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There are 33 record/s using the keyword/s: type 2 diabetes.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Early Detection of Type 2 Diabetes Among Older African-Americans2004Wideman, Laurie FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Early Detection of Type 2 Diabetes Among Older African-Americans2004Jones, Ellen D.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Early Detection of Type 2 Diabetes Among Older African-Americans2004Kennedy-Malone, Laurie M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
The Effects of an Educational Self-Efficacy Intervention on Osteoporosis Prevention and Diab...2014Hu, Jie FacultyNursing, UNCG
The Effects of an Educational Self-Efficacy Intervention on Osteoporosis Prevention and Diab...2014McCoy, Thomas FacultyNursing, UNCG
Enhanced Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose In Non-Insulin-Requiring Type 2 Diabetes: A Qualitati...2018Brackney, Dana FacultyNursing, ASU
Evaluation of analytical tools for studying the host and gut microbe relationships in Type 2...2016Watson, Amanda L.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Food Selection and Eating Patterns: Themes Found among People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus2001Miller, Carla K.FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Food Selection and Eating Patterns: Themes Found among People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus2001Savoca, Margaret R.FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Grape polyphenols attenuate inflammation and insulin resistance in human adipocytes and obes...2012Chuang, Chia-Chi StudentNutrition, UNCG
Implementing a Diabetes Screening Protocol2019Ernst, Allison StudentECU
Inadequate sleep as a contributor to obesity and type 2 diabetes2021McNeil, Jessica FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Inflammation And Oxidative Stress Are Lower In Physically fit And Active Adults2011Shanely, Andrew FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Inflammation And Oxidative Stress Are Lower In Physically fit And Active Adults2011Nieman, David FacultyHealth and Exercise Science , ASU
Inflammation And Oxidative Stress Are Lower In Physically fit And Active Adults2011Henson, Dru FacultyBiology, ASU
The Influence of Neighborhood Poverty on Blood Glucose Levels: Findings from the Community I...2015Bibeau, Daniel L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
The Influence of Neighborhood Poverty on Blood Glucose Levels: Findings from the Community I...2015Schulz, Mark R.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Insulin Stimulated Lactate Production2014Griffin, Jordan StudentECU
An intervention to promote self-efficacy and physical activity in individuals with Type 2 di...2022Booker, Amber FairStudentKinesiology, UNCG
The meaning of insulin to Hispanic immigrants with type 2 diabetes and their families.2012Hu, Jie FacultyNursing, UNCG
The meaning of insulin to Hispanic immigrants with type 2 diabetes and their families.2012Wallace, Debra C.FacultyNursing, UNCG
The meaning of insulin to Hispanic immigrants with type 2 diabetes and their families.2012Letvak, Susan A.FacultyAdult Health Nursing, UNCG
The meaning of insulin to Hispanic immigrants with type 2 diabetes and their families.2012Amirehsani, Karen A.FacultyNursing, UNCG
New Insulin Preparations: Potential Benefits And Risk Assessments2016Brackney, Dana FacultyNursing, ASU