Jason E. Bond

There are 3 included publications by Jason E. Bond :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
A Müllerian mimicry ring in Appalachian millipedes 2011 742350 Few biological phenomena provide such an elegant and straightforward example of evolution by natural selection as color mimicry among unrelated organisms. By mimicking the appearance of a heavily defended aposematic species members of a second specie...
Pleistocene glacial refugia across the Appalachian Mountains and coastal plain in the millipede genus Narceus: Evidence from population genetic phylogeographic and paleoclimatic data 2011 742350 Background: Species that are widespread throughout historically glaciated and currently nonglaciated areas provide excellent opportunities to investigate the role of Pleistocene climatic change on the distribution of North American biodiversity. Many...
Spider Species Discovery and Delimination: Taxonomy in the 21st Century 2013 742350 RCAW 5 Year Achievement Award