Shapiro, H. Svi


There are 39 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Gifted Women Who Underachieve: A Study of Mathematics and Gender 2007 4913 This investigates the underachievement of gifted women in mathematics. Chapter one looks at the sources of societal negative attitudes toward mathematics, why we study mathematics and reasons mathematics is hard to learn. Chapter two looks at obstacl...
Transforming Oppression in Nursing Education: Towards a Liberation Pedagogy 2008 10200 This work explores the history of oppression in nursing education and how this oppression serves to perpetuate hostility, mistrust, and rigidity in nursing programs. It looks at how oppressive behaviors are learned and transmitted in nursing programs...
Towards equity in health : envisioning authentic health education in schools 2007 2751 "In U.S. history, there has never been a time when the health status of African Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, or Asians has come close to that of white Americans. On the whole, non-white groups persistently experience higher degrees of chroni...
The emperor has no clothes: teaching about race and racism to people who don't want to know 2010 12532 The Emperor Has No Clothes: Teaching About Race and Racism to People Who Don’t Want to Know is designed to offer both practical and theoretical grounding for leaders and teachers interested in effectively addressing racism as well as other oppressi...
Looking for love: a critique of doctrinal elements of a curriculum framework for the development of catechetical materials for young people of high school age published by the U.S. conference of catholic bishops (USCCB), November 2007. 2010 13535 This study critically examines the curriculum framework published by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops which directs the four year, eight semester course of study for religion classes taught in all U.S. Catholic high schools. By examining this ...
Is the leadership in the black church complicit in the perpetuation of dominance and oppression? 2009 4972 This dissertation investigates the relationship between church leadership and parishioners and hypothesizes that the leadership in the black church is complicit in the perpetuation of dominating and oppressive behaviors within the communities that ar...
Thank you God: a way through the wilderness of double standards, misinformation, and fear to the promised land of welcome and radical inclusivity 2009 8439 The "Black" Church organize, sort, and select members of their congregation based on the leadership's understanding of spirituality, morality, and traditional socialization of religious practices within faith communities. The "Black" Church doctrine:...
Revisioning the basic communication course in the context of globalization 2011 3320 The purpose of this dissertation is to examine how to revision the basic undergraduate communication course in the context of globalization. This research establishes the significance of the spiral of silence theory in relation to the communication p...
Shame on you; shame in me: the impact of degradation on males who identify as gay 2009 4390 Literature in gender and identity studies does not reveal plentiful inquiry regarding the impact of shame, particularly with regard to males who identify as gay; however, the literature does reflect that people who identify as non-conformist with reg...
Positive freedom: an exploration of pedagogical citizenship 2010 1914 The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the pedagogical attempt to teach for citizenship in the public school setting. Using the tools of critical/ liberatory pedagogy the critical scholar embarked on a discovery of the foundations of his peda...
Renewing the cultural and environmental commons: creating communities of mutual care, solidarity and reciprocity 2010 3119 This dissertation explores the growing social, economic, and environmental crisis and the resulting culture of fragmentation, destruction and moral disconnection. Utilizing a semi-autobiographical approach that grounds my research in the context of m...
Disciplinary disproportionality and the organization of power 2012 3056 Schools continue to struggle with disproportionate disciplinary outcomes for Black/African American students (Children's Defense Fund, 1975) within a social context that no longer openly discusses or acknowledges the potential impact of race (Bonilla...
Approaching a more holistic education 2014 3771 The following dissertation argues that our current educational system should be improved for the benefit of the individual and society through the addition of what may be referred to as aspects of holistic education. Holistic Education for the purpos...
Upon the King : myth and meaning in the principalship 2006 1730 "The night before the historical battle of Agincourt, in Shakespeare's retelling of the events, King Henry dons a cloak and walks among his troops, conversing with them frankly, if in secret, about the responsibilities of the leader and the led. Enou...
Critical aesthetic pedagogy : toward a theory of self and social understanding 2006 4535 "This dissertation attempts to describe a new form of education called Critical Aesthetic Pedagogy. The object of this pedagogical method is to infuse aesthetic experience into critical educational practices in order to enhance capacities in students...
Teaching peace: an exploration of identity development of peace educators 2015 1377 The purpose of this research was to explore the identity of those who can be called "Peace Educators," and to contextualize the concept of that identity within the field of Peace Education by presenting an historical background of the field and by ex...
World religions: seeing with, not looking at 2016 1349 The traditional World Religions construct instantiates a nineteenth-century, Christian, male, Western worldview. Despite its apparent objectivity, it catalogues the peoples of the world according to extrinsic values and descriptors, and parades them ...
Jewishly-informed mature adult service-learning 2013 4395 The purpose of this study is to describe, implement, and interpret the intersection of service-learning, Jewish values and ways of knowing, adult education, and lifelong learning for people over the age of 50. By expanding service-learning to include...
Trafficking in women: when survivors find their voice 2015 2041 The purpose of this study is to help survivors of human trafficking, who so desire, break the silence and give voice to their stories of trafficking and surviving in order to educate the public about trafficking, help service providers improve curren...
Connectedness in education as a social critique of individualism: an analysis of cultural foundations course 2018 1369 In this qualitative research the author explores, investigates, and analyzes dis/connectedness—and the many ways it manifests within the individual, social, and political spheres—by drawing on multiple perspectives (philosophy, history and sociology)...
Social justice and higher education in the age of neoliberalism 2018 646 As with virtually every aspect of U.S. society, higher education has been strongly impacted and influenced by neoliberalism. As such higher education faculty concerned about social justice and its attending themes face unique challenges as they navig...
Towards a pedagogy of forgiveness: lessons from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2017 1007 This study explores forgiveness as human behaviors as opposed to an emotional response following perceived wrongdoing. Focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the purpose of this study is to critically investigate the concepts of forgiveness th...
Critical consciousness and current classroom teachers 2018 1316 Public education continues to be a cornerstone of society in the United States. The process of public education has been touted as the way great equalizer in that it provides all with an equal opportunity to gain skills and knowledge to live out the ...
Women and knowledge : a study of eight doctoral students in the School of Education, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 1990 309 This paper concerns the relationships between women and knowledge. Beginning with traditional and contemporary definitions of knowledge and the socially constructed place along the margins of culture that women have assumed over time, it confronts th...
Education for assimilation, integration or liberation? : a critical analysis of black educational thought in the late sixties and early seventies 1991 329 This study examines radical Black educational thought in the post Civil Rights era within the context of Black Power. The ideology of radical Black education manifested in four major areas namely, 1) educational colonialism, 2) community control of s...
Education and community : an interpretive inquiry into the meaning and messages of schooling using a metaphor of ecological community 1985 573 The research, which uses participant observation, interviews, and document analysis, is an interpretive inquiry into the meanings and messages of schooling. Although the data for this study was collected at a small private school in western North Car...
Toward an African-American critical pedagogy for liberation 1992 198 This dissertation, as a qualitative study, focuses on critical pedagogy and dialogic teaching as seen through the lenses of dominant reconstructionist theorists. Perceived as essential for African-American education, critical pedagogy and dialogic te...
Democratic faith : in search of a more accessible critical pedagogy for teachers in their classrooms 1995 341 This dissertation has grown out of my appreciation for the transformative potential of certain principles and constructions of critical pedagogy. Chapter One presents an overview of contemporary critical theory and charges that much of such theory re...
The past as liberation from history 1996 384 The purpose of this research was to explore the difference between the social construction of history and the lived experience we call the past. The author's thesis is that by failing to distinguish between the two we risk unquestionably accepting as...
The Hollywood curriculum : teachers and teaching in the movies 1995 727 Fifty-one motion pictures (distributed widely in the United States over the past 60 years) are analyzed to construct a theory of curriculum in the movies grounded in the emerging field of cultural studies with particular ties to critical pedagogy. Th...
All the pieces matter: discovering moral imagination along the wire 2014 2736 Abstract: This dissertation is an investigation into the tool of moral imagination in the service of social justice. Supported by the philosophies of David Purpel, Maxine Greene, and John Dewey, this analysis is engaged through six themes examined th...
Educational emancipation: addressing retention and graduation of traditional aged undergraduate African American male students 2015 1985 This study examined the issues and factors that impact the college retention and graduation rate of traditional-aged African American male undergraduate students at Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) in the United States. Currently, the structur...
The human side of teaching : an inquiry into the limits and possibilities of teacher evaluation 1987 398 The focus of this study was the human side of teaching, i.e., those traits and characteristics of teaching which are not formally evaluated, but must be present for effective teaching-learning to take place. There were 18 traits and characteristics i...
Theories of social reproduction and student resistance in Jamaica, West Indies 1987 300 The main purpose of this study is to examine the theories of social reproduction and student resistance in education. Additionally, the study will investigate the extent to which these theories, developed in capitalist countries, have implications fo...
Voices from the secondary school : women English teachers engaged in critical pedagogy 1993 310 The purpose of this study was to give voice to secondary women English teachers engaged in critical pedagogy in their classrooms and to add to the femininine discourse concerned with secondary education. This dissertation represents a qualitative stu...
Education for global citizenship in America 2011 2930 This Dissertation is a peace project. It traces the rise of aspects of the myth of American Exceptionalism since the founding of the American Republic -- a sense of superiority by the US with respect to the rest of the world, together with a 'salvifi...
How can teachers teach for social justice within the confines of the No Child Left Behind era? an inquiry into tensions between classroom teachers and mandated curriculum and methodologies 2013 3175 Careful journaling spanning ten years of classroom work in elementary and middle school grades was the data used in the research. Utilizing journals and various forms of correspondence and note-taking, this investigation demonstrates what is required...
El camino arduoso—the arduous pilgrimage: an autoethnography examining the impact of patriarchy on critical democracy and Catholic schooling 2015 1794 This autoethnography critically examines my experiences with the Catholic Church, Catholic schools, organizational structures, and hierarchical relationships in order to make social and cultural connections that speak to the larger Catholic community...
Middle school science teachers' conceptions of the nature of scientific knowledge 1992 378 The purpose of this interpretive inquiry study was to ascertain the conceptions of the nature of scientific knowledge of middle school science teachers. Initially, a model of the nature of scientific knowledge was developed from the literature. Scien...