Fairbanks, Colleen


There are 16 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Authoring professional teacher identities: a journey from understanding culturally responsive teaching to identifying as culturally responsive teachers 2009 4017 The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the ways in which four elementary preservice teachers came to understand culturally responsive teaching and began authoring their professional teacher identities. It examined the influence of cours...
Examining struggling male adolescent Readers' Responses to Graphic Novels: A Multiple Case Study of Four, Eighth-Grade Males in a Graphic Novel Book Club 2010 8452 Although graphic novels are an increasingly popular literary format, there is currently little empirical research that documents their use with struggling male adolescent readers in school settings. The purpose of this multiple case study was to exam...
A Socioculturalist Remakes a Middle School Classroom or- Unpacking More Tools for Learning 2013 1181 How can we unpack more tools for learning? What do we need to do to help all students succeed? Schools today can find ways to guide students and teachers to share meaningful experiences. Educators may find it interesting to share student ...
Storylines: a narrative study of young adolescents making meaning of their writing experiences 2015 1187 This study used a narrative inquiry model to explore the writing experiences of a diverse group of eight middle-school aged participants by responding to three research questions: 1) How do young adolescents experience learning to write?, 2) How do t...
Black teachers caring for black students: intersecting identity, culturally responsive teaching and life history 2011 5324 This study addresses African American teachers' perspectives of Black students and the ways they pass on community through their Black pedagogical practices. Furthermore, it focuses on Black teacher identities and the ways their communities have shap...
Literacy that matters: how teacher's instructional decisions shape students' reading identities and learning outcomes 2013 2504 This research focused on students' reading identities and literacy learning and their potential relationships to teachers' instructional decisions in the support of these. The study included two experienced teachers from an ethnically diverse urban s...
I am because we are: exploring the relationships between mentorship, involvement in LGBTQ student organizations, resiliency, and leadership efficacy of queer students of color 2016 1278 Although undergraduates are enrolling in our colleges and universities during a historical moment in which the lives of LGBTQ communities have never been as visible, LGBTQ harassment, violence and oppression is still pervasive within institutions of ...
A writing collaborative: shaping secondary English teachers’ identities as writers within a community of practice 2014 3091 Important to issues of writing instruction are the ways in which teachers, specifically those who teach in the discipline of language arts and English, understand and see themselves as writers. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how...
Journeying into darkness: spatializing Latinx students’ literacy narratives in the in-between 2020 632 This study utilized a narrative inquiry model to explore the narratives-in-construction of seven Latinx students’ lived experiences in a ninth-grade social studies class. Layered and parallel narratives constructed around critical incidents and as to...
Leadership development for women in higher education: a multiphase mixed methods case study 2020 231 The purpose of this research is to describe how an established state-based women-only leadership development program for women in higher education prepares women to lead and explore how alumnae of the program understand leadership and perceive themse...
A case study of the figured worlds of outcast students: the positioning of adolescent literacy and identity in school 2014 3741 As a growing body of research, adolescent literacy goes beyond early literacy development to study the continuing literacy development of adolescents. A significant influence on this research, sociocultural theory extends understandings of literacy t...
The impact of Greek affiliation on student involvement patterns 2018 1163 Fraternities and sororities are facing ever-increasing scrutiny from the public and campus leaders as reports of serious policy violations dominate current headlines (Clay, 2018; Reilly, 2018; Spencer, 2018). However, there are many redeeming qualiti...
Readers in text worlds and lived worlds : a narrative inquiry study of understanding and meaning making with literature in a high school classroom 2022 384 This study used a narrative inquiry model to examine how students in a senior honors English high school classroom engaged with literature and closely considered their strategies for understanding and meaning making with texts. The study draws upon t...
Threshold concepts in relational leadership and Leadership Identity Development 2018 812 Threshold concepts are new understandings within a discipline that create a significant shift in awareness. They are transformative, troublesome, irreversible, integrative, and bounded. Grasping a threshold concept leads to an epistemological shift a...
Women mid-level managers in higher education: a study of inequity in higher education 2020 350 Quantitative data gathered in numerous studies shows women in higher education are not advancing in their careers as frequently or to the same levels as men (Gerdes, 2006; Maschke, 1997; Perry, 2000; West et al., 2006; Wilson, 2004). Women remain in ...
Perceptions of struggling adolescent readers on tier 2 or tier 3 of response to intervention 2017 998 This research focused on struggling adolescent readers on Tier 2 or Tier 3 of Response to Intervention (RTI). The setting for this study was a rural 6-8 middle school in the southeastern United States. Seven sixth grade struggling readers on Tier 2 o...