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There are 82 record/s using the keyword/s: equity.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Equity and excellence : addressing underrepresentation in selective STEM schools2024Beierschmitt, Cheryl A.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Equity and social justice in research practice partnerships in the United States2022Faircloth, Beverly S.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Equity and social justice in research practice partnerships in the United States2022He, Ye FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Equity and social justice in research practice partnerships in the United States2022Gonzalez, Laura McLaughlinFacultyHigher Education, UNCG
Equity and social justice in research practice partnerships in the United States2022Rock, Marcia L.FacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Equity and social justice in research practice partnerships in the United States2022Hewitt, Kimberly KapplerFacultyEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Equity and social justice in research practice partnerships in the United States2022Vetter, Amy FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Estimated Impact And Cost-Effectiveness Of Rotavirus Vaccination In India: Effects Of Geogra...2014Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Ethics and equity considerations in electronic resources work: An introduction to basic reso...2021Craft, Anna R.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Examining the Treatment of Preeclampsia Among Women Receiving Care in a Rural Clinic Using t...2023Griffin, Shelia StudentNursing, UNCG
A framework to increase instructional coaches' capacity to support equitable and inclusive i...2024Miller, Jason R.StudentHuman Services, WCU
Framing equity through a closer examination of critical science agency2019Tan, Edna FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
High school teachers’ perceptions of restorative discipline practices2019Mansfield, Katherine Cumings FacultyEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
How do middle school girls of color develop STEM identities? Middle school girls’ participat...2019Tan, Edna FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Imagining Possible Futures2017McKoy, Constance FacultyMusic Education, UNCG
The impact of a middle school 1:1 laptop initiative on the quality of instruction, teacher e...2013Pack, Julie A.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Inquiry: A Pedagogy for Personal Empowerment , Collaboration , and Democracy2019Simon, Kenneth StudentECU
A Location-based Comparison of Health Care Services in Four U.S. States with Efficiency and ...2012Bhadury, Joyendu FacultyBryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG
A Longitudinal Study of Equity-Oriented STEM-Rich Making Among Youth From Historically Margi...2018Tan, Edna FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Measuring Anti-Americanism in Editorial Cartoons2009Bunch, Rick L.FacultyGeography, UNCG
Measuring Anti-Americanism in Editorial Cartoons2009Lloyd, Robert E. FacultyGeography, UNCG
Negotiating race and gender in marginalized work settings2016Mansfield, Katherine Cumings FacultyEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Not so basic training: improving instructional coach preparation by implementing an instruct...2021Marlowe, Shannon DawnStudentHuman Services, WCU
Not so basic training: improving instructional coach preparation by implementing an instruct...2021Shelton, Jennifer RappStudentHuman Services, WCU