudes 2008 11870 Over the past few years, changes in the competitive landscape of retail marketing have resulted in a synergy effect. This synergy effect has motivated firms to enter into a strategic alliance. Many industries, such as the technology and fa...
An empirical examination of antecedents and consequences of e-compulsive buying tendencies: the moderating role of psychological factors 2011 5044 Over the past decade, online shopping appears to have been a common activity in this technological world where consumers have the ability to engage in all stages of decision making related to products and/or services. However, researchers have conten...
The impact of consumer- and retailer-related factors on marketing outcomes: a comparison of local and national department stores in Thailand 2014 3394 This dissertation proposes a model of consumer department store patronage behavior that integrates multiple theoretical approaches within the context of the Thai retail sector. The objectives of the study are to: (1) examine the extent to which consu...
Assessing the Impact of Brand extensions on brand concept and brand equity: the moderating effect of consumers' perceived fit 2011 17376 Over the past two decades, the retail landscape has experienced remarkable changes due to macro- and micro-environmental forces. Many industries, including textile and apparel businesses have shut down their facilities and some have modified their st...
Consumers' cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses toward a firm's recovery strategies when committing a transgression 2016 1265 The customer-retailer relationship symbolizes the attachment and connection that consumers’ share with retailers. When consumers’ create these relationships they expect for the retailer to maintain the relationship without a breach, such as a transgr...
Investigating antecedents and consequences of exploratory consumer behavior in the context of online fashion product rentailers 2017 1465 Online fashion product rentailer describes a retailer that offers fashion products for rental using an Internet website as the main shopping channel, which is deemed as one of retail activities given the new retail landscape of the 21st century. Whil...
An empirical investigation of the impacts of website quality on consumer loyalty: a case of baby boomers 2015 2716 Online shopping has become increasingly popular with sales of $263 billion in 2013 an increase of 36% as compared to 2011 ( However, consumer behavior that happens in the online channel is still under-researched due to the constant chan...
Effects of eco-labels and framing message on consumers’ attitudes toward the advertisement, consumers’ attitudes toward the brand, and consumers’ evaluations of brand equity 2021 488 In response to environmental challenges, today’s consumers shift their choices toward more sustainable products to promote a sustainable economy, not to mention are willing to support environmentally responsible companies. Because the increasing cons...
Modeling young global consumers' apparel brand resonance: a cross-cultural comparison between the United States and Thailand 2013 8573 With the expansion of globalization, the increasingly competitive environment of fashion has led to the diffusion of brands across borders and cultures. Furthermore, with the expansion of multinational brands as well as increasingly global media comm...
Exploring the impact of product similarity and price on brand management outcomes of junior imitations and traditional senior luxury brands: the moderating roles of consumer characteristics 2017 1446 Often considered the sincerest form of flattery, imitation has practically always underlain the business sector. Firms mimic the innovations of others in all industries and at varied levels, resulting in a spectrum of copies that range from identical...