Crosby, Danielle


There are 14 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Assessing the links among maternal nonstandard work schedules, early learning environments, and children's early academic skills 2012 1087 The increase in nonstandard work schedules among mothers with preschool children has called attention to its effects on children's development. Additionally, evidence suggests that there may be varying patterns of child care utilization among mothers...
Early childhood education practicum students' perceptions of their practicum setting and factors linked to satisfaction and teacher efficacy 2013 12075 This exploratory study was designed to investigate how early childhood education practicum students describe their practicum experience in early childhood classrooms. Drawing on data from a larger ongoing study of practicum experiences, the current s...
Giving voices to Mexican immigrant parents: a mixed methods study of perceptions on the transition to school 2013 1631 The transition to formal schooling is thought of as a critical educational experience for all children and their families. This transition may be especially critical for those in the largest immigrant group in the United States, Mexican families and ...
Teachers’ job satisfaction, their professional development and the academic achievement of low-income kindergartners 2015 4062 As expectations for increased student performance mounts, there are limited sources of assistance for teachers who struggle to bridge the gap between the practices they engage in and students’ performance. This is particularly true for kindergarten t...
Co-resident grandparents and children’s early cognitive development 2015 1337 Cross-cultural research on parent–maintained multigenerational families with co-resident grandparents has shown largely positive outcomes for children, but few studies have explored the potential impact of this type of household structure on children...
A mixed methods study of early childhood preservice teachers: beliefs about poverty, perceived learning from specific instructional strategies, and preparedness to serve children and families in poverty 2016 1489 A large number of young children experiencing poverty are receiving some type of formal early care and education. Effective early childhood teachers are an important component to providing high quality early childhood education. Yet, limited research...
Ambivalence as a potential mediator of associations between the acculturation gap and Mexican American adolescents’ well-being 2016 1111 The goal of this study is to explore the relationship between a parent-child acculturation gap and both depression and self-esteem in adolescent children of Mexican immigrant parents. Using linear regression models, I tested the impact of the accultu...
How parents' beliefs and expectations influence their investments in children's early learning environments: a social exchange perspective 2010 8574 Children's early learning environments (i.e., home and child care) influence their school readiness, and parent's investments in these environments help shape children's experiences. Using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study - Birth coho...
Exploring the academic achievement gap among children of immigrants: the role of parent involvement at home and school 2013 2341 The racial-ethnic academic achievement gap is a long-standing phenomenon in the U.S. that has held the attention of scholars for decades. Research has found that accounting for factors such as SES reduces the initial gap but does not eliminate differ...
The associations among school stratification, racial identity, and future orientation in Black youth 2015 1137 Schools are one of the largest institutions that perpetuate and maintain the racial and class hierarchy that exists within society (Borman & Dowling, 2010; Borman, Hewes, Overman, & Brown, 2003). School tracking, the division of students into differe...
Bodily autonomy of young children: mothers’ perspectives of appropriate acceptance or rejection of affection for their toddler and preschool aged children 2021 1764 Young children’s understanding of autonomy related to their body and touch has received relatively little attention in the developmental sciences even though children's understanding of basic principles related to their identity start to take shape d...
Investigating gene–environment interaction as a contributor to language performance. 2010 2230 This study investigated the potential moderating role of genetic predisposition for language performance on the association between various environmental variables and children’s receptive and expressive language performance. Participants included 11...
Patterns of family access to early care and education arrangements during preschool and implications for young children’s kindergarten outcomes 2023 233 High quality early care and education (ECE) experiences are integral for providing young children with a strong developmental foundation and the skills needed for later schooling. Despite this evidence, the supply of ECE providers is scarce and marke...
“Whoa! It has a lot of benefits” : the early care and education perceptions and preferences of refugee mothers 2021 335 Resettlement can be an overwhelming experience for refugee families with young children but early care and education (ECE) services have been found to help refugees integrate into their new communities. However, refugee families are less likely to ut...