Lamson, Angela


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
An Exploration of Biopsychosocial and Marital Health in Military Couples Using Heart Rate Variability 2013 739145 In the United States there are approximately 3.6 million military personnel over half of which are married. Few researchers have focused on the biological psychological and social health of military couples despite the significant presence of militar...
An Exploration of Marital Health and Stress Among Military Couples 2013 739145 There are approximately 1.5 million active duty service members in today's military (Department of Defense [DoD] 2010) and approximately 726 000 (56.4%) of these individuals are married (DoD 2010). Although the military offers benefits for married pe...
His and Hers: How Military Spouses Experience Physical Psychological and Relational Health 2013 739145 Within military couples military personnel and their civilian spouses experience both common and unique complexities due to their connection to the military; however the literature to date has only scratched the surface in investigating how the healt...