Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
A study of the effect of selected biological, psychological, and sociological factors on the learning rate of the Negro male beginning swimmer |
1970 |
1230 |
This study, conducted at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, during the spring of 1970, investigated selected biological, psychological, and sociological factors on the learning rate of the Negro male beginning swimmer.... |
The changing physical education major curriculum in American and Canadian institutions of higher education |
1970 |
2377 |
The purposes of this study were (1) to determine what changes have occurred in the physical education major curricula of the United States and Canada within the decade of the sixties: (2) to identify any trends which may be indicated by these changes... |
The interrelationship of the creative process and creative personality to activities and methodology in physical education |
1971 |
1680 |
This study explored the premise that the creative process can be developed and the creative personality of each student enhanced through physical education programs which are selected as to kind and conducted as to outcome. Gowin's system of philosop... |
The temperament traits of women who coach team sports and individual sports on the intercollegiate level |
1978 |
406 |
The purpose of the study was to determine whether there were any significant differences in the temperament traits possessed by women who coached team sports and women who coached individual sports on the intercollegiate level. A second purpose of th... |
The perceived status of female athletes by male and female athletes and non-athletes in Canada and the United States |
1978 |
517 |
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived status of the American high-school female athlete as compared to the perceived status of the Canadian high- school female athlete. Of secondary concern was the investigation of the st... |
Governance of women's intercollegiate athletics : an historical perspective |
1976 |
1025 |
It was the purpose of this study to trace the conditions and circumstances which led to the formation of the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women and to study the inception of that organization. The development of semi-governance bodie... |
Woman, sport and society in Victorian England |
1974 |
990 |
The stereotype of the Victorian woman does not suggest that she was very active in sport. On the contrary, sources, which included autobiographical works, periodicals, photographs and reports of public meetings, revealed that Victorian women were inv... |
Alternative patterns and values of play, games, and sport in America |
1979 |
752 |
During the late 1960s and early 1970s numerous individuals and groups questioned the purposes, values, and morality of sport and proposed alternatives to traditional forms and patterns of sport. The purpose of this study was to investigate the changi... |
The nature of human movement : a philosophical interpretation delineated from Neo-Confucianism |
1978 |
521 |
The purpose of this study was to determine if an investigation and analysis of Neo-Confucianism could yield a logical set of statements concerning the nature of human movement and produce relevant pedagogical implications for the arts and sciences of... |
An analysis of achievement motivation and motivational tendencies among men and women collegiate gymnasts |
1976 |
805 |
The purpose of this study was to analyse the levels of achievement motivation and the motivational tendencies of male and female collegiate gymnasts. Three broad questions were posed: 1) What differences, if any, are there in the levels of achievemen... |
Status as a factor affecting decisions of members of a youth basketball team |
1975 |
332 |
It was the purpose this study to examine the influence of teammates of high and low status upon the decisions of fellow members of a basketball team. Status was defined in terms of athletic ability as determined by all of the members of a team. The i... |
The effects of rhythmic gymnastics on the physical fitness of college women |
1959 |
419 |
We are being called upon pre-eminently for one task—to improve physical vigor—through the medium of exercise. First things must come first once again. ... Our unique contribution to education is physical, not intellectual, technical, esthetic, or eth... |
Comparison of motor ability, new motor skill learning, and adjustment to a rearranged visual field |
1959 |
1172 |
The present peace time interest In physical fitness was emphasized through the efforts of Dr. Hans Kraus and Ruth P. Hirschland. The results of studies by Kraus and his associates indicated the apparently appalling state of physical fitness of Americ... |
The effect of aquatic performance on balance of cerebral palsied children |
1960 |
415 |
The education of the cerebral palsied child has often been compared to making a telephone call on a disrupted switchboard. Only through a long process involving trial and error and repetition, can the call eventually be completed over another circuit... |
Arab children's play as a reflection of social interaction patterns of their culture |
1976 |
691 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate social interaction patterns of an Arab culture as reflected by play of the children in the country of Syria. It was hypothesized that the games and play activities of the Arab children would reflect social... |
Game rules and morality |
1972 |
474 |
This study investigated the premise that game rules can be used as instruments for teaching morality. Gowin's philosophic method of inquiry was utilized. It consists of the development of major hypotheses and their attendent sub-hypotheses. Major hyp... |
Aesthetics of sport : a metacritical analysis |
1977 |
530 |
This study attempted to analyze and synthesize the concepts of sport and metacritical aesthetics and to utilize that philosophical base from which to speculate on the nature of a metacritical aesthetic of sport. Tao complementary tools of philosophic... |
The effect of learning on selected physiological reactions |
1962 |
267 |
One of the modern unifying theories of mankind is the one concerned with the effects of stress on the organism; a theory which makes an attempt at unifying the physical, psychological, and social concepts of man; a theory which presents interest to b... |
The relationship between the self-concept, the body-image and the movement-concept of college freshmen women with low and average motor ability |
1962 |
243 |
Man has always been concerned about himself. He constantly tries to determine those forces in operation which influence him in the ever-changing process of life; he wonders who he is and what he can be; he wonders how he is influenced and how he can ... |
Movement and three-dimensional art : an exploration |
1962 |
270 |
The very essence of human behavior is activity, for action is inherent in all of life—it is a vibrant expression of energy. That man, as a part of society, is the central point of reference in all human activity is self-evident. His activities repres... |
The effect of foot exercise upon foot function and balance |
1963 |
377 |
Over the years, the subject of feet has been of interest to people concerned with movement, not only from the standpoint of pathological conditions including pain and malformations, but also from the standpoint of function as a result of evolutionary... |
Sexism in elementary physical education literature : a content analysis |
1979 |
384 |
The purpose of this study was to analyze the current elementary physical education literature and determine whether sexist content was present, and if so whether the sex of the authors had any relationship to the degree or presence of sexist content.... |
The teaching of badminton skills to the adolescent : traditional vs. programmed |
1974 |
431 |
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a programmed-instructional tool to teach badminton skills to adolescents of heterogeneous skills backgrounds. A second purpose was to compare the effectiveness of the traditional method of teachin... |
The position of women in the administration of physical education units in selected four-year, public colleges and universities |
1975 |
312 |
The purpose of the study was to determine the position of women administrators of physical education units in large and very large universities throughout the United States having undergraduate and graduate professional preparation and general colleg... |
A study of the effect of an eight week camping experience on the self-concept of girls aged 12-14 at selected private girls' camps |
1967 |
369 |
This study endeavored to ascertain whether there was any significant change in campers' self-concepts after an eight week session at camp and whether there was any difference in degree of change between different camps. Pour camps were chosen for the... |
A study of the effect of two different methods of teaching on gymnastics |
1968 |
572 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in the improvement level of students in learning specific tumbling stunts under two differing methods of instruction. The study was conducted to determine whether a traditional teaching appr... |
A critical analysis of the problems encountered in posture research |
1969 |
583 |
The literature related to posture research has been predominantly characterized by contradictions in research findings and differing views among authorities. The resulting confusion and misinformation have led some to conclude that relatively little ... |
Leadership : considerations and implications for women in physical education |
1968 |
575 |
Leadership is acknowledged as a most important phenomenon associated with the process of education. It was the purpose of this thesis to interpret leadership methods and understandings which would assist in formulating suggestions for leadership stud... |
Lifestyles of never married women physical educators in institutions of higher education in the United States |
1976 |
731 |
The purpose of this study was to describe the personal and professional lifestyles of never married women physical educators currently teaching in institutions of higher education in the United States. More specifically, the investigation sought to o... |
A comparison of parental attitudes toward competition in youth sports in relation to the sex of the participant and the selected sport |
1979 |
499 |
The purpose of this research was to ascertain if differences existed in the attitudes of the parents of male and female youth sport participants toward intensive competition in youth sports. The sports of basketball, baseball, and swimming were studi... |
The Swedish system of gymnastics and its relationship to corrective physical education and physical therapy |
1959 |
951 |
The work done for end with the atypical person, in physical education end its closely related field, physical therapy, has been a subject of interest to me for some time. Therefore, in choosing my topic for this study, I looked for a subject which wo... |
Implications of the relationships between intelligence and physical fitness |
1958 |
736 |
The primary purpose of this paper is to survey the literature with regard to tests concerned with the relationships between intelligence and physical fitness. The writer felt that, a general background relative to the scope of the problem would be be... |
A study of the relationship of the loss of excess weight to the motor performance ability of college women |
1961 |
319 |
Overweight and its more extreme condition, obesity, have been designated as "the number one health problem today." (3:23) This is a credible statement in light of the facts published in a Public Health Report of 1954 which indicated that twenty per c... |
The effect of two different approaches to gymnastics free-exercise on body-image concept and movement concept |
1970 |
321 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of two methods of teaching gymnastics free-exercise routines on the Body-Image Concept and Movement Concept of beginning gymnasts. The first method consisted of teaching optional routines by th... |
A study of the racial identification of instructors as related to the self-concept and skill performance of students |
1970 |
231 |
In our society each individual is usually regarded as a unique entity. No one else has ever been exactly the same as any other person, or ever will be. "Even though self-images are constantly changing and are never twice exactly the same, one has no ... |
A comparison of attitude change toward physical education in classes taught with different emphases |
1970 |
453 |
The purpose of this study was to determine if planned discussion within one physical education class would produce a significant change in attitude toward physical education on a pretest and post-test basis as compared to the results of no planned di... |
A study of personal distance ratings among college students enrolled in four physical activity classes : bowling, conditioning, folk dance and volleyball |
1971 |
321 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate possible differences in personal distance ratings among college students enrolled in general undergraduate physical education classes of bowling, conditioning, folk dance, and volleyball. These classes wer... |
A historical study of the women's intercollegiate athletic union Canada |
1971 |
446 |
The purpose of the study was to record the past history and indicate the development of the Women's Intercollegiate Athletic Union. In addition, comparisons were made between the original and present day organizations with reference to the following ... |
Alienation and self-concept of male high school basketball players |
1971 |
629 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of regular or substitute player status, as determined by basketball game playing time, on the self-concept and feelings of alienation of male high school basketball players. The relationship bet... |
The study of the self concept of church college and state university athletes and non-athletes |
1971 |
263 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible effect of intercollegiate basketball participation on the real-ideal self-concept congruency of Mennonite and non-Mennonite women athletes. Subjects in this study were freshmen and sophomores ... |
A study of the effects of isotonic and isometric exercise on selected physiological variables |
1965 |
306 |
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of isotonic and isometric exercise on the physiological variables of oxygen consumption, hemoglobin concentration, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and pulse rate. Conditions of t... |
A comparative study of body sway in the anterior-posterior plane with reference to external malleolus in females ages three through twenty-two |
1965 |
260 |
This study was conducted to determine if any similarity existed in the anterior-posterior body sway of different age groups of females in relation to the base of support as measured from the posterior border of the external malleolus. Subjects rangin... |
The effect of exercise (training) on the basal concentration of ATP in muscle tissue |
1965 |
395 |
The problem involved the determination of the base concentration of ATP in the muscle tissue of white rats. These animals had been forced to exercise (training) by swimming. The overload principle was enforced because the swimming was increased daily... |
The effects of the psychological components of competition on reaction time in tennis |
1967 |
260 |
Twenty-one women students enrolled in an intermediate tennis class were used as subjects in this study to determine the effects of certain psychic stressors inherent in competition on the discriminatory-reaction and movement time of the tennis foreha... |
A study of the effect of different approaches to gymnastics on movement concept |
1967 |
445 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a movement education, problem solving approach to teaching gymnastics as compared to the traditional, teacher-directed approach, on the movement concept of college women. Subjects were forty-... |
A comparison of the effects of mental and physical practice upon abdominal strength in high school girls |
1967 |
281 |
The purpose of this study was to determine the relative effects of physical practice, mental practice, and a combination of physical and mental practice on increasing abdominal strength in fifty-six female high school students. Abdominal strength was... |
John Updike and Norman Mailer : sport inferences |
1972 |
831 |
Through the examination of the styles of writing, biographies, and novels of the two modern contemporary American authors John Updike and Norman Mailer, the problem of an author's use of sport in the literary genre of the novel provides a thrust into... |
Ellen Griffin, a creative personality |
1974 |
627 |
It was the purpose of this thesis to describe Ellen Griffin in a manner appropriate to her life style. Because her way of living was more important than her achievements, a traditional biographical format did not seem appropriate and the thesis was a... |
The I of movement |
1974 |
312 |
Physical education deals directly with human movement. Human movement ranges from barely perceivable gestures to easily observable activity. One of the concerns of physical educators is efficient human movement. Physical educators help individuals wo... |
The relationship between the use of indirect and direct nonverbal behavior of college women physical educators in activity classes and theory classes |
1971 |
220 |
The purpose of this study was to record, via video tape, and categorize the nonverbal teacher behavior of two women physical educators at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. The study was designed to determine if specific class organizati... |
An instructional manual for high school and beginning curling |
1971 |
325 |
Curling is an extremely popular sport in Canada, attracting over 750,000 participants. The number of curling participants in the United States and Canada is increasing steadily, especially in the northern states. Curling is a social game attracting p... |
A study of the different attitudes regarding women held by Greek Orthodox men |
1977 |
646 |
The purpose of this study was to determine the different attitudes of Greek Orthodox priests, Greek Orthodox seminarians, Greek Orthodox laymen who were born in Greece, and Greek Orthodox laymen who were born in the United States regarding women in t... |
Factors affecting the physical education grades of high school girls |
1969 |
507 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate evaluation practices as they were related to grading. An effort was made to expose identifiable factors with respect to evaluation and to determine possible relationships among teacher objectives and gradi... |
Humanistic physical education and athletics in the secondary school |
1975 |
323 |
The purpose of this study was to study how three physical education situations could become more humanistic. A badminton class, a basketball class, and the girls' interscholastic basketball team were analyzed at a senior high school in Greensboro, No... |
The effects of learning on bodily stress reactions |
1960 |
213 |
During the twentieth century in education, the concept of "training of the intellect" has been replaced by the relatively new concept of "educating the whole individual." It was with this underlying philosophy that Metheny (36:27) defined the educate... |
A study of the effects of heat and cold on reaction time, steadiness balance, and motor performance |
1961 |
312 |
In the field of Physical Education there have been many research studies done on general motor ability, physical fitness, and motor performance. Skills tests have been devised for most of the sports activities included in a well-rounded Physical Educ... |
The effects of two training programs on swimming speed, physiological efficiency, and strength of college women |
1961 |
341 |
Programs of exercise are being used as supplements to training in particular sports events. These exercise programs are based upon the theory of overload which advocates developing strength by increasing the intensity of the exercise program. It is b... |
Attitudes of selected high school boys towards girls playing on boys' interscholastic teams |
1972 |
267 |
Male high school athletes who have had experience participating with females in an interscholastic sport situation, male high school athletes who have had no such experience, and male high school non-athletes were compared as to attitudinal inclinati... |
The personality and movement preference relationships of high school girls affiliated with dance and sport |
1973 |
458 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the interaction of personality and movement preference. Primary explorations examined relationships between personality and preferences for non-implement and implement movement patterns of eight basic effo... |
Exploring the somatic dimensions of physical education |
1977 |
249 |
The purpose of this study was to explore the concept of the "soma" in physical education. Soma is defined as "me, the bodily being" (Hanna, 1970, p. 35). More specifically, the study sought to answer these questions; 1. Does the concept of soma exist... |