Dr Nicole A. Stargell

  • Assistance Professor; Field Placement and Testing Coordinator
  • Educational Leadership and Counseling, UNCP
  • nicole.stargell@uncp.edu
  • 910-521-6898
  • 1 University Dr.
  • Pembroke NC 28372

There are 3 included publications by Dr Nicole A. Stargell :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens 2019 587 This presentation is designed to provide an overview of the The UNCP School Safety Training Program. The UNCP School Safety Training Program, developed by UNCP Social Work and Counseling faculty and funded through the NC DPI School Safety Grant, prov...
A Qualitative Study of Supervisors' Reflections on Providing Sanctioned Supervision 2015 1023 Sanctioned supervision, sometimes referred to as mandated supervision or professional monitoring, is intended to protect the public, reduce further counselor ethical/legal violations, and improve the professional practice of the counselor adjudicated...
The Removal of the Multiaxial System in the DSM-5: Implications and Practice Suggestions for Counselors 2014 4438 With the advent of the DSM-5 in 2013, the American Psychiatric Association eliminated the longstanding multiaxial system for mental disorders. The removal of the multiaxial system has implications for counselors’ diagnostic practices. In this article...