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There are 109 record/s using the keyword/s: social work.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Stargell, Nicole A.FacultyEducational Leadership and Counseling, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Hardy, Veronica FacultySocial Work, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Woodside, Summer GaineyFacultySocial Work, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Savage, Tamara EstesFacultySocial Work, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Locklear, Cindy E. FacultySocial Work, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Chae, Ki FacultyEducational Leadership, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Jones, Shenika FacultyCounseling, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Akers, Whitney FacultyCounseling, UNCP
African American mothers of children with disabilities: parental advocacy within rural speci...2013Stanley, Summer Lynn GaineyStudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Anti-Racist Social Work: Transformative Change to Promote Climate Justice and Racial Equity2020Powers, Meredith C.F.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Assessing social agency functions: A model1986Lindsey, Elizabeth W.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Book Review -- Spirituality, Religion, And Faith In Psychotherapy: Evidence-Based Expressive...2015Levy, Denise FacultyBeaver College of Health Sciences, ASU
Book Review: Decision Cases For Advanced Social Work Practice2014Gainey, Summer FacultySocial Work, UNCP
A case study of the impact of social work education on a diverse group of adult learners wor...2009Cook, Sharon WarrenStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Changing conceptualizations of mental health and mental illness: Implications for “brain dis...2004Floyd-Pickard, Melissa FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Climate Justice and Social Work2019Powers, Meredith C.F.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Crisis Of Faith In Gay Christians: An Examination Using Transformational Learning Theory2006Levy, Denise FacultyBeaver College of Health Sciences, ASU
Defining case management and outreach: perspectives from community health workers in New Mex...2024Kelley, Allyson L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Disaster, Environmental Justice, and Eco-Therapy: Social Work in the Face of Climate Change2018Powers, Meredith C.F.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Distance Education In Social Work: A Review Of The Literature2017Hamilton, Leah FacultySocial Work, ASU
Ecosocial work and social change in community practice2019Powers, Meredith C.F.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Educating Professionals for Practice in a Multicultural Society: Understanding Oppression an...2002Schmitz, Cathryne L.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Embracing an ecosocial worldview for climate justice and collective healing2021Powers, Meredith C.F.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Environmental sustainability: Educating social workers for interdisciplinary practice2013James, Channelle D.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
Environmental sustainability: Educating social workers for interdisciplinary practice2013Schmitz, Cathryne L.FacultySocial Work, UNCG