Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
The relationship between personal growth group experiences in multicultural counseling courses and counseling students' ethnic identity development |
2005 |
7361 |
" Much has been written in the counseling literature on the importance of training counselors to respond to the needs of culturally diverse individuals. The multicultural counseling education literature reflects a vast amount of work involving ethnic... |
Examining the impact of international graduate students' acculturation experiences on their career decision-making self-efficacy |
2009 |
8324 |
The statistics from the Institute of International Education (2006) show that the number of international graduate students studying at universities in the U.S. continues to increase, and that more international students choose to acquire work experi... |
Testing the engagement theory of program quality in CACREP-accredited counselor education programs |
2009 |
6565 |
Program quality is a high priority in American higher education (Haworth & Conrad, 1997; Schuh & Upcraft, 2000). The drive by both public and private colleges and universities to enhance and evaluate program quality is partially fueled by an ever-inc... |
The knowledge, skills, practices and attributes that are necessary for leadership roles in counseling |
2011 |
3845 |
The CACREP Standards document leadership as an essential part of counselor
development. However, there does not yet seem to be a consensus in the profession about
what specific knowledge, skills, ... |
Supervision of school counselors-in-training: site supervisors’ experiences and perspectives |
2012 |
2980 |
Supervision models and guidelines (Kahn, 1999; Lambie & Sias, 2009; Luke & Bernard, 2006; Murphy & Kaffenberger, 2007; Nelson & Johnson, 1999; Roberts & Morotti, 2001; Studer, 2005; Wood & Rayle, 2006) have been proposed to address the distinctive is... |
Career counselors’ perspectives on social justice advocacy |
2015 |
4622 |
The counseling profession has been rooted in both social justice and career development since Frank Parsons began providing career guidance services to underserved youth and immigrants of Boston over a century ago (Kiselica & Robinson, 2001; O'Brien,... |
Caring for the caregiver: exploration of sibling connection and social support in relationships of adult siblings caring for aging parents with dementia |
2015 |
4527 |
There is a growing population of aging parents with dementia and subsequent obligations of adult children to provide care for them. Approaches to helping adult siblings care for their parents are centered on primary caregiver network models that over... |
Transnational faculty work in counselor education: a Delphi study |
2016 |
906 |
The growth of the counseling profession worldwide paired with the effects of globalization have created more ways in which U.S. counselor education faculty work worldwide (Lorelle et al., 2012; Norsworthy et al., 2009b; Tang et al., 2012). This profe... |
Beginning counselor educators’ experiences of doctoral teaching preparation and teaching mentoring |
2016 |
848 |
Teaching is often an area of great challenge for counselor educators in their first two years of full-time employment, as many report feeling overwhelmed in adapting to the myriad of responsibilities of a counselor educator (Buller, 2013; Carter et a... |
Voices of recovery: an exploration of stigma experienced by college students in recovery from alcohol and/or other drug addiction through photovoice |
2017 |
2209 |
Researchers have estimated that on any given college campus, 4% of students are in recovery from alcohol and/or other drug addiction (Harris, Baker, & Thompson, 2005). Over the past several years, Collegiate Recovery Programs (CRPs) and Collegiate Re... |
Factors affecting mothers' and adolescent sons' preference for family counseling approaches |
1995 |
320 |
This study investigated whether the preferences of mothers' and adolescent sons' for three different counseling categories were affected by participant's (a) race, (b) socioeconomic status, (c) client status, (d) previous counseling experience, (e) t... |
An exploration of school counselors’ knowledge sharing practices using diffusion of innovation theory, social exchange theory, and theory of reasoned action. |
2010 |
5246 |
School counselors are expected to be advocates, collaborators, consultants, and leaders in their work with students, families, administrators, school staff, and community based stakeholders (ASCA, 2005; Shoffner & Briggs, 2001; Rowley, 2000). Underly... |