Watson, J. Allen


There are 35 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Child care paraprofessionals : characteristics for selection 1971 1250 Child care for young children has been an important issue for many years, and today more emphasis has been placed on the type of care and the quality of care provided for children than in earlier years. Child care centers must rely on the use of para...
A multivariate study of religious commitment among a sample of United Methodist adults 1976 1118 The primary purpose of this study was to analyze the nature of religious commitment among a specific age and religious group, that is, adults of the United Methodist faith. A secondary purpose was the designing of a questionnaire (Religiosity Invento...
Relationship of family employment status to husband and wife marital satisfaction and sex role preferences 1981 321 The purpose of the study was to investigate the sex role preferences and marital satisfaction of husbands and wives in dual career, dual earner, and single earner family types. The study was descriptive and utilized the survey approach in obtaining r...
Mood and symptoms of expectant fathers during the course of pregnancy 1977 691 This study was designed to examine the general emotional state of expectant fathers and symptom manifestation of expectant fathers during the course of pregnancy. The specific purposes of the study were: First, to explore the general emotional state ...
Foster family environments in relation to social competence of adolescent foster children : perceptions of foster mothers 1983 429 The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between factors of foster family environments and differential levels of social competence of adolescent foster children. Developed within a framework of normalcy, health, and competence, this ...
An examination of selected attitudes and opinions of federal-level bureaucrats on the development of national family policy and programming 1975 399 Considerable interest has recently been generated about the impact of the Federal Government on American family life. This exploratory study was designed to examine the perceptions of Federal-level bureaucrats on a variety of family-oriented concerns...
A preliminary investigation of expectancy changes in locus of control among aged white women as related to skill and chance tasks 1973 308 It was the purpose of this study to investigate expectancy changes (whether one expected to succeed or fail on successive task trials) in skill- and chance-task situations as related to changes in locus of control among aged white women. Recent resea...
Differences in variability of color of stimuli on the child's habituation of attention and on his performance of a cue-related task 1972 312 "The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different color combinations on length of attention, as measured by eye fixation habituation and amount of information gathered from stimuli, as determined by two cue-related tasks. Four tr...
An analysis of the intergenerational patterns in two African-American families 1980 888 This study has three purposes: (a) to examine the culture found in two rural average African-American families as they were reconstructed for genealogical charts to determine generational patterns, (b) to study the interaction between economic/politi...
The effect of auditory occlusion on TAT responses of institutionalized delinquent, adolescent boys 1972 301 The purpose of this experiment was to examine the effect of not hearing one's voice on certain aspects of verbalization among delinquent boys. White noise masking(WNM) was used to occlude subjects' own voices from themselves. Forty(40) subjects from ...
Relationships of receipt of aid (AFDC), number of children, and maternal-receptive vocabulary to maternal-childcare attitudes 1983 259 The primary purpose of this study was to investigate maternal attitudes toward childcare responsibilities in families of low socioeconomic status. A secondary purpose was to determine whether maternal attitudes are as homogeneous in this population a...
In mother's lap : microcomputers, mother's teaching behavior and young children's classification skills 1984 197 Forty-one preschool children enrolled in a southeastern university enrichment program, 21 2-year-olds and 20 3-year-olds, were randomly assigned to two treatment groups: a microworld computer experience designed to teach the concept inside/outside an...
Factors related to the social competence of children in single-parent families 1985 1289 Viewed in light of the great deal of research documenting the negative effects of divorce on children, the results of the present investigation offer an alternative explanation of children's outcomes following divorce. These findings provide strong s...
Adolescents' self evaluations : the influence of exposure to self evaluations of others 1973 581 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect upon the self evaluations of adolescents of their exposure to the positive self evaluations of other persons. Three hypotheses were explored by the study. The experimenter hypothesized first tha...
Verbal responses of institutionalized delinquent and non-delinquent adolescent girls to TAT stimuli under auditory occlusion 1973 327 The purpose of this study was to explore the verbal accessibility of institutionalized delinquent and non-delinquent adolescent girls to TAT stimuli under auditory occlusion. The study was designed as a companion study to one conducted by Lorenz Vill...
Sexual knowledge, attitudes, and behavior and attitudes toward feminism : a cross cultural study 1979 409 The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between feminism and sexuality from a cross-cultural perspective. It was hypothesized that women who had a liberal attitude toward feminism would have more knowledge about sexuality and ha...
The effects of sex-typed labeling in conjunction with sex-typed modeling upon preschool children's toy preference behavior 1983 273 Modeling and labeling are two mechanisms which have been identified as playing an integral part in the development of children's sex-typed interests and activities. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the manner in which young childre...
Pointing behaviors of preschoolers during Logo mastery 1989 169 Cursor pointing behavior was examined as a conceptual strategy used by preschoolers to guide their microcomputer manipulations. Thirty-eight 4- and 5-year old children, categorized by field independence/field dependence, were trained to an establishe...
Early maternal-infant interactions in adolescent and young adult mothers 1989 275 Children having children! Over a million American teenagers become pregnant every year and over half a million give birth. While ignored in the past, the problem has now become a "burning national concern." Teen parenting has been linked to various p...
The influence of induced positive emotion upon the play behavior of 5-year-old children 1973 444 The purpose of the experiment was to investigate the organizing and disorganizing effects of induced positive emotion upon the constructive play of 5-year-old children. It was hypothesized that low and medium levels of induced positive emotion would ...
Physical, psychological and social predictors of locus of control among middle aged adults 1976 388 The purpose of this study was to determine through a systematic approach some of the more salient physical, psychological and social variables in locus of control orientation (I.E.) in middle adulthood. The sample for the study consisted of 337 adult...
A profile of male mid-life concerns 1983 357 This investigation examined mid-life males' morale and concern about physical condition, psychological themes related to aging, career issues, family relationships, and interpersonal relationships. The main purpose of the study was to determine if th...
Racial awareness and racial identification among American Indian children as influenced by native-American power ideology and self-concept 1977 396 The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between racial awareness and racial identification of American Indian children with exposure to the American Indian movement and self-concept. The sample for the study consisted of 45 Amer...
An analysis of cognitive style, grade level and spatial sequencing during LOGO mastery 1989 236 This study empirically investigated how cognitive style and grade level relate to spatial development and comprehension monitoring. Eighty subjects participated in the study. These subjects were in the fifth (20 Field Dependent (FD)/20 Field Independ...
Cross-age tutoring and young children's spatial problem solving skills in a LOGO programming environment 1989 127 Twenty-eight six to eight year old children enrolled in a summer enrichment program in a southeastern urban public elementary school were randomly assigned to three groups of tutors: (a) same-age (6-8 years of age); (b) near same-age (9-12 years of a...
Understanding preschoolers' problem solving in LOGO microworlds through critical analysis of audit trails 1996 217 Audit trails are the captured and stored responses a learner initiates as he/she travels through a interactive learning environment. This research, through audit trail analysis, examined the decision points along the paths that individual children or...
A comparison of the Rokeach and values clarification methods of values change 1975 504 The purpose of this study was to investigate the relative effectiveness of two methods of producing change in the order of values of adolescents. Milton Rokeach's method based on cognitive dissonance was compared to certain values clarification, stra...
Logo mastery : cognitive styles and problem solving strategies used by kindergartners and third graders 1994 190 Fifty-one third grade students and fifty-one kindergarten students enrolled in an elementary school were placed in either a field independent group or a field dependent group using a test of stylistic preference. Students first learned to maneuver in...
The effects of pairing, training, and gender on second graders' content-mastery of a hypermedia science lesson : a factorial experiment 1993 233 The purpose of this study was to examine second graders' performance on a test of content-knowledge based on a hypermedia science program when they were working with a partner of the same sex versus working alone, and when they were given training in...
The effect of teacher scaffolding and student comprehension monitoring on a multimedia/interactive videodisc science lesson for second graders 1993 231 Imagery based computer instruction is predicted to have a major impact on educational curriculum in the next century. Yet research on the effectiveness of imagery technology for early elementary-age children is a relatively unexplored area. The purpo...
The development of academic efficacy among Asian, Hispanic, Black, and White high school students 1994 241 The purpose of the current study was: 1) to examine the relationship between academic efficacy and academic achievement among students of different ethnic groups, 2) to examine if students from different ethnic groups differ in their degree of academ...
The relationship of group size, sex of benefactor and sex of recipient to sharing behavior in young children 1976 269 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sex of benefactor (the subject), sex of recipient and the number of recipients present on sharing behavior in young children. Ninety-six children, 48 boys and 48 girls, were subjects in the ...
The selection of Logo problem-solving strategies by young minority children as influenced by turtle position and cognitive style 1991 276 The purpose of this study was to examine problem-solving strategies between cognitive styles for minority preschool children in a Logo computer curriculum with analytic and relational instructions. Sixteen Black four-year-olds enrolled in a model chi...
Attitudes toward feminism : the development of a measurement scale 1972 376 The purposes of this study were: (a) to develop a valid and reliable instrument designed to measure attitudes toward feminism, that is, women's rights; (b) to investigate the prevalent attitudes toward feminism; and (c) to explore the relationship be...
The effects of wall color and room size on the classroom social behavior of nursery school children 1973 233 The purpose of this study was to replicate in part and to extend Webb's (1971) findings regarding color as a discriminative stimulus (SD) for social behavior. The research problem was to assess whether wall color and room size act as SD's for the soc...